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Reduced Google matrix

109   0   0.0 ( 0 )
 نشر من قبل Klaus Frahm
 تاريخ النشر 2016
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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Using parallels with the quantum scattering theory, developed for processes in nuclear and mesoscopic physics and quantum chaos, we construct a reduced Google matrix $G_R$ which describes the properties and interactions of a certain subset of selected nodes belonging to a much larger directed network. The matrix $G_R$ takes into account effective interactions between subset nodes by all their indirect links via the whole network. We argue that this approach gives new possibilities to analyze effective interactions in a group of nodes embedded in a large directed networks. Possible efficient numerical methods for the practical computation of $G_R$ are also described.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

We consider networks of dynamical units that evolve in time according to different laws, and are coupled to each other in highly irregular ways. Studying how to steer the dynamics of such systems towards a desired evolution is of great practical inte rest in many areas of science, as well as providing insight into the interplay between network structure and dynamical behavior. We propose a pinning protocol for imposing specific dynamic evolutions compatible with the equations of motion on a networked system. The method does not impose any restrictions on the local dynamics, which may vary from node to node, nor on the interactions between nodes, which may adopt in principle any nonlinear mathematical form and be represented by weighted, directed or undirected, links. We first explore our method on small synthetic networks of chaotic oscillators, which allows us to unveil a correlation between the ordered sequence of pinned nodes and their topological influence in the network. We then consider a 12-species trophic web network, which is a model of a mammalian food web. By pinning a relatively small number of species, one can make the system abandon its spontaneous evolution from its (typically uncontrolled) initial state towards a target dynamics, or periodically control it so as to make the populations evolve within stipulated bounds. The relevance of these findings for environment management and conservation is discussed.
We use the methods of quantum chaos and Random Matrix Theory for analysis of statistical fluctuations of PageRank probabilities in directed networks. In this approach the effective energy levels are given by a logarithm of PageRank probability at a g iven node. After the standard energy level unfolding procedure we establish that the nearest spacing distribution of PageRank probabilities is described by the Poisson law typical for integrable quantum systems. Our studies are done for the Twitter network and three networks of Wikipedia editions in English, French and German. We argue that due to absence of level repulsion the PageRank order of nearby nodes can be easily interchanged. The obtained Poisson law implies that the nearby PageRank probabilities fluctuate as random independent variables.
A new public conveyance model applicable to buses and trains is proposed in this paper by using stochastic cellular automaton. We have found the optimal density of vehicles, at which the average velocity becomes maximum, significantly depends on the number of stops and passengers behavior of getting on a vehicle at stops. The efficiency of the hail-and-ride system is also discussed by comparing the different behavior of passengers. Moreover, we have found that a big cluster of vehicles is divided into small clusters, by incorporating information of the number of vehicles between successive stops.
109 - Wen-ge Wang 2020
I study the statistical description of a small quantum system, which is coupled to a large quantum environment in a generic form and with a generic interaction strength, when the total system lies in an equilibrium state described by a microcanonical ensemble. The focus is on the difference between the reduced density matrix (RDM) of the central system in this interacting case and the RDM obtained in the uncoupled case. In the eigenbasis of the central systems Hamiltonian, it is shown that the difference between diagonal elements is mainly confined by the ratio of the maximum width of the eigenfunctions of the total system in the uncoupled basis to the width of the microcanonical energy shell; meanwhile, the difference between off-diagonal elements is given by the ratio of certain property of the interaction Hamiltonian to the related level spacing of the central system. As an application, a sufficient condition is given, under which the RDM may have a canonical Gibbs form under system-environment interactions that are not necessarily weak; this Gibbs state usually includes certain averaged effect of the interaction. For central systems that interact locally with many-body quantum chaotic systems, it is shown that the RDM usually has a Gibbs form. I also study the RDM which is computed from a typical state of the total system within an energy shell.
We construct the Google matrix of the entire Twitter network, dated by July 2009, and analyze its spectrum and eigenstate properties including the PageRank and CheiRank vectors and 2DRanking of all nodes. Our studies show much stronger inter-connecti vity between top PageRank nodes for the Twitter network compared to the networks of Wikipedia and British Universities studied previously. Our analysis allows to locate the top Twitter users which control the information flow on the network. We argue that this small fraction of the whole number of users, which can be viewed as the social network elite, plays the dominant role in the process of opinion formation on the network.
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