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Realization of a twin beam source based on four-wave mixing in Cesium

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 نشر من قبل Guillaume Adenier
 تاريخ النشر 2016
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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Four-wave mixing (4WM) is a known source of intense non-classical twin beams. It can be generated when an intense laser beam (the pump) and a weak laser beam (the seed) overlap in a $chi^{(3)}$ medium (here cesium vapor), with frequencies close to resonance with atomic transitions. The twin beams generated by 4WM have frequencies naturally close to atomic transitions, and can be intense (gain $gg 1$) even in the CW pump regime, which is not the case for PDC $chi^{(2)}$ phenomenon in non-linear crystals. So, 4WM is well suited for atom-light interaction and atom-based quantum protocols. Here we present the first realization of a source of 4-wave mixing exploiting $D_2$ line of Cesium atoms.

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اقرأ أيضاً

Efficient frequency conversion of photons has important applications in optical quantum technology because the frequency range suitable for photon manipulation and communication usually varies widely. Recently, an efficient frequency conversion syste m using a double-$Lambda$ four-wave mixing (FWM) process based on electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT) has attracted considerable attention because of its potential to achieve a nearly 100% conversion efficiency (CE). To obtain such a high CE, the spontaneous emission loss in this resonant-type FWM system must be suppressed considerably. A simple solution is to arrange the applied laser fields in a backward configuration. However, the phase mismatch due to this configuration can cause a significant decrease in CE. Here, we demonstrate that the phase mismatch can be effectively compensated by introducing the phase shift obtained by two-photon detuning. Under optimal conditions, we observe a wavelength conversion from 780 to 795 nm with a maximum CE of 91.2(6)% by using this backward FWM system at an optical depth of 130 in cold rubidium atoms. The current work represents an important step toward achieving low-loss, high-fidelity EIT-based quantum frequency conversion.
133 - Ulrich Vogl , Ryan T. Glasser , 2012
We have built a compact light source for bright squeezed twin-beams at 795,nm based on four-wave-mixing in atomic $^{85}$Rb vapor. With a total optical power of 400,mW derived from a free running diode laser and a tapered amplifier to pump the four-w ave-mixing process, we achieve 2.1,dB intensity difference squeezing of the twin beams below the standard quantum limit, without accounting for losses. Squeezed twin beams generated by the type of source presented here could be used as reference for the precise calibration of photodetectors. Transferring the quantum correlations from the light to atoms in order to generate correlated atom beams is another interesting prospect. In this work we investigate the dispersion that is generated by the employed four-wave-mixing process with respect to bandwidth and dependence on probe detuning. We are currently using this squeezed light source to test the transfer of spatial information and quantum correlations through media of anomalous dispersion.
191 - Z. Vernon , J.E. Sipe 2015
We develop a general Hamiltonian treatement of spontaneous four-wave mixing in a microring resonator side-coupled to a channel waveguide. The effect of scattering losses in the ring is included, as well as parasitic nonlinear effects including self- and cross-phase modulation. A procedure for computing the output of such a system for arbitrary parameters and pump states is presented. For the limit of weak pumping an expression for the joint spectral intensity of generated photon pairs, as well as the singles-to-coincidences ratio, is derived.
We investigate a four-wave mixing process in an N interaction scheme in Rb vapor placed inside a low-finesse ring cavity. We observe strong amplification and generation of a probe signal, circulating in the cavity, in the presence of two strong optic al pump fields. We study the variations in probe field gain and dispersion as functions of experimental parameters with an eye on potential application of such a system for enhanced rotation measurements. A density-matrix calculation is performed to model the system, and the theoretical results are compared to those of the experiment.
We present the first measurement of two-mode squeezing between the twin beams produced by a doubly resonant optical parameter oscillator (OPO) in above threshold operation, based on parametric amplification by non degenerate four wave mixing with rub idium $^{85}$Rb. We demonstrate a maximum intensity difference squeezing of -2.7 dB (-3,5 dB corrected for losses) with a pump power of 285 mW and an output power of 12 mW for each beam, operating close to the D1 line of Rb atoms. The possibility to use open cavities combined with the high gain media can provide a strong level of noise compression, and the access to new operation regimes that could not be explored by crystal based OPOs. The spectral bandwidth of the squeezed light is broadened by the cavity dynamics, and the squeezing level is robust for strong pump powers. Stable operation was obtained up to four times above the threshold. Moreover, its operation close to the atomic resonances of alkali atoms allows a natural integration into quantum networks including structures such as quantum memories.
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