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Ambipolar diffusion in low-mass star formation. I. General comparison with the ideal MHD case

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 نشر من قبل Jacques Masson
 تاريخ النشر 2015
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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In this paper, we provide a more accurate description of the evolution of the magnetic flux redistribution during prestellar core collapse by including resistive terms in the magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) equations. We focus more particularly on the impact of ambipolar diffusion. We use the adaptive mesh refinement code RAMSES to carry out such calculations. The resistivities required to calculate the ambipolar diffusion terms were computed using a reduced chemical network of charged, neutral and grain species. The inclusion of ambipolar diffusion leads to the formation of a magnetic diffusion barrier in the vicinity of the core, preventing accumulation of magnetic flux in and around the core and amplification of the field above 0.1G. The mass and radius of the first Larson core remain similar between ideal and non-ideal MHD models. This diffusion plateau has crucial consequences on magnetic braking processes, allowing the formation of disk structures. Magnetically supported outflows launched in ideal MHD models are weakened when using non-ideal MHD. Contrary to ideal MHD misalignment between the initial rotation axis and the magnetic field direction does not significantly affect the results for a given mu, showing that the physical dissipation truly dominate over numerical diffusion. We demonstrate severe limits of the ideal MHD formalism, which yield unphysical behaviours in the long-term evolution of the system. This includes counter rotation inside the outflow, interchange instabilities, and flux redistribution triggered by numerical diffusion, none observed in non-ideal MHD. Disks with Keplerian velocity profiles form in all our non-ideal MHD simulations, with final mass and size which depend on the initial magnetisation. This ranges from a few 0.01 solar masses and 20-30 au for the most magnetised case (mu=2) to 0.2 solar masses and 40-80 au for a lower magnetisation (mu=5).

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اقرأ أيضاً

155 - Zhaohuan Zhu , James M. Stone , 2014
We study dust transport in turbulent protoplanetary disks using three-dimensional global unstratified magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) simulations including Lagrangian dust particles. The turbulence is driven by the magnetorotational instability (MRI) with either ideal or non-ideal MHD that includes ambipolar diffusion (AD). In ideal MHD simulations, the surface density evolution (except for dust that drifts fastest), turbulent diffusion, and vertical scale height of dust can all be reproduced by simple one-dimensoinal and/or analytical models. However, in AD dominated simulations which simulate protoplanetary disks beyond 10s of AU, the vertical scale height of dust is larger than previously predicted. To understand this anomaly in more detail, we carry out both unstratified and stratified local shearing box simulations with Lagrangian particles, and find that turbulence in AD dominated disks has very different properties (e.g., temporal autocorrelation functions and power spectra) than turbulence in ideal MHD disks, which leads to quite different particle diffusion efficiency. For example, MRI turbulence with AD has a longer correlation time for the vertical velocity, which causes significant vertical particle diffusion and large dust scale height. In ideal MHD the Schmidt numbers ($Sc$) for radial and vertical turbulent diffusion are $Sc_{r}sim 1$ and $Sc_{z}gtrsim 3$, but in the AD dominated regime both $Sc_{r}$ and $Sc_{z}$ are $lesssim 1$. Particle concentration in pressure bumps induced by MRI turbulence has also been studied. Since non-ideal MHD effects dominate most regions in protoplanetary disks, our study suggests that modeling dust transport in turbulence driven by MRI with non-ideal MHD effects is important for understanding dust transport in realistic protoplanetary disks.
Most numerical investigations on the role of magnetic fields in turbulent molecular clouds (MCs) are based on ideal magneto-hydrodynamics (MHD). However, MCs are weakly ionized, so that the time scale required for the magnetic field to diffuse throug h the neutral component of the plasma by ambipolar diffusion (AD) can be comparable to the dynamical time scale. We have performed a series of 256^3 and 512^3 simulations on supersonic but sub-Alfvenic turbulent systems with AD using the Heavy-Ion Approximation developed in Li, McKee, & Klein (2006). Our calculations are based on the assumption that the number of ions is conserved, but we show that these results approximately apply to the case of time-dependent ionization in molecular clouds as well. Convergence studies allow us to determine the optimal value of the ionization mass fraction when using the heavy-ion approximation for low Mach number, sub-Alfvenic turbulent systems. We find that ambipolar diffusion steepens the velocity and magnetic power spectra compared to the ideal MHD case. Changes in the density PDF, total magnetic energy, and ionization fraction are determined as a function of the AD Reynolds number. The power spectra for the neutral gas properties of a strongly magnetized medium with a low AD Reynolds number are similar to those for a weakly magnetized medium; in particular, the power spectrum of the neutral velocity is close to that for Burgers turbulence.
83 - Jonathan C. Tan 2015
I review theoretical models of star formation and how they apply across the stellar mass spectrum. Several distinct theories are under active study for massive star formation, especially Turbulent Core Accretion, Competitive Accretion and Protostella r Mergers, leading to distinct observational predictions. These include the types of initial conditions, the structure of infall envelopes, disks and outflows, and the relation of massive star formation to star cluster formation. Even for Core Accretion models, there are several major uncertainties related to the timescale of collapse, the relative importance of different processes for preventing fragmentation in massive cores, and the nature of disks and outflows. I end by discussing some recent observational results that are helping to improve our understanding of these processes.
We have implemented non-ideal Magneto-Hydrodynamics (MHD) effects in the Adaptive Mesh Refinement (AMR) code RAMSES, namely ambipolar diffusion and Ohmic dissipation, as additional source terms in the ideal MHD equations. We describe in details how w e have discretized these terms using the adaptive Cartesian mesh, and how the time step is diminished with respect to the ideal case, in order to perform a stable time integration. We have performed a large suite of test runs, featuring the Barenblatt diffusion test, the Ohmic diffusion test, the C-shock test and the Alfven wave test. For the latter, we have performed a careful truncation error analysis to estimate the magnitude of the numerical diffusion induced by our Godunov scheme, allowing us to estimate the spatial resolution that is required to address non-ideal MHD effects reliably. We show that our scheme is second-order accurate, and is therefore ideally suited to study non-ideal MHD effects in the context of star formation and molecular cloud dynamics.
72 - Ka Ho Lam 2019
Disks are essential to the formation of both stars and planets, but how they form in magnetized molecular cloud cores remains debated. This work focuses on how the disk formation is affected by turbulence and ambipolar diffusion (AD), both separately and in combination, with an emphasis on the protostellar mass accretion phase of star formation. We find that a relatively strong, sonic turbulence on the core scale strongly warps but does not completely disrupt the well-known magnetically-induced flattened pseudodisk that dominates the inner protostellar accretion flow in the laminar case, in agreement with previous work. The turbulence enables the formation of a relatively large disk at early times with or without ambipolar diffusion, but such a disk remains strongly magnetized and does not persist to the end of our simulation unless a relatively strong ambipolar diffusion is also present. The AD-enabled disks in laminar simulations tend to fragment gravitationally. The disk fragmentation is suppressed by initial turbulence. The ambipolar diffusion facilitates the disk formation and survival by reducing the field strength in the circumstellar region through magnetic flux redistribution and by making the field lines there less pinched azimuthally, especially at late times. We conclude that turbulence and ambipolar diffusion complement each other in promoting disk formation. The disks formed in our simulations inherit a rather strong magnetic field from its parental core, with a typical plasma-$beta$ of order a few tens or smaller, which is 2-3 orders of magnitude lower than the values commonly adopted in MHD simulations of protoplanetary disks. To resolve this potential tension, longer-term simulations of disk formation and evolution with increasingly more realistic physics are needed.
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