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Solving the Model of the Risk of Microcephaly Induced by the Zika Virus (ZIKV) by a Modified Moving least Squares Method

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 نشر من قبل Masoumeh Pourabd Rokn Saraie
 تاريخ النشر 2016
  مجال البحث
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The aim of this work is the application of the Meshfree methods for solving systems of stiff ordinary differential equations. These methods are based on the Moving least squares (MLS), generalized moving least squares (GMLS) approximation and Modified Moving least squares (MMLS) method. GMLS makes a considerable reduction in the cost of numerical methods. In fact, GMLS method is effect operator on the basis polynomial rather than the complicated MLS shape functions. Besides that the modified MMLS approximation method avoids undue a singular moment matrix. This allows the base functions to be of order greater than two with the same size of the support domain as the linear base functions. We also show the estimation of the error propagation obtained of the numerical solution of the systems of stiff ordinary differential equation. Some examples are provided to show that the GMLS and MMLS methods are more reliable (accurate) than classic MLS method.Finally, the (our) proposed methods are validated by solving ZIKV model which is a system of ODEs.

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Consider using the right-preconditioned generalized minimal residual (AB-GMRES) method, which is an efficient method for solving underdetermined least squares problems. Morikuni (Ph.D. thesis, 2013) showed that for some inconsistent and ill-condition ed problems, the iterates of the AB-GMRES method may diverge. This is mainly because the Hessenberg matrix in the GMRES method becomes very ill-conditioned so that the backward substitution of the resulting triangular system becomes numerically unstable. We propose a stabilized GMRES based on solving the normal equations corresponding to the above triangular system using the standard Cholesky decomposition. This has the effect of shifting upwards the tiny singular values of the Hessenberg matrix which lead to an inaccurate solution. Thus, the process becomes numerically stable and the system becomes consistent, rendering better convergence and a more accurate solution. Numerical experiments show that the proposed method is robust and efficient for solving inconsistent and ill-conditioned underdetermined least squares problems. The method can be considered as a way of making the GMRES stable for highly ill-conditioned inconsistent problems.
Recently, collocation based radial basis function (RBF) partition of unity methods (PUM) for solving partial differential equations have been formulated and investigated numerically and theoretically. When combined with stable evaluation methods such as the RBF-QR method, high order convergence rates can be achieved and sustained under refinement. However, some numerical issues remain. The method is sensitive to the node layout, and condition numbers increase with the refinement level. Here, we propose a modified formulation based on least squares approximation. We show that the sensitivity to node layout is removed and that conditioning can be controlled through oversampling. We derive theoretical error estimates both for the collocation and least squares RBF-PUM. Numerical experiments are performed for the Poisson equation in two and three space dimensions for regular and irregular geometries. The convergence experiments confirm the theoretical estimates, and the least squares formulation is shown to be 5-10 times faster than the collocation formulation for the same accuracy.
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