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Atomic displacements and lattice distortion in the magnetic-field-induced charge ordered state of SmRu$_{4}$P$_{12}$

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 نشر من قبل Takeshi Matsumura
 تاريخ النشر 2016
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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Structural properties of SmRu$_4$P$_{12}$ in the anomalous magnetic ordered phase between $T^*sim 14 $ K and $T_{text{N}}=16.5$ K in magnetic fields has been studied by x-ray diffraction. Atomic displacements of Ru and P, reflecting the field-induced charge order of the $p$ electrons, have been deduced by analyzing the intensities of the forbidden Bragg peaks, assuming a cubic space group $Pmbar{3}$. Also, by utilizing high-resolution x-ray diffraction experiment, we observed a splitting of fundamental Bragg peaks, clarifying that the unit cell in the magnetic ordered phase is rhombohedral elongated along the $[1, 1, 1]$ axis. Responses of the rhombohedral domains to the magnetic field, which reflects the direction of the magnetic moment, is studied in detail.

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Nature of the field-induced charge ordered phase (phase II) of SmRu$_4$P$_{12}$ has been investigated by resonant x-ray diffraction (RXD) and polarized neutron diffraction (PND), focusing on the relationship between the atomic displacements and the a ntiferromagnetic (AFM) moments of Sm. From the analysis of the interference between the non-resonant Thomson scattering and the resonant magnetic scattering, combined with the spectral function obtained from x-ray magnetic circular dichroism, it is shown that the AFM moment of Sm prefers to be parallel to the field ($m_{text{AF}} parallel H$), giving rise to large and small moment sites around which the P$_{12}$ and Ru cage contract and expand, respectively. This is associated with the formation of the staggered ordering of the $Gamma_7$-like and $Gamma_8$-like crystal-field states, providing a strong piece of evidence for the charge order. PND was also performed to obtain complementary and unambiguous conclusion. In addition, isotropic and continuous nature of the phase II is demonstrated by the field-direction invariance of the interference spectrum in RXD. Crucial role of the $p$-$f$ hybridization is shown by resonant soft x-ray diffraction at the P $K$-edge ($1sleftrightarrow 3p$), where we detected a resonance due to the spin polarized $3p$ orbitals reflecting the AFM order of Sm.
Electronic structures of the filled-skutterudite compounds PrRu$_4$P$_{12}$ and SmRu$_4$P$_{12}$, which undergo a metal-insulator transition (MIT) at $T_{rm MI}$ = 60 K and 16 K, respectively, have been studied by means of optical spectroscopy. Their optical conductivity spectra develop an energy gap of $sim$ 10 meV below $T_{rm MI}$. The observed characteristics of the energy gap are qualitatively different from those of the Kondo semiconductors. In addition, optical phonon peaks in the spectra show anomalies upon the MIT, including broadening and shifts at $T_{rm MI}$ and an appearance of new peaks below $T_{rm MI}$. These results are discussed in terms of density waves or orbital ordering previously predicted for these compounds.
87 - T. A. Tyson , M. Deleon 2003
The local structure about the Mn site in the half doped system La0.5Ca0.5MnO3 was measured in magnetic fields up 10 T to probe the melting of the charge ordered state. Examination of the Mn-O and Mn-Mn correlations reveal three distinct regions in th e structure-field diagram. A broad region with weak field dependence (mainly antiferromatnetic phase below 7.5 T), a narrow-mixed phase region near ~ 8.5 T followed by a ferromagnetic phase region with strong field-structure coupling. At high field the Mn-O radial distribution becomes Gaussian and the Mn-Mn correlations are enhanced - consistent with the dominance of a ferromagnetic phase. The exponential change in resistivity in the first region (observed in transport measurements) is dominated by the reordering of the moments on the Mn sites from CE type antiferromagnetic to ferromagnetic order with only a weak change in the local distortions of the MnO6 octahedra.
132 - J.S. White , K. Prv{s}a , P. Huang 2014
Uniquely in Cu2OSeO3, the Skyrmions, which are topologically protected magnetic spin vortex-like objects, display a magnetoelectric coupling and can be manipulated by externally applied electric (E) fields. Here, we explore the E-field coupling to th e magnetoelectric Skyrmion lattice phase, and study the response using neutron scattering. Giant E-field induced rotations of the Skyrmion lattice are achieved that span a range of $sim$25$^{circ}$. Supporting calculations show that an E-field-induced Skyrmion distortion lies behind the lattice rotation. Overall, we present a new approach to Skyrmion control that makes no use of spin-transfer torques due to currents of either electrons or magnons.
97 - S.-H. Baek , Y. Utz , M. Hucker 2015
We report $^{139}$La nuclear magnetic resonance studies performed on a La$_{1.875}$Ba$_{0.125}$CuO$_4$ single crystal. The data show that the structural phase transitions (high-temperature tetragonal $rightarrow$ low-temperature orthorhombic $rightar row$ low-temperature tetragonal phase) are of the displacive type in this material. The $^{139}$La spin-lattice relaxation rate $T_1^{-1}$ sharply upturns at the charge-ordering temperature $T_text{CO}$ = 54 K, indicating that charge order triggers the slowing down of spin fluctuations. Detailed temperature and field dependencies of the $T_1^{-1}$ below the spin-ordering temperature $T_text{SO}$ = 40 K reveal the development of enhanced spin fluctuations in the spin-ordered state for $H parallel [001]$, which are completely suppressed for large fields along the CuO$_2$ planes. Our results shed light on the unusual spin fluctuations in the charge and spin stripe ordered lanthanum cuprates.
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