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Post-annealing effects on the crystal structure and superconductivity of the lithium- and hexamethylenediamine (HMDA)-intercalated superconductor Lix(C6H16N2)yFe2-zSe2 have been investigated. Through the post-annealing, a two-step reduction of the interlayer spacing between neighboring Fe layers, d, has been observed. It has been found that a new phase of Lix(C6H16N2)yFe2-zSe2 with d= 10.30(2) {AA} and Tc = 41 K different from the as-intercalated phase is stabilized owing to the possible stable inclination of HMDA intercalated between FeSe layers. This result supports the domic relation between Tc and d in the FeSe-based intercalation superconductors. The reason why Tc increases with a decrease in d through the post-annealing is discussed.
New intercalation superconductors of Li$_x$(C$_2$H$_8$N$_2$)$_y$TiSe$_2$ and Li$_x$(C$_6$H$_{16}$N$_2$)$_y$TiSe$_2$ with $T_{rm c}$ = 4.2 K have successfully been synthesized via the co-intercalation of lithium and ethylenediamine or hexamethylenedia
The superconductivity and intercalation statein the lithium-and hexamethylenediamine (HMDA)-intercalated superconductor Li$_x$(C$_6$H$_{16}$N$_2$)$_y$Fe$_{2-z}$Se$_2$ have been investigated from powder x-ray diffraction, thermogravimetric and magneti
New FeSe-based intercalation superconductors, $A_x$(C$_8$H$_{11}$N)$_y$Fe$_{1-z}$Se ($A$ = Li, Na), with $T_mathrm{c}$ = 39-44 K have been successfully synthesized via the intercalation of alkali metals and 2-phenethylamine into FeSe. The interlayer
New superconductors, Li$_x$(C$_n$H$_{2n+3}$N)$_y$Fe$_{1-z}$Se ($n$ = 6, 8, 18), have been synthesized via the co-intercalation of linear monoamines together with Li into FeSe. The distance between neighboring Fe layers expands up to 55.7 {AA} for n =
K$_x$Fe$_{2-y}$Se$_2$ exhibits an iron-vacancy ordering at $T_{rm s} {sim}270{deg}$C and separates into two phases: a minor superconducting (iron-vacancy-disordered) phase and a major non-superconducting (iron-vacancy-ordered) phase. The microstructu