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Twisted Radiation by Electrons in Spiral Motion

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 نشر من قبل Masahiro Katoh
 تاريخ النشر 2016
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We theoretically show that a single free electron in circular/spiral motion radiates an electromagnetic wave possessing helical phase structure and carrying orbital angular momentum. We experimentally demonstrate it by double-slit diffraction on radiation from relativistic electrons in spiral motion. We show that twisted photons should be created naturally by cyclotron/synchrotron radiations or Compton scatterings in various situations in cosmic space. We propose promising laboratory vortex photon sources in various wavelengths ranging from radio wave to gamma-rays.

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Compact laser-driven accelerators are versatile and powerful tools of unarguable relevance on societal grounds for the diverse purposes of science, health, security, and technology because they bring enormous practicality to state-of-the-art achievem ents of conventional radio-frequency accelerators. Current benchmarking laser-based technologies rely on a medium to assist the light-matter interaction, which impose material limitations or strongly inhomogeneous fields. The advent of few cycle ultra-intense radially polarized lasers has materialized an extensively studied novel accelerator that adopts the simplest form of laser acceleration and is unique in requiring no medium to achieve strong longitudinal energy transfer directly from laser to particle. Here we present the first observation of direct longitudinal laser acceleration of non-relativistic electrons that undergo highly-directional multi-GeV/m accelerating gradients. This demonstration opens a new frontier for direct laser-driven particle acceleration capable of creating well collimated and relativistic attosecond electron bunches and x-ray pulses.
Single-cycle optical pulses with a controlled electromagnetic waveform allow to steer the motion of low-energy electrons in atoms, molecules, nanostructures or condensed-matter on attosecond dimensions in time. However, high-energy electrons under si ngle-cycle light control would be an enabling technology for beam-based attosecond physics with free-electron lasers or electron microscopy. Here we report the control of freely propagating keV electrons with an isolated optical cycle of mid-infrared light and create a modulated electron current with a peak-cycle-specific sub-femtosecond structure in time. The evident effects of the carrier-envelope phase, amplitude and dispersion of the optical waveform on the temporal composition, pulse durations and chirp of the free-space electron wavefunction demonstrate the sub-cycle nature of our control. These results create novel opportunities in laser-driven particle acceleration, seeded free-electron lasers, attosecond space-time imaging, electron quantum optics and wherever else high-energy electrons are needed with the temporal structure of single-cycle light.
Free-electron beams serve as uniquely versatile probes of microscopic structure and composition, and have repeatedly revolutionized atomic-scale imaging, from solid-state physics to structural biology. Over the past decade, the manipulation and inter action of electrons with optical fields has seen significant progress, enabling novel imaging methods, schemes of near-field electron acceleration, and culminating in 4D microscopy techniques with both high temporal and spatial resolution. However, weak coupling strengths of electron beams to optical excitations are a standing issue for existing and emerging applications of optical free-electron control. Here, we demonstrate phase matched near-field coupling of a free-electron beam to optical whispering gallery modes of dielectric microresonators. The cavity-enhanced interaction with these optically excited modes imprints a strong phase modulation on co-propagating electrons, which leads to electron-energy sidebands up to hundreds of photon orders and a spectral broadening of 700 eV. Mapping the near-field interaction with ultrashort electron pulses in space and time, we trace the temporal ring-down of the microresonator following a femtosecond excitation and observe the cavitys resonant spectral response. Resonantly enhancing the coupling of electrons and light via optical cavities, with efficient injection and extraction, can open up novel applications such as continuous-wave acceleration, attosecond structuring, and real-time all-optical electron detection.
296 - S. Corde , K. Ta Phuoc , R. Fitour 2011
The features of Betatron x-ray emission produced in a laser-plasma accelerator are closely linked to the properties of the relativistic electrons which are at the origin of the radiation. While in interaction regimes explored previously the source wa s by nature unstable, following the fluctuations of the electron beam, we demonstrate in this Letter the possibility to generate x-ray Betatron radiation with controlled and reproducible features, allowing fine studies of its properties. To do so, Betatron radiation is produced using monoenergetic electrons with tunable energies from a laser-plasma accelerator with colliding pulse injection [J. Faure et al., Nature (London) 444, 737 (2006)]. The presented study provides evidence of the correlations between electrons and x-rays, and the obtained results open significant perspectives toward the production of a stable and controlled femtosecond Betatron x-ray source in the keV range.
We consider radiation generated by an electron travelling parallel to a planar rectangular silicon grating: Smith-Purcell radiation to the vacuum side, internal Smith-Purcell radiation into the dielectric, and Cherenkov radiation into the dielectric. Internal Smith-Purcell radiation dominates over the other two radiation mechanisms in the range where conventional Smith-Purcell radiation is forbidden. This observation may lead to improved design of contactless particle beam monitors.
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