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Large deviations for configurations generated by Gibbs distributions with energy functionals consisting of singular interaction and weakly confining potentials

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 نشر من قبل Vaios Laschos Dr
 تاريخ النشر 2015
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We establish large deviation principles (LDPs) for empirical measures associated with a sequence of Gibbs distributions on $n$-particle configurations, each of which is defined in terms of an inverse temperature $% beta_n$ and an energy functional consisting of a (possibly singular) interaction potential and a (possibly weakly) confining potential. Under fairly general assumptions on the potentials, we use a common framework to establish LDPs both with speeds $beta_n/n rightarrow infty$, in which case the rate function is expressed in terms of a functional involving the potentials, and with speed $beta_n =n$, when the rate function contains an additional entropic term. Such LDPs are motivated by questions arising in random matrix theory, sampling, simulated annealing and asymptotic convex geometry. Our approach, which uses the weak convergence method developed by Dupuis and Ellis, establishes LDPs with respect to stronger Wasserstein-type topologies. Our results address several interesting examples not covered by previous works, including the case of a weakly confining potential, which allows for rate functions with minimizers that do not have compact support, thus resolving several open questions raised in a work of Chafa{i} et al.

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اقرأ أيضاً

A large deviation principle is derived for stochastic partial differential equations with slow-fast components. The result shows that the rate function is exactly that of the averaged equation plus the fluctuating deviation which is a stochastic part ial differential equation with small Gaussian perturbation. This also confirms the effectiveness of the approximation of the averaged equation plus the fluctuating deviation to the slow-fast stochastic partial differential equations.
Consider first passage percolation with identical and independent weight distributions and first passage time ${rm T}$. In this paper, we study the upper tail large deviations $mathbb{P}({rm T}(0,nx)>n(mu+xi))$, for $xi>0$ and $x eq 0$ with a time co nstant $mu$ and a dimension $d$, for weights that satisfy a tail assumption $ beta_1exp{(-alpha t^r)}leq mathbb P(tau_e>t)leq beta_2exp{(-alpha t^r)}.$ When $rleq 1$ (this includes the well-known Eden growth model), we show that the upper tail large deviation decays as $exp{(-(2dxi +o(1))n)}$. When $1< rleq d$, we find that the rate function can be naturally described by a variational formula, called the discrete p-Capacity, and we study its asymptotics. For $r<d$, we show that the large deviation event ${rm T}(0,nx)>n(mu+xi)$ is described by a localization of high weights around the origin. The picture changes for $rgeq d$ where the configuration is not anymore localized.
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431 - C. Kuelske , A. A. Opoku 2007
We present a general method to derive continuity estimates for conditional probabilities of general (possibly continuous) spin models sub jected to local transformations. Such systems arise in the study of a stochastic time-evolution of Gibbs measure s or as noisy observations. We exhibit the minimal necessary structure for such double-layer systems. Assuming no a priori metric on the local state spaces, we define the posterior metric on the local image space. We show that it allows in a natural way to divide the local part of the continuity estimates from the spatial part (which is treated by Dobrushin uniqueness here). We show in the concrete example of the time evolution of rotators on the q-1 dimensional sphere how this method can be used to obtain estimates in terms of the familiar Euclidean metric.
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