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Discontinuous transition in an equilibrium percolation model with suppression

157   0   0.0 ( 0 )
 نشر من قبل Bappaditya Roy
 تاريخ النشر 2016
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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Discontinuous transition is observed in the equilibrium cluster properties of a percolation model with suppressed cluster growth as the growth parameter g0 is tuned to the critical threshold at sufficiently low initial seed concentration rho in contrast to the previously reported results on non- equilibrium growth models. In the present model, the growth process follows all the criteria of the original percolation model except continuously updated occupation probability of the lattice sites that suppresses the growth of a cluster according to its size. As rho varied from higher values to smaller values, a line of continuous transition points encounters a coexistence region of spanning and non- spanning large clusters. At sufficiently small values of rho (less equal 0.05), the growth parameter g0 exceeds the usual percolation threshold and generates compact spanning clusters leading to discontinuous transitions.

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A random growth lattice filling model of percolation with touch and stop growth rule is developed and studied numerically on a two dimensional square lattice. Nucleation centers are continuously added one at a time to the empty sites and the clusters are grown from these nucleation centers with a tunable growth probability g. As the growth probability g is varied from 0 to 1 two distinct regimes are found to occur. For gle 0.5, the model exhibits continuous percolation transitions as ordinary percolation whereas for gge 0.8 the model exhibits discontinuous percolation transitions. The discontinuous transition is characterized by discontinuous jump in the order parameter, compact spanning cluster and absence of power law scaling of cluster size distribution. Instead of a sharp tricritical point, a tricritical region is found to occur for 0.5 < g < 0.8 within which the values of the critical exponents change continuously till the crossover from continuous to discontinuous transition is completed.
In this paper, we generalize the original majority-vote (MV) model with noise from two states to arbitrary $q$ states, where $q$ is an integer no less than two. The main emphasis is paid to the comparison on the nature of phase transitions between th e two-state MV (MV2) model and the three-state MV (MV3) model. By extensive Monte Carlo simulation and mean-field analysis, we find that the MV3 model undergoes a discontinuous order-disorder phase transition, in contrast to a continuous phase transition in the MV2 model. A central feature of such a discontinuous transition is a strong hysteresis behavior as noise intensity goes forward and backward. Within the hysteresis region, the disordered phase and ordered phase are coexisting.
204 - Sang-Woo Kim , Jae Dong Noh 2008
We introduce a correlated static model and investigate a percolation transition. The model is a modification of the static model and is characterized by assortative degree-degree correlation. As one varies the edge density, the network undergoes a pe rcolation transition. The percolation transition is characterized by a weak singular behavior of the mean cluster size and power-law scalings of the percolation order parameter and the cluster size distribution in the entire non-percolating phase. These results suggest that the assortative degree-degree correlation generates a global structural correlation which is relevant to the percolation critical phenomena of complex networks.
Two distinct transition points have been observed in a problem of lattice percolation studied using a system of pulsating discs. Sites on a regular lattice are occupied by circular discs whose radii vary sinusoidally within $[0,R_0]$ starting from a random distribution of phase angles. A lattice bond is said to be connected when its two end discs overlap with each other. Depending on the difference of the phase angles of these discs a bond may be termed as dead or live. While a dead bond can never be connected, a live bond is connected at least once in a complete time period. Two different time scales can be associated with such a system, leading to two transition points. Namely, a percolation transition occurs at $R_{0c} =0.908$ when a spanning cluster of connected bonds emerges in the system. Here, information propagates across the system instantly, i.e., with infinite speed. Secondly, there exists another transition point $R_0^* = 0.5907$ where the giant cluster of live bonds spans the lattice. In this case the information takes finite time to propagate across the system through the dynamical evolution of finite size clusters. This passage time diverges as $R_0 to R_0^*$ from above. Both the transitions exhibit the critical behavior of ordinary percolation transition. The entire scenario is robust with respect to the distribution of frequencies of the individual discs. This study may be relevant in the context of wireless sensor networks.
114 - Sumanta Kundu , S. S. Manna 2016
The ranges of transmission of the mobiles in a Mobile Ad-hoc Network are not uniform in reality. They are affected by the temperature fluctuation in air, obstruction due to the solid objects, even the humidity difference in the environment, etc. How the varying range of transmission of the individual active elements affects the global connectivity in the network may be an important practical question to ask. Here a new model of percolation phenomena, with an additional source of disorder, has been introduced for a theoretical understanding of this problem. As in ordinary percolation, sites of a square lattice are occupied randomly with the probability $p$. Each occupied site is then assigned a circular disc of random value $R$ for its radius. A bond is defined to be occupied if and only if the radii $R_1$ and $R_2$ of the discs centered at the ends satisfy certain pre-defined condition. In a very general formulation, one divides the $R_1 - R_2$ plane into two regions by an arbitrary closed curve. One defines that a point within one region represents an occupied bond, otherwise it is a vacant bond. Study of three different rules under this general formulation, indicates that the percolation threshold is always larger and varies continuously. This threshold has two limiting values, one is $p_c$(sq), the percolation threshold for the ordinary site percolation on the square lattice and the other being unity. The variation of the thresholds are characterized by exponents, which are not known in the literature. In a special case, all lattice sites are occupied by discs of random radii $R in {0,R_0}$ and a percolation transition is observed with $R_0$ as the control variable, similar to the site occupation probability.
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