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Continuation semantics for multi-quantifier sentences: operation-based approaches

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 نشر من قبل Marek Zawadowski
 تاريخ النشر 2016
  مجال البحث الهندسة المعلوماتية
والبحث باللغة English

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Classical scope-assignment strategies for multi-quantifier sentences involve quantifier phrase (QP)-movement. More recent continuation-based approaches provide a compelling alternative, for they interpret QPs in situ - without resorting to Logical Forms or any structures beyond the overt syntax. The continuation-based strategies can be divided into two groups: those that locate the source of scope-ambiguity in the rules of semantic composition and those that attribute it to the lexical entries for the quantifier words. In this paper, we focus on the former operation-based approaches and the nature of the semantic operations involved. More specifically, we discuss three such possible operation-based strategies for multi-quantifier sentences, together with their relative merits and costs.

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282 - Edward Grefenstette 2013
The development of compositional distributional models of semantics reconciling the empirical aspects of distributional semantics with the compositional aspects of formal semantics is a popular topic in the contemporary literature. This paper seeks t o bring this reconciliation one step further by showing how the mathematical constructs commonly used in compositional distributional models, such as tensors and matrices, can be used to simulate different aspects of predicate logic. This paper discusses how the canonical isomorphism between tensors and multilinear maps can be exploited to simulate a full-blown quantifier-free predicate calculus using tensors. It provides tensor interpretations of the set of logical connectives required to model propositional calculi. It suggests a variant of these tensor calculi capable of modelling quantifiers, using few non-linear operations. It finally discusses the relation between these variants, and how this relation should constitute the subject of future work.
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