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Towards Lattice QCD Baryon Forces at the Physical Point: First Results

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 نشر من قبل Takumi Doi
 تاريخ النشر 2015
  مجال البحث
والبحث باللغة English

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Lattice QCD calculations of baryon forces are performed for the first time with (almost) physical quark masses. $N_f = 2+1$ dynamical clover fermion gauge configurations are generated at the lattice spacing of $a simeq 0.085$ fm on a $(96 a)^4 simeq (8.2 {rm fm})^4$ lattice with quark masses corresponding to $(m_pi, m_K) simeq (146, 525)$ MeV. Baryon forces are calculated using the time-dependent HAL QCD method. In this report, we study $XiXi$ and $NN$ systems both in $^1S_0$ and $^3S_1$-$^3D_1$ channels, and the results for the central and tensor forces as well as phase shifts in the $XiXi$ $(^1S_0)$ channel are presented.

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We present the lattice QCD studies for baryon-baryon interactions for the first time with (almost) physical quark masses. $N_f = 2+1$ gauge configurations are generated with the Iwasaki gauge action and nonperturbatively $O(a)$-improved Wilson quark action with stout smearing on the lattice of $(96 a)^4 simeq (8.2 {rm fm})^4$ with $a simeq 0.085$ fm, where $m_pi simeq 146$ MeV and $m_K simeq 525$ MeV. Baryon forces are calculated from Nambu-Bethe-Salpeter (NBS) correlation functions using the time-dependent HAL QCD method. In this report, we first give the general overview of the theoretical frameworks essential to the physical point calculation of baryon forces. We then present the numerical results for the two-nucleon central and tensor forces in $^3S_1$-$^3D_1$ coupled channel and the central force in $^1S_0$ channel. In particular, a clear signal is obtained for the tensor force.
We calculate the low-lying spectrum of charmed baryons in lattice QCD on the $32^3times64$, $N_f=2+1$ PACS-CS gauge configurations at the almost physical pion mass of $sim 156$ MeV/c$^2$. By employing a set of interpolating operators with different D irac structures and quark-field smearings for the variational analysis, we extract the ground and first few excited states of the spin-$1/2$ and spin-$3/2$, singly-, doubly-, and triply-charmed baryons. Additionally, we study the $Xi_c$-$Xi_c^prime$ mixing and the operator dependence of the excited states in a variational approach. We identify several states that lie close to the experimentally observed excited states of the $Sigma_c$, $Xi_c$ and $Omega_c$ baryons, including some of the $Xi_c$ states recently reported by LHCb. Our results for the doubly- and triply-charmed baryons are suggestive for future experiments.
We present the latest lattice QCD results for baryon interactions obtained at nearly physical quark masses. $N_f = 2+1$ nonperturbatively ${cal O}(a)$-improved Wilson quark action with stout smearing and Iwasaki gauge action are employed on the latti ce of $(96a)^4 simeq (8.1mbox{fm})^4$ with $a^{-1} simeq 2.3$ GeV, where $m_pi simeq 146$ MeV and $m_K simeq 525$ MeV. In this report, we study the two-nucleon systems and two-$Xi$ systems in $^1S_0$ channel and $^3S_1$-$^3D_1$ coupled channel, and extract central and tensor interactions by the HAL QCD method. We also present the results for the $NOmega$ interaction in $^5S_2$ channel which is relevant to the $NOmega$ pair-momentum correlation in heavy-ion collision experiments.
In this contribution, a first look at simulations using maximally twisted mass Wilson fermions at the physical point is presented. A lattice action including clover and twisted mass terms is presented and the Monte Carlo histories of one run with two mass-degenerate flavours at a single lattice spacing are shown. Measurements from the light and heavy-light pseudoscalar sectors are compared to previous $N_f = 2$ results and their phenomenological values. Finally, the strategy for extending simulations to $N_f = 2 + 1 + 1$ is outlined.
119 - Y. Namekawa 2012
We investigate the charmed baryon mass spectrum using the relativistic heavy quark action on 2+1 flavor PACS-CS configurations previously generated on $32^3 times 64$ lattice. The dynamical up-down and strange quark masses are set to the physical val ues by using the technique of reweighting to shift the quark hopping parameters from the values employed in the configuration generation. At the physical point, the lattice spacing equals $a^{-1}=2.194(10)$ GeV and the spatial extent $L=2.88(1)$ fm. Our results for the charmed baryon masses are consistent with experiments except for $Xi_{cc}$, which has only weak experimental evidence yet. We also predict mass values for other doubly and triply charmed baryons.
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