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Multi-scale spatio-temporal analysis of human mobility

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 نشر من قبل Laura Alessandretti
 تاريخ النشر 2016
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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The recent availability of digital traces generated by phone calls and online logins has significantly increased the scientific understanding of human mobility. Until now, however, limited data resolution and coverage have hindered a coherent description of human displacements across different spatial and temporal scales. Here, we characterise mobility behaviour across several orders of magnitude by analysing ~850 individuals digital traces sampled every ~16 seconds for 25 months with ~10 meters spatial resolution. We show that the distributions of distances and waiting times between consecutive locations are best described by log-normal distributions and that natural time-scales emerge from the regularity of human mobility. We point out that log-normal distributions also characterise the patterns of discovery of new places, implying that they are not a simple consequence of the routine of modern life.

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197 - Nicola Scafetta 2012
Probability distributions of human displacements has been fit with exponentially truncated Levy flights or fat tailed Pareto inverse power law probability distributions. Thus, people usually stay within a given location (for example, the city of resi dence), but with a non-vanishing frequency they visit nearby or far locations too. Herein, we show that an important empirical distribution of human displacements (range: from 1 to 1000 km) can be well fit by three consecutive Pareto distributions with simple integer exponents equal to 1, 2 and ($gtrapprox$) 3. These three exponents correspond to three displacement range zones of about 1 km $lesssim Delta r lesssim$ 10 km, 10 km $lesssim Delta r lesssim$ 300 km and 300 km $lesssim Delta r lesssim $ 1000 km, respectively. These three zones can be geographically and physically well determined as displacements within a city, visits to nearby cities that may occur within just one-day trips, and visit to far locations that may require multi-days trips. The incremental integer values of the three exponents can be easily explained with a three-scale mobility cost/benefit model for human displacements based on simple geometrical constrains. Essentially, people would divide the space into three major regions (close, medium and far distances) and would assume that the travel benefits are randomly/uniformly distributed mostly only within specific urban-like areas.
Spatio-temporal systems exhibiting multi-scale behaviour are common in applications ranging from cyber-physical systems to systems biology, yet they present formidable challenges for computational modelling and analysis. Here we consider a prototypic scenario where spatially distributed agents decide their movement based on external inputs and a fast-equilibrating internal computation. We propose a generally applicable strategy based on statistically abstracting the internal system using Gaussian Processes, a powerful class of non-parametric regression techniques from Bayesian Machine Learning. We show on a running example of bacterial chemotaxis that this approach leads to accurate and much faster simulations in a variety of scenarios.
There is a contradiction at the heart of our current understanding of individual and collective mobility patterns. On one hand, a highly influential stream of literature on human mobility driven by analyses of massive empirical datasets finds that hu man movements show no evidence of characteristic spatial scales. There, human mobility is described as scale-free. On the other hand, in geography, the concept of scale, referring to meaningful levels of description from individual buildings through neighborhoods, cities, regions, and countries, is central for the description of various aspects of human behavior such as socio-economic interactions, or political and cultural dynamics. Here, we resolve this apparent paradox by showing that day-to-day human mobility does indeed contain meaningful scales, corresponding to spatial containers restricting mobility behavior. The scale-free results arise from aggregating displacements across containers. We present a simple model, which given a persons trajectory, infers their neighborhoods, cities, and so on, as well as the sizes of these geographical containers. We find that the containers characterizing the trajectories of more than 700,000 individuals do indeed have typical sizes. We show that our model generates highly realistic trajectories without overfitting and provides a new lens through which to understand the differences in mobility behaviour across countries, gender groups, and urban-rural areas.
Human mobility patterns are surprisingly structured. In spite of many hard to model factors, such as climate, culture, and socioeconomic opportunities, aggregate migration rates obey a universal, parameter-free, `radiation model. Recent work has furt her shown that the detailed spectral decomposition of these flows -- defined as the number of individuals that visit a given location with frequency $f$ from a distance $r$ away -- also obeys simple rules, namely, scaling as a universal inverse square law in the combination, $rf$. However, this surprising regularity, derived on general grounds, has not been explained through microscopic mechanisms of individual behavior. Here we confirm this by analyzing large-scale cell phone datasets from three distinct regions and show that a direct consequence of this scaling law is that the average `travel energy spent by visitors to a given location is constant across space, a finding reminiscent of the well-known travel budget hypothesis of human movement. The attractivity of different locations, which we define by the total number of visits to that location, also admits non-trivial, spatially-clustered structure. The observed pattern is consistent with the well-known central place theory in urban geography, as well as with the notion of Weber optimality in spatial economy, hinting to a collective human capacity of optimizing recurrent movements. We close by proposing a simple, microscopic human mobility model which simultaneously captures all our empirical findings. Our results have relevance for transportation, urban planning, geography, and other disciplines in which a deeper understanding of aggregate human mobility is key.
The new coronavirus known as COVID-19 is spread world-wide since December 2019. Without any vaccination or medicine, the means of controlling it are limited to quarantine and social distancing. Here we study the spatio-temporal propagation of the fir st wave of the COVID-19 virus in China and compare it to other global locations. We provide a comprehensive picture of the spatial propagation from Hubei to other provinces in China in terms of distance, population size, and human mobility and their scaling relations. Since strict quarantine has been usually applied between cities, more insight about the temporal evolution of the disease can be obtained by analyzing the epidemic within cities, especially the time evolution of the infection, death, and recovery rates which affected by policies. We study and compare the infection rate in different cities in China and provinces in Italy and find that the disease spread is characterized by a two-stages process. At early times, at order of few days, the infection rate is close to a constant probably due to the lack of means to detect infected individuals before infection symptoms are observed. Then at later times it decays approximately exponentially due to quarantines. The time evolution of the death and recovery rates also distinguish between these two stages and reflect the health system situation which could be overloaded.
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