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Magnetorotational dynamo chimeras. The missing link to turbulent accretion disk dynamo models?

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 نشر من قبل Antoine Riols-Fonclare
 تاريخ النشر 2016
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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In Keplerian accretion disks, turbulence and magnetic fields may be jointly excited through a subcritical dynamo process involving the magnetorotational instability (MRI). High-resolution simulations exhibit a tendency towards statistical self-organization of MRI dynamo turbulence into large-scale cyclic dynamics. Understanding the physical origin of these structures, and whether they can be sustained and transport angular momentum efficiently in astrophysical conditions, represents a significant theoretical challenge. The discovery of simple periodic nonlinear MRI dynamo solutions has recently proven useful in this respect, and has notably served to highlight the role of turbulent magnetic diffusion in the seeming decay of the dynamics at low magnetic Prandtl number Pm (magnetic diffusivity larger than viscosity), a common regime in accretion disks. The connection between these simple structures and the statistical organization reported in turbulent simulations remained elusive, though. Here, we report the numerical discovery in moderate aspect ratio Keplerian shearing boxes of new periodic, incompressible, three-dimensional nonlinear MRI dynamo solutions with a larger dynamical complexity reminiscent of such simulations. These chimera cycles are characterized by multiple MRI-unstable dynamical stages, but their basic physical principles of self-sustainment are nevertheless identical to those of simpler cycles found in azimuthally elongated boxes. In particular, we find that they are not sustained at low Pm either due to subcritical turbulent magnetic diffusion. These solutions offer a new perspective into the transition from laminar to turbulent instability-driven dynamos, and may prove useful to devise improved statistical models of turbulent accretion disk dynamos.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

We present results from the first 3D kinetic numerical simulation of magnetorotational turbulence and dynamo, using the local shearing-box model of a collisionless accretion disc. The kinetic magnetorotational instability grows from a subthermal magn etic field having zero net flux over the computational domain to generate self-sustained turbulence and outward angular-momentum transport. Significant Maxwell and Reynolds stresses are accompanied by comparable viscous stresses produced by field-aligned ion pressure anisotropy, which is regulated primarily by the mirror and ion-cyclotron instabilities through particle trapping and pitch-angle scattering. The latter endow the plasma with an effective viscosity that is biased with respect to the magnetic-field direction and spatio-temporally variable. Energy spectra suggest an Alfven-wave cascade at large scales and a kinetic-Alfven-wave cascade at small scales, with strong small-scale density fluctuations and weak non-axisymmetric density waves. Ions undergo non-thermal particle acceleration, their distribution accurately described by a kappa distribution. These results have implications for the properties of low-collisionality accretion flows, such as that near the black hole at the Galactic center.
487 - A. Riols , H. Latter 2017
Though usually treated in isolation, the magnetorotational and gravitational instabilities (MRI and GI) may coincide at certain radii and evolutionary stages of protoplanetary discs and active galactic nuclei. Their mutual interactions could profound ly influence several important processes, such as accretion variability and outbursts, fragmentation and disc truncation, or large-scale magnetic field production. Direct numerical simulations of both instabilities are computationally challenging and remain relatively unexplored. In this paper, we aim to redress this neglect via a set of 3D vertically stratified shearing-box simulations, combining self-gravity and magnetic fields. We show that gravito-turbulence greatly weakens the zero-net-flux MRI. In the limit of efficient cooling (and thus enhanced GI), the MRI is completely suppressed, and yet strong magnetic fields are sustained by the gravitoturbulence. This turbulent `spiral wave dynamo may have widespread application, especially in galactic discs. Finally, we present preliminary work showing that a strong net-vertical-flux revives the MRI and supports a magnetically dominated state, in which the GI is secondary.
180 - G. Lesur , G. I. Ogilvie 2008
(Abriged) The magnetorotational instability (MRI) is believed to be an efficient way to transport angular momentum in accretion discs. It has also been suggested as a way to amplify magnetic fields in discs, the instability acting as a nonlinear dyna mo. Recent numerical work has shown that a large-scale magnetic field, which is predominantly azimuthal, can be sustained by motions driven by the MRI of this same field. Following this idea, we present an analytical calculation of the MRI in the presence of an azimuthal field with a non-trivial vertical structure. We find that the mean radial EMF associated to MRI modes tends to reduce the magnetic energy, acting like a turbulent resistivity by mixing the non-uniform azimuthal field. Meanwhile, the azimuthal EMF generates a radial field that, in combination with the Keplerian shear, tends to amplify the azimuthal field and can therefore assist in the dynamo process. This effect, however, is reversed for sufficiently strong azimuthal fields, naturally leading to a saturation of the dynamo and possibly to a cyclic behaviour of the magnetic field, as found in previous numerical works.
Magnetohydrodynamic accretion disk simulations suggest that much of the energy liberated by the magnetorotational instability (MRI) can be channeled into large-scale toroidal magnetic fields through dynamo action. Under certain conditions, this field can dominate over gas and radiation pressure in providing vertical support against gravity, even close to the midplane. Using a simple model for the creation of this field, its buoyant rise, and its coupling to the gas, we show how disks could be driven into this magnetically dominated state and deduce the resulting vertical pressure and density profiles. Applying an established criterion for MRI to operate in the presence of a toroidal field, we show that magnetically supported disks can have two distinct MRI-active regions, separated by a dead zone where local MRI is suppressed, but where magnetic energy continues to flow upward from the dynamo region below. We suggest that the relative strengths of the MRI zones, and the local poloidal flux, determine the spectral states of X-ray binaries. Specifically, intermediate and hard accretion states occur when MRI is triggered in the hot, upper zone of the corona, while disks in soft states do not develop the upper MRI zone. We discuss the conditions under which various transitions should take place and speculate on the relationship of dynamo activity to the various types of quasi-periodic oscillations that sometimes appear in the hard spectral components. The model also explains why luminous accretion disks in the soft state show no signs of the thermal/viscous instability predicted by standard alpha models.
We present non-radiative, cosmological zoom-simulations of galaxy cluster formation with magnetic fields and (anisotropic) thermal conduction of one very massive galaxy cluster with a mass at redshift zero that corresponds to $M_mathrm{vir} sim 2 tim es 10^{15} M_{odot}$. We run the cluster on three resolution levels (1X, 10X, 25X), starting with an effective mass resolution of $2 times 10^8M_{odot}$, subsequently increasing the particle number to reach $4 times 10^6M_{odot}$. The maximum spatial resolution obtained in the simulations is limited by the gravitational softening reaching $epsilon=1.0$ kpc at the highest resolution level, allowing to resolve the hierarchical assembly of the structures in very fine detail. All simulations presented, have been carried out with the SPMHD-code Gadget-3 with a heavily updated SPMHD prescription. The primary focus is to investigate magnetic field amplification in the Intracluster Medium (ICM). We show that the main amplification mechanism is the small scale-turbulent-dynamo in the limit of reconnection diffusion. In our two highest resolution models we start to resolve the magnetic field amplification driven by this process and we explicitly quantify this with the magnetic power-spectra and the magnetic tension that limits the bending of the magnetic field lines consistent with dynamo theory. Furthermore, we investigate the $ abla cdot mathbf{B}=0$ constraint within our simulations and show that we achieve comparable results to state-of-the-art AMR or moving-mesh techniques, used in codes such as Enzo and Arepo. Our results show for the first time in a fully cosmological simulation of a galaxy cluster that dynamo action can be resolved in the framework of a modern Lagrangian magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) method, a study that is currently missing in the literature.
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