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Casimir effect for Elko fields

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 نشر من قبل Saulo Pereira H
 تاريخ النشر 2016
  مجال البحث
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The Casimir effect for {mass dimension one fermion fields (sometimes called Elko)} in $3+1$ dimension is obtained using Dirichlet boundary conditions. It is shown the existence of a repulsive force four times greater than the case of the scalar field. The precise reason for such differences are highlighted and interpreted, as well as the right parallel of the Casimir effect due to scalar and fermionic fields.

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اقرأ أيضاً

105 - A. Romeo 2000
We study the Casimir effect for scalar fields with general curvature coupling subject to mixed boundary conditions $(1+beta_{m}n^{mu}partial_{mu})phi =0$ at $x=a_{m}$ on one ($m=1$) and two ($m=1,2$) parallel plates at a distance $aequiv a_{2}-a_{1}$ from each other. Making use of the generalized Abel-Plana formula previously established by one of the authors cite{Sahrev}, the Casimir energy densities are obtained as functions of $beta_{1}$ and of $beta_{1}$,$beta_{2}$,$a$, respectively. In the case of two parallel plates, a decomposition of the total Casimir energy into volumic and superficial contributions is provided. The possibility of finding a vanishing energy for particular parameter choices is shown, and the existence of a minimum to the surface part is also observed. We show that there is a region in the space of parameters defining the boundary conditions in which the Casimir forces are repulsive for small distances and attractive for large distances. This yields to an interesting possibility for stabilizing the distance between the plates by using the vacuum forces.
The Elko quantum field was introduced by Ahluwalia and Grumiller, who proposed it as a candidate for dark matter. We study the Elko field in Weinbergs formalism for quantum field theory. We prove that if one takes the symmetry group to be the full Po incare group then the Elko field is not a quantum field in the sense of Weinberg. This confirms results of Ahluwalia, Lee and Schritt, who showed using a different approach that the Elko field does not transform covariantly under rotations and hence has a preferred axis.
290 - S.C. Lim , L.P. Teo 2008
We consider Casimir force acting on a three dimensional rectangular piston due to a massive scalar field subject to periodic, Dirichlet and Neumann boundary conditions. Exponential cut-off method is used to derive the Casimir energy in the interior r egion and the exterior region separated by the piston. It is shown that the divergent term of the Casimir force acting on the piston due to the interior region cancels with that due to the exterior region, thus render a finite well-defined Casimir force acting on the piston. Explicit expressions for the total Casimir force acting on the piston is derived, which show that the Casimir force is always attractive for all the different boundary conditions considered. As a function of a -- the distance from the piston to the opposite wall, it is found that the magnitude of the Casimir force behaves like $1/a^4$ when $ato 0^+$ and decays exponentially when $ato infty$. Moreover, the magnitude of the Casimir force is always a decreasing function of a. On the other hand, passing from massless to massive, we find that the effect of the mass is insignificant when a is small, but the magnitude of the force is decreased for large a in the massive case.
The fermion condensate (FC) is investigated for a (2+1)-dimensional massive fermionic field confined on a truncated cone with an arbitrary planar angle deficit and threaded by a magnetic flux. Different combinations of the boundary conditions are imp osed on the edges of the cone. They include the bag boundary condition as a special case. By using the generalized Abel-Plana-type summation formula for the series over the eigenvalues of the radial quantum number, the edge-induced contributions in the FC are explicitly extracted. The FC is an even periodic function of the magnetic flux with the period equal to the flux quantum. Depending on the boundary conditions, the condensate can be either positive or negative. For a massless field the FC in the boundary-free conical geometry vanishes and the nonzero contributions are purely edge-induced effects. This provides a mechanism for time-reversal symmetry breaking in the absence of magnetic fields. Combining the results for the fields corresponding to two inequivalent irreducible representations of the Clifford algebra, the FC is investigated in the parity and time-reversal symmetric fermionic models and applications are discussed for graphitic cones.
We study the Casimir effect in axion electrodynamics. A finite $theta$-term affects the energy dispersion relation of photon if $theta$ is time and/or space dependent. We focus on a special case with linearly inhomogeneous $theta$ along the $z$-axis. Then we demonstrate that the Casimir force between two parallel plates perpendicular to the $z$-axis can be either attractive or repulsive, dependent on the gradient of $theta$. We call this repulsive component in the Casimir force induced by inhomogeneous $theta$ the anomalous Casimir effect.
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