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For Wilson and clover fermions traditional formulations of the axial vector current do not respect the continuum Ward identity which relates the divergence of that current to the pseudoscalar density. Here we propose to use a point-split or one-link axial vector current whose divergence exactly satisfies a lattice Ward identity, involving the pseudoscalar density and a number of irrelevant operators. We check in one-loop lattice perturbation theory with SLiNC fermion and gauge plaquette action that this is indeed the case including order $O(a)$ effects. Including these operators the axial Ward identity remains renormalisation invariant. First preliminary results of a nonperturbative check of the Ward identity are also presented.
We investigate implications of the use of the point-split axial vector current derived from a Wilson like fermionic action. We compute the corresponding renormalization factor nonperturbatively for one beta value. The axial charge gA calculated from
Previous lattice QCD calculations of axial vector and pseudoscalar form factors show significant deviation from the partially conserved axial current (PCAC) relation between them. Since the original correlation functions satisfy PCAC, the observed de
Using the axial-vector coupling and the electromagnetic form factors of the D and D* mesons in 2+1 flavor Lattice QCD, we compute the D*Dpi, DDrho and D*D*rho coupling constants, which play an important role in describing the charm hadron interaction
We report on a non-perturbative computation of the renormalization factor Z_A of the axial vector current in three-flavour O(a) improved lattice QCD with Wilson quarks and tree-level Symanzik improved gauge action and also recall our recent determina
We are calculated the expectation value of the axial-vector current induced by the vacuum polarization effect of the Dirac field in constant external electromagnetic field. In calculations we use Schwingers proper time method. The effective Lagrangia