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Loading of atoms into an optical trap with high initial phase-space density

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 نشر من قبل Kosuke Shibata
 تاريخ النشر 2016
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We report a method for loading cold atoms into an optical trap with high initial phase-space density (PSD). When the trap beam is overlapped with atoms in optical molasses of optimized parameters including large cooling beam detuning compared with conventional detuning used for a magneto-optical trap (MOT), more than $3 times 10^6$ rubidium atoms with an initial temperature less than 20 $mu$K are loaded into a single beam trap. The obtained maximum initial PSD is estimated to be $1.1 times 10^{-3}$, which is one or two orders of magnitude greater than that achieved with the conventional loading into an optical trap from atoms in a MOT. The proposed method is promising for creating a quantum gas with a large number of atoms in a short evaporation time.

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163 - C. Y. Yang , P. Halder , O. Appel 2007
We demonstrate an efficient scheme for continuous trap loading based upon spatially selective optical pumping. We discuss the case of $^{1}$S$_{0}$ calcium atoms in an optical dipole trap (ODT), however, similar strategies should be applicable to a w ide range of atomic species. Our starting point is a reservoir of moderately cold ($approx 300 mu$K) metastable $^{3}$P$_{2}$-atoms prepared by means of a magneto-optic trap (triplet-MOT). A focused 532 nm laser beam produces a strongly elongated optical potential for $^{1}$S$_{0}$-atoms with up to 350 $mu$K well depth. A weak focused laser beam at 430 nm, carefully superimposed upon the ODT beam, selectively pumps the $^{3}$P$_{2}$-atoms inside the capture volume to the singlet state, where they are confined by the ODT. The triplet-MOT perpetually refills the capture volume with $^{3}$P$_{2}$-atoms thus providing a continuous stream of cold atoms into the ODT at a rate of $10^7 $s$^{-1}$. Limited by evaporation loss, in 200 ms we typically load $5 times 10^5$ atoms with an initial radial temperature of 85 $mu$K. After terminating the loading we observe evaporation during 50 ms leaving us with $10^5$ atoms at radial temperatures close to 40 $mu$K and a peak phase space density of $6.8 times 10^{-5}$. We point out that a comparable scheme could be employed to load a dipole trap with $^{3}$P$_{0}$-atoms.
We present an effective and fast (few microseconds) procedure for transferring ultra-cold atoms from the ground state in a harmonic trap into the desired bands of an optical lattice. Our shortcut method is a designed pulse sequence where the time dur ation and the interval in each step are fully optimized in order to maximize robustness and fidelity of the final state with respect to the target state. The atoms can be prepared in a single band with even or odd parity, and superposition states of different bands can be prepared and manipulated. Furthermore, we extend this idea to the case of two-dimensional or three-dimensional optical lattices where the energies of excited states are degenerate. We experimentally demonstrate various examples and show very good agreement with the theoretical model. Efficient shortcut methods will find applications in the preparation of quantum systems, in quantum information processing, in precise measurement and as a starting point to investigate dynamics in excited bands.
We demonstrate the fast accumulation of Cr atoms in a conservative potential from a magnetically guided atomic beam. Without laser cooling on a cycling transition, a single dissipative step realized by optical pumping allows to load atoms at a rate o f 2*10^7 1/s in the trap. Within less than 100 ms we reach the collisionally dense regime, from which we directly produce a Bose-Einstein condensate with subsequent evaporative cooling. This constitutes a new approach to degeneracy where, provided a slow beam of particles can be produced by some means, Bose-Einstein condensation can be reached for species without a cycling transition.
91 - Taro Mashimo , Masashi Abe , 2019
We report on highly effective trapping of cold atoms by a new method for a stable single optical trap in the near-optical resonant regime. An optical trap with the near-optical resonance condition consists of not only the dipole but also the radiativ e forces, while a trap using a far-off resonance dominates only the dipole force. We estimate a near-optical resonant trap for ultracold rubidium atoms in the range between -0.373 and -2.23 THz from the resonance. The time dependence of the trapped atoms indicates some difference of the stable center-of-mass positions in the near-optical resonant trap, and also indicates that the differences are caused by the change of the equilibrium condition of the optical dipole and radiative forces. A stable position depends only on laser detuning due to the change in the radiative force; however, the position is ineffective against the change in the laser intensity, which results in a change in the radiative force.
337 - T. Maier , H. Kadau , M. Schmitt 2014
We present our technique to create a magneto-optical trap for dysprosium atoms using the narrow-line cooling transition at 626$,$nm to achieve suitable conditions for direct loading into an optical dipole trap. The magneto-optical trap is loaded from an atomic beam via a Zeeman slower using the strongest atomic transition at 421$,$nm. With this combination of two cooling transitions we can trap up to $2.0cdot10^8$ atoms at temperatures down to 6$, mu$K. This cooling approach is simpler than present work with ultracold dysprosium and provides similar starting conditions for a transfer to an optical dipole trap.
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