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Mass enhancement in multiple bands approaching optimal doping in a high-temperature superconductor

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 نشر من قبل Camilla Moir
 تاريخ النشر 2016
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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Pnictides provide an opportunity to study the effects of quantum criticality in a multi-band high temperature superconductor. Quasiparticle mass divergence near optimal doping, observed in two major classes of high-temperature superconductors, pnictides and cuprates, is a direct experimental indicator of enhanced electronic interactions that accompany quantum criticality. Whether quasiparticles on all Fermi surface pockets in BaFe2(As1-xPx)2 are affected by quantum criticality is an open question, which specific heat measurements at high magnetic fields can directly address. Here we report specific heat measurements up to 35T in BaFe2(As1-xPx)2 over a broad doping range, 0.44 <= x <= 0.6. We observe saturation of C/T in the normal state at all dopings where superconductivity is fully suppressed. Our measurements demonstrate that quasiparticle mass increases towards optimal doping in multiple pockets, some of which exhibit even stronger mass enhancement than previously reported from quantum oscillations of a single pocket.

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We use high resolution angle resolved photoemission spectroscopy and density functional theory with experimentally obtained crystal structure parameters to study the electronic properties of CaKFe4As4. In contrast to related CaFe2As2 compounds, CaKFe 4As4 has high Tc of 35K at stochiometric composition. This presents unique opportunity to study properties of high temperature superconductivity of iron arsenic superconductors in absence of doping or substitution. The Fermi surface consists of three hole pockets at $Gamma$ and two electron pockets at the $M$ point. We find that the values of the superconducting gap are nearly isotropic, but significantly different for each of the FS sheets. Most importantly we find that the overall momentum dependence of the gap magnitudes plotted across the entire Brillouin zone displays a strong deviation from the simple cos(kx)cos(ky) functional form of the gap function, proposed in the scenario of the Cooper-pairing driven by a short range antiferromagnetic exchange interaction. Instead, the maximum value of the gap is observed for FS sheets that are closest to the ideal nesting condition in contrast to the previous observations in some other ferropnictides. These results provide strong support for the multiband character of superconductivity in CaKFe4As4, in which Cooper pairing forms on the electron and the hole bands interacting via dominant interband repulsive interaction, enhanced by FS nesting}.
224 - K. Miyazawa , S. Ishida , K. Kihou 2010
We report that the incorporation of hydroxide ions (OH)- significantly enhances the superconducting transition temperature (Tc) in the LnFeAsO-based superconductors (Ln1111: Ln = La, Ce and Pr). For La1111, Tc of the (OH)- incorporated sample synthes ized using high-pressure technique becomes 35 K, which is higher by 7 K than the typical optimally-doped La1111 superconductors. Similar enhancement in Tc is also observed for Ce1111 and Pr1111. 1H-NMR measurement have confirmed the existence of hydrogen atoms in the samples. Accompanying the (OH)- incorporation, the lattice parameters are largely contracted, down to the values which have never been attained by any other dopings/substitutions.
Measurements of the critical current density (Jc) by magnetization and the upper critical field (Hc2) by magnetoresistance have been performed for hafnium-doped MgB2. There has been a remarkable enhancement of Jc as compared to that by ion irradiatio n without any appreciable decrease in Tc, which is beneficial from the point of view of applications. The irreversibility line extracted from Jc shows an upward shift. In addition, there has been an increase in the upper critical field which indicates that Hf partially substitutes for Mg. Hyperfine interaction parameters obtained from time differential perturbed angular correlation (TDPAC) measurements revealed the formation of HfB and HfB2 phases along with the substitution of Hf. A possible explanation is given for the role of these species in the enhancement of Jc in MgB2 superconductor.
We report the direct observation of multiple `spin zeroes in angle-dependent magnetic quantum oscillations measured up to 85T in YBa2Cu3O6+x, at which the amplitude falls to a deep minimum accompanied by a phase inversion of the measured quantum osci llations, enabling the product of the effective mass and effective g-factor m*g* to be tightly constrained. We find an evolution of the location of the spin zeros with applied magnetic field, and suggest that this effect and the absence of a spin zero at low angles can be produced by more than one Fermi surface component, and an effective g-factor with a subtle anisotropy between in-plane and out-of-plane crystalline directions.
114 - Takashi Uchino 2013
Unveiling the nature of the pseudogap and its relation to both superconductivity and antiferromagnetic Mott insulators, the pairing mechanism, and a non-Fermi liquid phase is a key issue for understanding high temperature superconductivity in cuprate s.We here show that antiparallel magnetic order can be reasonably and naturally predicted in hole-doped CuO2 planes by starting from the ground state of a weakly doped antiferromagnetic insulator, where a Skyrmion-type three-dimensional spin texture is created around the doped hole. The superconducting transition temperature Tc can be understood in terms of the temperature at which long-range antiparallel magnetic ordering is established, resulting in the magnetically mediated superconducting state with phase-coherent Cooper pairs. Upon heating above Tc, long-range phase coherence in the pair state is lost, but the pair condensate still survives on the medium-range length scale, transforming to the pseudogap state with charge and magnetic orders. We believe the present model provides a key initial point to unravel a wide variety of the apparently complex phenomena related to high temperature cuprate superconductors.
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