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Slow light in flight imaging

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 نشر من قبل Kali Wilson
 تاريخ النشر 2016
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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Slow-light media are of interest in the context of quantum computing and enhanced measurement of quantum effects, with particular emphasis on using slow-light with single photons. We use light-in-flight imaging with a single photon avalanche diode camera-array to image in situ pulse propagation through a slow light medium consisting of heated rubidium vapour. Light-in-flight imaging of slow light propagation enables direct visualisation of a series of physical effects including simultaneous observation of spatial pulse compression and temporal pulse dispersion. Additionally, the single-photon nature of the camera allows for observation of the group velocity of single photons with measured single-photon fractional delays greater than 1 over 1 cm of propagation.

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اقرأ أيضاً

The Fresnel-Fizeau effect of transverse drag, in which the trajectory of a light beam changes due to transverse motion of the optical medium, is usually extremely small and hard to detect. We observe transverse drag in a moving hot-vapor cell, utiliz ing slow light due to electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT). The drag effect is enhanced by a factor 360,000, corresponding to the ratio between the light speed in vacuum and the group velocity under EIT conditions. We study the contribution of the thermal atomic motion, which is much faster than the mean medium velocity, and identify the regime where its effect on the transverse drag is negligible.
Light-in-flight (LIF) imaging is the measurement and reconstruction of lights path as it moves and interacts with objects. It is well known that relativistic effects can result in apparent velocities that differ significantly from the speed of light. However, less well known is that Rayleigh scattering and the effects of imaging optics can lead to observed intensities changing by several orders of magnitude along lights path. We develop a model that enables us to correct for all of these effects, thus we can accurately invert the observed data and reconstruct the true intensity-corrected optical path of a laser pulse as it travels in air. We demonstrate the validity of our model by observing the photon arrival time and intensity distribution obtained from single-photon avalanche detector (SPAD) array data for a laser pulse propagating towards and away from the camera. We can then reconstruct the true intensity-corrected path of the light in four dimensions (three spatial dimensions and time).
Light storage in an optical fiber is an attractive component in quantum optical delay line technologies. Although silica-core optical fibers are excellent in transmitting broadband optical signals, it is challenging to tailor their dispersive propert y to slow down a light pulse or store it in the silica-core for a long delay time. Coupling a dispersive and coherent medium with an optical fiber is promising in supporting long optical delay. Here, we load cold Rb atomic vapor into an optical trap inside a hollow-core photonic crystal fiber, and store the phase of the light in a long-lived spin-wave formed by atoms and retrieve it after a fully controllable delay time using electromagnetically-induced-transparency (EIT). We achieve over 50 ms of storage time and the result is equivalent to 8.7x10^-5 dB s^-1 of propagation loss in an optical fiber. Our demonstration could be used for buffering and regulating classical and quantum information flow between remote networks.
68 - Nahid Talebi 2020
Strong interaction between light and matter waves, such as electron beams in electron microscopes, has recently emerged as a new tool for understanding entanglement. Here, we systematically investigate electron-light interactions from first principle s. We show that enhanced coupling can be achieved for systems involving slow electron wavepackets interacting with plasmonic nanoparticles, due to simultaneous classical recoil and quantum mechanical photon absorption and emission processes. For slow electrons with longitudinal broadenings longer than the dimensions of nanoparticles, phase-matching between slow electrons and plasmonic oscillations is manifested as an additional degree of freedom to control the strength of coupling. Our findings pave the way towards a systematic and realistic understanding of electron-light interactions beyond adiabatic approximations, and lay the ground for realization of entangled electron-photon systems and Boson-sampling devices involving light and matter waves.
141 - S. A. Moiseev , A. I. Sidorova , 2014
We have studied stationary and quasi-stationary signal light pulses in cold lambda-type atomic media driven by counterpropagating control laser fields at the condition of electromagnetically induced transparency. By deriving a dispersion relation we present spectral and temporal properties of the signal light pulse and a significant influence of atomic decoherence on the coupled stationary light pulses for spatial splitting. Finally we discuss quasi-stationary light pulse evolution characterized by frozen spatial spreading for a robust coherent control of slow light pulses.
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