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Anyonic Haldane insulator in one dimension

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 نشر من قبل Satoshi Ejima
 تاريخ النشر 2016
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We demonstrate numerically the existence of a nontrivial topological Haldane phase for the one-dimensional extended ($U$-$V$) Hubbard model with a mean density of one particle per site, not only for bosons but also for anyons, despite a broken reflection parity symmetry. The Haldane insulator, surrounded by superfluid, Mott insulator and density-wave phases in the $V$-$U$ parameter plane, is protected by combined (modified) spatial-inversion and time-reversal symmetries, which is verified within our matrix-product-state based infinite density-matrix renormalization group scheme by analyzing generalized transfer matrices. With regard to an experimental verification of the anyonic Haldane insulator state the calculated asymmetry of the dynamical density structure factor should be of particular importance.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

The Haldane Insulator is a gapped phase characterized by an exotic non-local order parameter. The parameter regimes at which it might exist, and how it competes with alternate types of order, such as supersolid order, are still incompletely understoo d. Using the Stochastic Green Function (SGF) quantum Monte Carlo (QMC) and the Density Matrix Renormalization Group (DMRG), we study numerically the ground state phase diagram of the one-dimensional bosonic Hubbard model (BHM) with contact and near neighbor repulsive interactions. We show that, depending on the ratio of the near neighbor to contact interactions, this model exhibits charge density waves (CDW), superfluid (SF), supersolid (SS) and the recently identified Haldane insulating (HI) phases. We show that the HI exists only at the tip of the unit filling CDW lobe and that there is a stable SS phase over a very wide range of parameters.
286 - Satoshi Ejima , Florian Lange , 2014
We discuss the existence of a nontrivial topological phase in one-dimensional interacting systems described by the extended Bose-Hubbard model with a mean filling of one boson per site. Performing large-scale density-matrix renormalization group calc ulations we show that the presence of nearest-neighbor repulsion enriches the ground-state phase diagram of the paradigmatic Bose-Hubbard model by stabilizing a novel gapped insulating state, the so-called Haldane insulator, which, embedded into superfluid, Mott insulator, and density wave phases, is protected by the lattice inversion symmetry. The quantum phase transitions between the different insulating phases were determined from the central charge via the von Neumann entropy. The Haldane phase reveals a characteristic fourfold degeneracy of the entanglement spectrum. We finally demonstrate that the intensity maximum of the dynamical charge structure factor, accessible by Bragg spectroscopy, features the gapped dispersion known from the spin-1 Heisenberg chain.
To explore the static properties of the one-dimensional anyon-Hubbard model for a mean density of one particle per site, we apply perturbation theory with respect to the ratio between kinetic energy and interaction energy in the Mott insulating phase . The strong-coupling results for the ground-state energy, the single-particle excitation energies, and the momentum distribution functions up to 6th order in hopping are benchmarked against the numerically exact (infinite) density-matrix renormalization group technique. Since these analytic expressions are valid for any fractional phase $theta$ of anyons, they will be of great value for a sufficiently reliable analysis of future experiments, avoiding extensive and costly numerical simulations.
We calculate the Wilson ratio of the one-dimensional Fermi gas with spin imbalance. The Wilson ratio of attractively interacting fermions is solely determined by the density stiffness and sound velocity of pairs and of excess fermions for the two-com ponent Tomonaga-Luttinger liquid (TLL) phase. The ratio exhibits anomalous enhancement at the two critical points due to the sudden change in the density of states. Despite a breakdown of the quasiparticle description in one dimension, two important features of the Fermi liquid are retained, namely the specific heat is linearly proportional to temperature whereas the susceptibility is independent of temperature. In contrast to the phenomenological TLL parameter, the Wilson ratio provides a powerful parameter for testing universal quantum liquids of interacting fermions in one, two and three dimensions.
We investigate the expansion of bosons and fermions in a homogeneous lattice after a sudden removal of the trapping potential using exact numerical methods. As a main result, we show that in one dimension, both bosonic and fermionic Mott insulators e xpand with the same velocity, irrespective of the interaction strength, provided the expansion starts from the ground state of the trapped gas. Furthermore, their density profiles become identical during the expansion: The asymptotic density dynamics is identical to that of initially localized, non-interacting particles, and the asymptotic velocity distribution is flat. The expansion velocity for initial correlated Mott insulating states is therefore independent of the interaction strength and particle statistics. Interestingly, this non-equilibrium dynamics is sensitive to the interaction driven quantum phase transition in the Bose-Hubbard model: While being constant in the Mott phase, the expansion velocity decreases in the superfluid phase and vanishes for large systems in the non-interacting limit. These results are compared to the set-up of a recent experiment [PRL 110, 205301 (2013)], where the trap opening was combined with an interaction quench from infinitely strong interactions to finite values. We carry out an analogous analysis for a two-component Fermi gas, with similar observations. In addition, we study the effect of breaking the integrability of hard-core bosons in different ways: While the fast ballistic expansion from the ground state of Mott insulators in one dimension remains unchanged for finite interactions, we observe strong deviations from this behavior on a two-leg ladder even in the hard-core case. This change in dynamics bares similarities with the dynamics in the dimensional crossover from one to two dimensions observed in the aformentioned experimental study.
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