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Properties of Star Clusters -- III: Analysis of 13 FSR Clusters using UKIDSS-GPS and VISTA-VVV

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 نشر من قبل Dirk Froebrich
 تاريخ النشر 2016
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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Discerning the nature of open cluster candidates is essential for both individual and statistical analyses of cluster properties. Here we establish the nature of thirteen cluster candidates from the FSR cluster list using photometry from the 2MASS and deeper, higher resolution UKIDSS-GPS and VISTA-VVV surveys. These clusters were selected because they were flagged in our previous studies as expected to contain a large proportion of pre-main sequence members or are at unusually small/large Galactocentric distances. We employ a decontamination procedure of JHK photometry to identify cluster members. Cluster properties are homogeneously determined and we conduct a cross comparative study of our results with the literature (where available). Seven of the here studied clusters were confirmed to contain PMS stars, one of which is a newly confirmed cluster. Our study of FSR1716 is the deepest to date and is in notable disagreement with previous studies, finding that it has a distance of about 7.3kpc and age of 10-12Gyr. As such, we argue that this cluster is a potential globular cluster candidate.

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156 - D. Froebrich 2010
We investigate the old star clusters in the sample of cluster candidates from Froebrich, Scholz & Raftery 2007 -- the FSR list. Based on photometry from the 2-Micron All Sky Survey we generated decontaminated colour-magnitude and colour-colour diagra ms to select a sample of 269 old stellar clusters. This sample contains 63 known globular clusters, 174 known open clusters and 32 so far unclassified objects. Isochrone fitting has been used to homogeneously calculate the age, distance and reddening to all clusters. The mean age of the open clusters in our sample is 1Gyr. The positions of these clusters in the Galactic Plane show that 80% of open clusters older than 1Gyr have a Galactocentric distance of more than 7kpc. The scale height for the old open clusters above the Plane is 375pc, more than three times as large as the 115pc which we obtain for the younger open clusters in our sample. We find that the mean optical extinction towards the open clusters in the disk of the Galaxy is 0.70mag/kpc. The FSR sample has a strong selection bias towards objects with an apparent core radius of 30 to 50 and there is an unexplained paucity of old open clusters in the Galactic Longitude range of 120deg < l < 180deg.
The giant HII region W31 hosts the populous star cluster W31-CL and others projected on or in the surroundings. The most intriguing object is the stellar cluster SGR1806-20, which appears to be related to a Luminous Blue Variable (LBV) - a luminous s upergiant star. We used the deep VVV J-,H-and K$_s$-bands photometry combined with 2MASS data in order to address the distance andother physical and structural properties of the clusters W31-CL, BDS 113 and SGR1806-20. Field-decontaminated photometry was used to analyse colour-magnitude diagrams and stellar radial density profiles, using procedures that our group has developed and employed in previous studies. We concludethat the clusters W31-CL and BDS113 are located at 4.5kpc and 4.8kpc and have ages of 0.5Myr and 1Myr, respectively. This result, together with the pre-main sequence (PMS) distribution in the colour-magnitude diagram, characterises them as members of the W31 complex. The present photometry detects the stellar content, addressed in previous spectroscopic classifications, in the direction of thecluster SGR1806-20, including the LBV, WRs, and foreground stars. We derive an age of 10$pm$4Myr and a distance of d=8.0$pm$1.95kpc. The cluster is extremely absorbed, with AV= 25mag. Thepresent results indicate that SGR1806-20 is more distant by a factor 1.8 with respect to the W31 complex, and thus not physically related to it.
We show the preliminary analysis of some Galactic stellar clusters (GSCls) candidates and the results of the analysis of two new interesting GSCls found in the VISTA Variables in the Via Lactea (VVV) Survey. The VVV photometric data are being used al so to improve the knowledge of the Galactic structure. The photometric data are obtained with the new automatic photometric pipeline VVV-SkZ_pipeline.
Context: Young massive clusters are key to map the Milky Ways structure, and near-IR large area sky surveys have contributed strongly to the discovery of new obscured massive stellar clusters. Aims: We present the third article in a series of paper s focused on young and massive clusters discovered in the VVV survey. This article is dedicated to the physical characterization of VVV CL086, using part of its OB-stellar population. Methods: We physically characterized the cluster using $JHK_S$ near-infrared photometry from ESO public survey VVV images, using the VVV-SkZ pipeline, and near-infrared $K$-band spectroscopy, following the methodology presented in the first article of the series. Results: Individual distances for two observed stars indicate that the cluster is located at the far edge of the Galactic bar. These stars, which are probable cluster members from the statistically field-star decontaminated CMD, have spectral types between O9 and B0V. According to our analysis, this young cluster ($1.0$ Myr $<$ age $< 5.0$ Myr) is located at a distance of $11^{+5}_{-6}$ kpc, and we estimate a lower limit for the cluster total mass of $(2.8^{+1.6}_{-1.4})cdot10^3 {M}_{odot}$. It is likely that the cluster contains even earlier and more massive stars.
VISTA Variables in the V{i}a Lactea (VVV) is one of the six ESO Public Surveys operating on the new 4-meter Visible and Infrared Survey Telescope for Astronomy (VISTA). VVV is scanning the Milky Way bulge and an adjacent section of the disk, where st ar formation activity is high. One of the principal goals of the VVV Survey is to find new star clusters of different ages. In order to trace the early epochs of star cluster formation we concentrated our search in the directions to those of known star formation regions, masers, radio, and infrared sources. The disk area covered by VVV was visually inspected using the pipeline processed and calibrated $K_{rm S}$-band tile images for stellar overdensities. Subsequently, we examined the composite $JHK_{rm S}$ and $ZJK_{rm S}$ color images of each candidate. PSF photometry of $15times15$ arcmin fields centered on the candidates was then performed on the Cambridge Astronomy Survey Unit reduced images. After statistical field-star decontamination, color-magnitude and color-color diagrams were constructed and analyzed. We report the discovery of 96 new infrared open clusters and stellar groups. Most of the new cluster candidates are faint and compact (with small angular sizes), highly reddened, and younger than 5,Myr. For relatively well populated cluster candidates we derived their fundamental parameters such as reddening, distance, and age by fitting the solar-metallicity Padova isochrones to the color-magnitude diagrams.
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