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Hamburger Sternwarte plate archives: Historic long-term variability study of active galaxies based on digitized photographic plates

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 نشر من قبل Stefan Czesla
 تاريخ النشر 2016
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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At the Hamburger Sternwarte an effort was started in 2010 with the aim of digitizing its more than 45000 photographic plates and films stored in its plate archives. At the time of writing, more than 31000 plates have already been made available on the Internet for researchers, historians, as well as for the interested public. The digitization process and the Internet presentation of the plates and accompanying hand written material (plate envelopes, logbooks, observer notes) are presented here. To fully exploit the unique photometric and astrometric data, stored on the plates, further processing steps are required including registering the plate to celestial coordinates, masking of the plates, and a calibration of the photo-emulsion darkening curve. To demonstrate the correct functioning of these procedures, historical light curves of two bright BL Lac type active galactic nuclei are extracted. The resulting light curve of the blazar 1ES 1215+303 exhibits a large decrease in the magnitude from $14.25^{+0.07}_{-0.12}$ to $15.94^{+0.09}_{-0.13}$ in about 300 days, which proves the variability in the optical region. Furthermore, we compare the measured magnitudes for the quasar 3C~273 with contemporaneous measurements.

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Photographic plate archives contain a wealth of information about positions and brightness celestial objects had decades ago. Plate digitization is necessary to make this information accessible, but extracting it is a technical challenge. We develop algorithms used to extract photometry with the accuracy of better than ~0.1m in the magnitude range 13<B<17 from photographic images obtained in 1948-1996 with the 40cm Sternberg institutes astrograph (30x30cm plate size, 10x10deg field of view) and digitized using a flatbed scanner. The extracted photographic lightcurves are used to identify thousands of new high-amplitude (>0.2m) variable stars. The algorithms are implemented in the free software VaST available at http://scan.sai.msu.ru/vast/
117 - E.V. Khrutskaya 2013
We present the results of determination of Plutos positions derived from photographic plates taken in 1930 - 1960. Observations were made with Normal Astrograph at Pulkovo Observatory. Digitization of these plates was performed with high precision sc anner at Royal Observatory of Belgium (ROB Digitizer). Mean values of standard errors of plate positions (x,y) lie between 12 and 18 mas. The UCAC4 catalogue was used as an astrometric calibrator. Standard errors of equatorial coordinates obtained are within 85 to 100 mas. Final table contains 63 positions of Pluto referred to the HCRF/UCAC4 frame.
NASA regards data handling and archiving as an integral part of space missions, and has a strong track record of serving astrophysics data to the public, beginning with the the IRAS satellite in 1983. Archives enable a major science return on the sig nificant investment required to develop a space mission. In fact, the presence and accessibility of an archive can more than double the number of papers resulting from the data. In order for the community to be able to use the data, they have to be able to find the data (ease of access) and interpret the data (ease of use). Funding of archival research (e.g., the ADAP program) is also important not only for making scientific progress, but also for encouraging authors to deliver data products back to the archives to be used in future studies. NASA has also enabled a robust system that can be maintained over the long term, through technical innovation and careful attention to resource allocation. This article provides a brief overview of some of NASAs major astrophysics archive systems, including IRSA, MAST, HEASARC, KOA, NED, the Exoplanet Archive, and ADS.
We identify 339 known and 316 new variable stars of various types among 250000 lightcurves obtained by digitizing 167 30x30cm photographic plates of the Moscow collection. We use these data to conduct a comprehensive test of 18 statistical characteri stics (variability indices) in search for the best general-purpose variability detection statistic. We find that the highest peak on the DFT periodogram, interquartile range, median absolute deviation, and Stetsons L index are the most efficient in recovering variable objects from the set of photographic lightcurves used in our test.
Variability in the X-rays is a key ingredient in understanding and unveiling active galactic nuclei (AGN) properties. In this band flux variations occur on short time scales (hours) as well as on larger times scales. While short time scale variabilit y is often investigated in single source studies, only few works are able to explore flux variation on very long time scales.This work provides a statistical analysis of the AGN long term X-ray variability. We study variability on the largest time interval ever investigated for the 0.2-2 keV band, up to $sim 20$ years rest-frame for a sample of 220 sources. Moreover, we study variability for 2,700 quasars up to $sim 8$ years rest-frame in the same (soft) band.We build our source sample using the 3XMM serendipitous source catalogue data release 5, and data from ROSAT All Sky Survey Bright and Faint source catalogues. In order to select only AGN we use the Sloan Digital Sky Survey quasar catalogues data releases 7 and 12. Combining ROSAT and XMM-Newton observations, we investigate variability using the structure function analysis which describes the amount of variability as a function of the lag between the observations.Our work shows an increase of the structure function up to 20 years. We do not find evidence of a plateau in the structure function on these long time scales.The increase of the structure function at long time lags suggests that variability in the soft X-rays can be influenced by flux variations originated in the accretion disk or that they take place in a region large enough to justify variation on such long time scales.
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