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The Pattern Basis Approach to Circuit Complexity

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 نشر من قبل Bruce Smith
 تاريخ النشر 2016
  مجال البحث الهندسة المعلوماتية
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف Bruce K. Smith

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We describe and motivate a proposed new approach to lowerbounding the circuit complexity of boolean functions, based on a new formalization of patterns as elements of a special basis of the vector space of all truth table properties. We prove that a pattern basis with certain properties would lead to a useful complexity formula of a specific form, and speculate on how to find such a basis. This formula might take as long to compute on arbitrary functions as a brute-force search among circuits, thus addressing the natural proofs barrier, but has a form amenable to proving lower bounds for well-understood explicit functions.

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We introduce a new algebraic proof system, which has tight connections to (algebraic) circuit complexity. In particular, we show that any super-polynomial lower bound on any Boolean tautology in our proof system implies that the permanent does not ha ve polynomial-size algebraic circuits (VNP is not equal to VP). As a corollary to the proof, we also show that super-polynomial lower bounds on the number of lines in Polynomial Calculus proofs (as opposed to the usual measure of number of monomials) imply the Permanent versus Determinant Conjecture. Note that, prior to our work, there was no proof system for which lower bounds on an arbitrary tautology implied any computational lower bound. Our proof system helps clarify the relationships between previous algebraic proof systems, and begins to shed light on why proof complexity lower bounds for various proof systems have been so much harder than lower bounds on the corresponding circuit classes. In doing so, we highlight the importance of polynomial identity testing (PIT) for understanding proof complexity. More specifically, we introduce certain propositional axioms satisfied by any Boolean circuit computing PIT. We use these PIT axioms to shed light on AC^0[p]-Frege lower bounds, which have been open for nearly 30 years, with no satisfactory explanation as to their apparent difficulty. We show that either: a) Proving super-polynomial lower bounds on AC^0[p]-Frege implies VNP does not have polynomial-size circuits of depth d - a notoriously open question for d at least 4 - thus explaining the difficulty of lower bounds on AC^0[p]-Frege, or b) AC^0[p]-Frege cannot efficiently prove the depth d PIT axioms, and hence we have a lower bound on AC^0[p]-Frege. Using the algebraic structure of our proof system, we propose a novel way to extend techniques from algebraic circuit complexity to prove lower bounds in proof complexity.
212 - Koji Kobayashi 2012
This paper describes about relation between circuit complexity and accept inputs structure in Hamming space by using almost all monotone circuit that emulate deterministic Turing machine (DTM). Circuit family that emulate DTM are almost all monoton e circuit family except some NOT-gate which connect input variables (like negation normal form (NNF)). Therefore, we can analyze DTM limitation by using this NNF Circuit family. NNF circuit have symmetry of OR-gate input line, so NNF circuit cannot identify from OR-gate output line which of OR-gate input line is 1. So NNF circuit family cannot compute sandwich structure effectively (Sandwich structure is two accept inputs that sandwich reject inputs in Hamming space). NNF circuit have to use unique AND-gate to identify each different vector of sandwich structure. That is, we can measure problem complexity by counting different vectors. Some decision problem have characteristic in sandwich structure. Different vectors of Negate HornSAT problem are at most constant length because we can delete constant part of each negative literal in Horn clauses by using definite clauses. Therefore, number of these different vector is at most polynomial size. The other hand, we can design high complexity problem with almost perfct nonlinear (APN) function.
330 - Shenggen Zheng , Daowen Qiu 2014
State complexity of quantum finite automata is one of the interesting topics in studying the power of quantum finite automata. It is therefore of importance to develop general methods how to show state succinctness results for quantum finite automata . One such method is presented and demonstrated in this paper. In particular, we show that state succinctness results can be derived out of query complexity results.
We propose a modification to Nielsens circuit complexity for Hamiltonian simulation using the Suzuki-Trotter (ST) method, which provides a network like structure for the quantum circuit. This leads to an optimized gate counting linear in the geodesic distance and spatial volume, unlike in the original proposal. The optimized ST iteration order is correlated with the error tolerance and plays the role of an anti-de Sitter (AdS) radial coordinate. The density of gates is shown to be monotonic with the tolerance and a holographic interpretation using path-integral optimization is given.
In this article, we investigate various physical implications of quantum circuit complexity using squeezed state formalism of Primordial Gravitational Waves (PGW). Recently quantum information theoretic concepts such as entanglement entropy, and comp lexity are becoming pivotal role to understand the dynamics of quantum system even in the diverse fields such as high energy physics and cosmology. This paper is devoted in studying quantum circuit complexity of PGW for various cosmological models such as De Sitter, Inflation, Radiation, Reheating, Matter, Bouncing, Cyclic and Black hole gas model etc. We compute complexity measure using both Covariance and Nielsens wave function method for three different choices of vacua: Motta Allen, $alpha$ and Bunch Davies. Besides computing circuit complexity, we have also computed Von-Neumann entanglement entropy. By making the comparison of complexity with entanglement entropy, we are able to probe various features regarding dynamics of evolution for different cosmological models. Because entanglement entropy is independent of the squeezing angle, we are able to understand more details of the system using Nielsens measure of complexity which is dependent on both squeezing parameter and angle. This implies that quantum complexity could indeed be a useful probe to study quantum features in cosmological scale. Quantum complexity is also becoming a powerful technique to understand the chaotic behavior and random fluctuations of quantum fields. Using the growth of complexity, we are able to compute quantum Lyapunov exponent for various cosmological models and give comment on its chaotic nature.
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