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Emergence of charge order in a staggered loop-current phase of cuprate high-temperature superconductors

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 نشر من قبل William A. Atkinson
 تاريخ النشر 2015
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We study the emergence of charge ordered phases within a pi-loop current (piLC) model for the pseudogap based on a three-band model for underdoped cuprate superconductors. Loop currents and charge ordering are driven by distinct components of the short-range Coulomb interactions: loop currents result from the repulsion between nearest-neighbor copper and oxygen orbitals, while charge order results from repulsion between neighboring oxygen orbitals. We find that the leading piLC phase has an antiferromagnetic pattern similar to previously discovered staggered flux phases, and that it emerges abruptly at hole dopings p below the van Hove filling. Subsequent charge ordering tendencies in the piLC phase reveal that diagonal d-charge density waves (dCDW) are suppressed by the loop currents while axial order competes more weakly. In some cases we find a wide temperature range below the loop-current transition, over which the susceptibility towards an axial dCDW is large. In these cases, short-range axial charge order may be induced by doping-related disorder. A unique feature of the coexisting dCDW and piLC phases is the emergence of an incommensurate modulation of the loop currents. If the dCDW is biaxial (checkerboard) then the resulting incommensurate current pattern breaks all mirror and time-reversal symmetries, thereby allowing for a polar Kerr effect.

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The presence of different electronic orders other than superconductivity populating the phase diagram of cuprates suggests that they might be the key to disclose the mysteries of this class of materials. In particular charge order in the form of char ge density waves (CDW), i.e., the incommensurate modulation of electron density in the CuO$_2$ planes, is ubiquitous across different families and presents a clear interplay with superconductivity. Until recently, CDW had been found to be confined inside a rather small region of the phase diagram, below the pseudogap temperature and the optimal doping. This occurrence might shed doubts on the possibility that such low temperature phenomenon actually rules the properties of cuprates either in the normal or in the superconducting states. However, recent resonant X-ray scattering (RXS) experiments are overturning this paradigm. It results that very short-ranged charge modulations permeate a much wider region of the phase diagram, coexisting with CDW at lower temperatures and persisting up to temperatures well above the pseudogap opening. Here we review the characteristics of these high temperature charge modulations, which are present in several cuprate families, with similarities and differences. A particular emphasis is put on their dynamical character and on their coupling to lattice and magnetic excitations, properties that can be determined with high resolution resonant inelastic x-ray scattering (RIXS).
In a multiorbital model of the cuprate high-temperature superconductors soft antiferromagnetic (AF) modes are assumed to reconstruct the Fermi surface to form nodal pockets. The subsequent charge ordering transition leads to a phase with a spatially modulated transfer of charge between neighboring oxygen p_x and p_y orbitals and also weak modulations of the charge density on the copper d_{x^2-y^2} orbitals. As a prime result of the AF Fermi surface reconstruction, the wavevectors of the charge modulations are oriented along the crystalline axes with a periodicity that agrees quantitatively with experiments. This resolves a discrepancy between experiments, which find axial order, and previous theoretical calculations, which find modulation wavevectors along the Brillouin zone (BZ) diagonal. The axial order is stabilized by hopping processes via the Cu4s orbital, which is commonly not included in model analyses of cuprate superconductors.
A model of charged hole-pair bosons, with long range Coulomb interactions and very weak interlayer coupling, is used to calculate the order parameter -Phi- of underdoped cuprates. Model parameters are extracted from experimental superfluid densities and plasma frequencies. The temperature dependence -Phi(T)- is characterized by a trapezoidal shape. At low temperatures, it declines slowly due to harmonic phase fluctuations which are suppressed by anisotropic plasma gaps. Above the single layer Berezinski-Kosterlitz-Thouless (BKT) temperature, Phi(T) falls rapidly toward the three dimensional transition temperature. The theoretical curves are compared to c-axis superfluid density data by H. Kitano et al., (J. Low Temp. Phys. 117, 1241 (1999)) and to the -transverse nodal velocity- measured by angular resolved photoemmission spectra on BSCCO samples by W.S. Lee et al., (Nature 450, 81 (2007)), and by A. Kanigel, et al., (Phys. Rev. Lett. 99, 157001 (2007)).
173 - T. Wu , H. Mayaffre , S. Kramer 2013
Evidence is mounting that charge order competes with superconductivity in high Tc cuprates. Whether this has any relationship to the pairing mechanism is unknown since neither the universality of the competition nor its microscopic nature has been es tablished. Here using nuclear magnetic resonance, we show that, similar to La214, charge order in YBCO has maximum strength inside the superconducting dome, at doping levels p = 0.11 - 0.12.We further show that the overlap of halos of incipient charge order around vortex cores, similar to those visualised in Bi2212, can explain the threshold magnetic field at which long-range charge order emerges. These results reveal universal features of a competition in which charge order and superconductivity appear as joint instabilities of the same normal state, whose relative balance can be field-tuned in the vortex state.
Universal scaling laws can guide the understanding of new phenomena, and for cuprate high-temperature superconductivity such an early influential relation showed that the critical temperature of superconductivity ($T_c$) correlates with the density o f the superfluid measured at low temperatures. This famous Uemura relation has been inspiring the community ever since. Here we show that the charge content of the bonding orbitals of copper and oxygen in the ubiquitous CuO$_2$ plane, accessible with nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), is tied to the Uemura scaling. This charge distribution between copper and oxygen varies between cuprate families and with doping, and it allows us to draw a new phase diagram that has different families sorted with respect to their maximum $T_c$. Moreover, it also shows that $T_c$ could be raised substantially if we were able to synthesize materials in which more oxygen charge is transferred to the approximately half filled copper orbital.
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