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Remarks on the degree growth of birational transformations

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 نشر من قبل Christian Urech
 تاريخ النشر 2016
  مجال البحث
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف Christian Urech

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We look at sequences of positive integers that can be realized as degree sequences of iterates of rational dominant maps of smooth projective varieties over arbitrary fields. New constraints on the degree growth of endomorphisms of the affine space and examples of degree sequences are displayed. We also show that the set of all degree sequences of rational maps is countable; this generalizes a result of Bonifant and Fornaess.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

292 - Claude M. Viallet 2019
We construct a family of birational maps acting on two dimensional projective varieties, for which the growth of the degrees of the iterates is cubic. It is known that this growth can be bounded, linear, quadratic or exponential for such maps acting on two dimensional compact Kahler varieties. The example we construct goes beyond this limitation, thanks to the presence of a singularity on the variety where the maps act. We provide all details of the calculations.
457 - Baohua Fu , Jun-Muk Hwang 2015
A birational transformation f: P^n --> Z, where Z is a nonsingular variety of Picard number 1, is called a special birational transformation of type (a, b) if f is given by a linear system of degree a, its inverse is given by a linear system of degre e b and the base locus S subset P^n of f is irreducible and nonsingular. In this paper, we classify special birational transformations of type (2,1). In addition to previous works Alzati-Sierra and Russo on this topic, our proof employs natural C^*-actions on Z in a crucial way. These C^*-actions also relate our result to the problem studied in our previous work on smooth projective varieties with nonzero prolongations.
72 - Christian Urech 2018
We classify simple groups that act by birational transformations on compact complex Kahler surfaces. Moreover, we show that every finitely generated simple group that acts non-trivially by birational transformations on a projective surface over an arbitrary field is finite.
125 - Fumiaki Suzuki 2015
We prove birational superrigidity of every hypersurface of degree N in P^N with singular locus of dimension s, under the assumption that N is at least 2s+8 and it has only quadratic singularities of rank at least N-s. Combined with the results of I. A. Cheltsov and T. de Fernex, this completes the list of birationally superrigid singular hypersurfaces with only ordinary double points except in dimension 4 and 6. Further we impose an additional condition on the base locus of a birational map to a Mori fiber space. Then we prove conditional birational superrigidity of certain smooth Fano hypersurfaces of index larger or equal to 2, and birational superrigidity of smooth Fano complete intersections of index 1 in weak form.
For each $n$, let $text{RD}(n)$ denote the minimum $d$ for which there exists a formula for the general polynomial of degree $n$ in algebraic functions of at most $d$ variables. In 1945, Segre called for a better understanding of the large $n$ behavi or of $text{RD}(n)$. In this paper, we provide improved thresholds for upper bounds on $text{RD}(n)$. Our techniques build upon classical algebraic geometry to provide new upper bounds for small $n$ and, in doing so, fix gaps in the proofs of A. Wiman and G.N. Chebotarev in [Wim1927] and [Che1954].
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