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Bounded Degree Cosystolic Expanders of Every Dimension

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 نشر من قبل Shai Evra
 تاريخ النشر 2015
  مجال البحث الهندسة المعلوماتية
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In this work we present a new local to global criterion for proving a form of high dimensional expansion, which we term cosystolic expansion. Applying this criterion on Ramanujan complexes, yields for every dimension, an infinite family of bounded degree complexes with the topological overlapping property. This answer affirmatively an open question raised by Gromov.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

94 - Eyal Karni , Tali Kaufman 2020
A two-dimensional simplicial complex is called $d$-{em regular} if every edge of it is contained in exactly $d$ distinct triangles. It is called $epsilon$-expanding if its up-down two-dimensional random walk has a normalized maximal eigenvalue which is at most $1-epsilon$. In this work, we present a class of bounded degree 2-dimensional expanders, which is the result of a small 2-complex action on a vertex set. The resulted complexes are fully transitive, meaning the automorphism group acts transitively on their faces. Such two-dimensional expanders are rare! Known constructions of such bounded degree two-dimensional expander families are obtained from deep algebraic reasonings (e.g. coset geometries). We show that given a small $d$-regular two-dimensional $epsilon$-expander, there exists an $epsilon=epsilon(epsilon)$ and a family of bounded degree two-dimensional simplicial complexes with a number of vertices goes to infinity, such that each complex in the family satisfies the following properties: * It is $4d$-regular. * The link of each vertex in the complex is the same regular graph (up to isomorphism). * It is $epsilon$ expanding. * It is transitive. The family of expanders that we get is explicit if the one-skeleton of the small complex is a complete multipartite graph, and it is random in the case of (almost) general $d$-regular complex. For the randomized construction, we use results on expanding generators in a product of simple Lie groups. This construction is inspired by ideas that occur in the zig-zag product for graphs. It can be seen as a loose two-dimensional analog of the replacement product.
For $kgeq 1$, a $k$-colouring $c$ of $G$ is a mapping from $V(G)$ to ${1,2,ldots,k}$ such that $c(u) eq c(v)$ for any two non-adjacent vertices $u$ and $v$. The $k$-Colouring problem is to decide if a graph $G$ has a $k$-colouring. For a family of gr aphs ${cal H}$, a graph $G$ is ${cal H}$-free if $G$ does not contain any graph from ${cal H}$ as an induced subgraph. Let $C_s$ be the $s$-vertex cycle. In previous work (MFCS 2019) we examined the effect of bounding the diameter on the complexity of $3$-Colouring for $(C_3,ldots,C_s)$-free graphs and $H$-free graphs where $H$ is some polyad. Here, we prove for certain small values of $s$ that $3$-Colouring is polynomial-time solvable for $C_s$-free graphs of diameter $2$ and $(C_4,C_s)$-free graphs of diameter $2$. In fact, our results hold for the more general problem List $3$-Colouring. We complement these results with some hardness result for diameter $4$.
172 - Bruno Grenet 2014
In this paper, we present a new method for computing bounded-degree factors of lacunary multivariate polynomials. In particular for polynomials over number fields, we give a new algorithm that takes as input a multivariate polynomial f in lacunary re presentation and a degree bound d and computes the irreducible factors of degree at most d of f in time polynomial in the lacunary size of f and in d. Our algorithm, which is valid for any field of zero characteristic, is based on a new gap theorem that enables reducing the problem to several instances of (a) the univariate case and (b) low-degree multivariate factorization. The reduction algorithms we propose are elementary in that they only manipulate the exponent vectors of the input polynomial. The proof of correctness and the complexity bounds rely on the Newton polytope of the polynomial, where the underlying valued field consists of Puiseux series in a single variable.
A natural way of increasing our understanding of NP-complete graph problems is to restrict the input to a special graph class. Classes of $H$-free graphs, that is, graphs that do not contain some graph $H$ as an induced subgraph, have proven to be an ideal testbed for such a complexity study. However, if the forbidden graph $H$ contains a cycle or claw, then these problems often stay NP-complete. A recent complexity study on the $k$-Colouring problem shows that we may still obtain tractable results if we also bound the diameter of the $H$-free input graph. We continue this line of research by initiating a complexity study on the impact of bounding the diameter for a variety of classical vertex partitioning problems restricted to $H$-free graphs. We prove that bounding the diameter does not help for Independent Set, but leads to new tractable cases for problems closely related to 3-Colouring. That is, we show that Near-Bipartiteness, Independent Feedback Vertex Set, Independent Odd Cycle Transversal, Acyclic 3-Colouring and Star 3-Colouring are all polynomial-time solvable for chair-free graphs of bounded diameter. To obtain these results we exploit a new structural property of 3-colourable chair-free graphs.
We study quantum algorithms for testing bipartiteness and expansion of bounded-degree graphs. We give quantum algorithms that solve these problems in time O(N^(1/3)), beating the Omega(sqrt(N)) classical lower bound. For testing expansion, we also pr ove an Omega(N^(1/4)) quantum query lower bound, thus ruling out the possibility of an exponential quantum speedup. Our quantum algorithms follow from a combination of classical property testing techniques due to Goldreich and Ron, derandomization, and the quantum algorithm for element distinctness. The quantum lower bound is obtained by the polynomial method, using novel algebraic techniques and combinatorial analysis to accommodate the graph structure.
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