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Ultradeep IRAC Imaging Over The HUDF And GOODS-South: Survey Design And Imaging Data Release

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 نشر من قبل Ivo Labbe
 تاريخ النشر 2015
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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The IRAC ultradeep field (IUDF) and IRAC Legacy over GOODS (IGOODS) programs are two ultradeep imaging surveys at 3.6{mu}m and 4.5{mu}m with the Spitzer Infrared Array Camera (IRAC). The primary aim is to directly detect the infrared light of reionization epoch galaxies at z > 7 and to constrain their stellar populations. The observations cover the Hubble Ultra Deep Field (HUDF), including the two HUDF parallel fields, and the CANDELS/GOODS-South, and are combined with archival data from all previous deep programs into one ultradeep dataset. The resulting imaging reaches unprecedented coverage in IRAC 3.6{mu}m and 4.5{mu}m ranging from > 50 hour over 150 arcmin^2, > 100 hour over 60 sq arcmin2, to 200 hour over 5 - 10 arcmin$^2$. This paper presents the survey description, data reduction, and public release of reduced mosaics on the same astrometric system as the CANDELS/GOODS-South WFC3 data. To facilitate prior-based WFC3+IRAC photometry, we introduce a new method to create high signal-to-noise PSFs from the IRAC data and reconstruct the complex spatial variation due to survey geometry. The PSF maps are included in the release, as are registered maps of subsets of the data to enable reliability and variability studies. Simulations show that the noise in the ultradeep IRAC images decreases approximately as the square root of integration time over the range 20 - 200 hours, well below the classical confusion limit, reaching 1{sigma} point source sensitivities as faint as of 15 nJy (28.5 AB) at 3.6{mu}m and 18 nJy (28.3 AB) at 4.5{mu}m. The value of such ultradeep IRAC data is illustrated by direct detections of z = 7 - 8 galaxies as faint as HAB = 28.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

249 - Wei-Hao Wang 2010
We present an ultradeep Ks-band image that covers 0.5*0.5 deg^2 centered on the Great Observatories Origins Deep Survey-North (GOODS-N). The image reaches a 5 sigma depth of Ks(AB) = 24.45 in the GOODS-N region, which is as deep as the GOODS-N Spitze r Infrared Array Camera (IRAC) 3.6 mu m image. We present a new method of constructing IRAC catalogs that uses the higher spatial resolution Ks image and catalog as priors and iteratively subtracts fluxes from the IRAC images to estimate the IRAC fluxes. Our iterative method is different from the chi^2 approach adopted by other groups. We verified our results using data taken in two different epochs of observations, as well as by comparing our colors with the colors of stars and with the colors derived from model spectral energy distributions (SEDs) of galaxies at various redshifts. We make available to the community our WIRCam Ks-band image and catalog (94951 objects in 0.25 deg^2), the Interactive Data Language (IDL) pipeline used for reducing the WIRCam images, and our IRAC 3.6 to 8.0 mu m catalog (16950 objects in 0.06 deg^2 at 3.6 mu m). With this improved Ks and IRAC catalog and a large spectroscopic sample from our previous work, we study the color-magnitude and color-color diagrams of galaxies. We compare the effectiveness of using Ks and IRAC colors to select active galactic nuclei (AGNs) and galaxies at various redshifts. We also study a color selection of z = 0.65--1.2 galaxies using the Ks, 3.6 mu m, and 4.5 mu m bands.
85 - K. Kuijken 2019
The Kilo-Degree Survey (KiDS) is an ongoing optical wide-field imaging survey with the OmegaCAM camera at the VLT Survey Telescope, specifically designed for measuring weak gravitational lensing by galaxies and large-scale structure. When completed i t will consist of 1350 square degrees imaged in four filters (ugri). Here we present the fourth public data release which more than doubles the area of sky covered by data release 3. We also include aperture-matched ZYJHKs photometry from our partner VIKING survey on the VISTA telescope in the photometry catalogue. We illustrate the data quality and describe the catalogue content. Two dedicated pipelines are used for the production of the optical data. The Astro-WISE information system is used for the production of co-added images in the four survey bands, while a separate reduction of the r-band images using the theli pipeline is used to provide a source catalogue suitable for the core weak lensing science case. All data have been re-reduced for this data release using the late
We present catalogs of calibrated photometry and spectroscopic redshifts in the Extended Groth Strip, intended for studies of photometric redshifts (photo-zs). The data includes ugriz photometry from CFHTLS and Y-band photometry from the Subaru Supri me camera, as well as spectroscopic redshifts from the DEEP2, DEEP3 and 3D-HST surveys. These catalogs incorporate corrections to produce effectively matched-aperture photometry across all bands, based upon object size information available in the catalog and Moffat profile point spread function fits. We test this catalog with a simple machine learning-based photometric redshift algorithm based upon Random Forest regression, and find that the corrected aperture photometry leads to significant improvement in photo-z accuracy compared to the original SExtractor catalogs from CFHTLS and Subaru. The deep ugrizY photometry and spectroscopic redshifts are well-suited for empirical tests of photometric redshift algorithms for LSST. The resulting catalogs are publicly available. We include a basic summary of the strategy of the DEEP3 Galaxy Redshift Survey to accompany the recent public release of DEEP3 data.
140 - M. L. N. Ashby 2013
The Spitzer-South Pole Telescope Deep Field (SSDF) is a wide-area survey using Spitzers Infrared Array Camera (IRAC) to cover 94 square degrees of extragalactic sky, making it the largest IRAC survey completed to date outside the Milky Way midplane. The SSDF is centered at 23:30,-55:00, in a region that combines observations spanning a broad wavelength range from numerous facilities. These include millimeter imaging from the South Pole Telescope, far-infrared observations from Herschel/SPIRE, X-ray observations from the XMM XXL survey, near-infrared observations from the VISTA Hemisphere Survey, and radio-wavelength imaging from the Australia Telescope Compact Array, in a panchromatic project designed to address major outstanding questions surrounding galaxy clusters and the baryon budget. Here we describe the Spitzer/IRAC observations of the SSDF, including the survey design, observations, processing, source extraction, and publicly available data products. In particular, we present two band-merged catalogs, one for each of the two warm IRAC selection bands. They contain roughly 5.5 and 3.7 million distinct sources, the vast majority of which are galaxies, down to the SSDF 5-sigma sensitivity limits of 19.0 and 18.2 Vega mag (7.0 and 9.4 microJy) at 3.6 and 4.5 microns, respectively.
A global understanding of Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) and their host galaxies hinges on completing a census of AGN activity without selection biases down to the low-luminosity regime. Toward that goal, we identify AGN within faint radio populations at cosmic noon selected from new ultra-deep, high resolution imaging from the Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array at 6 and 3 GHz. These radio data are spatially coincident with the ultra-deep legacy surveys in the GOODS-S/HUDF region, particularly the unparalleled Chandra 7 Ms X-ray imaging. Combined, these datasets provide a unique basis for a thorough census of AGN, allowing simultaneous identification via (1) high X-ray luminosity; (2) hard X-ray spectra; (3) excess X-ray relative to 6 GHz; (4) mid-IR colors; (5) SED fitting; (6) radio excess via the radio-infrared relation; (7) flat radio spectra via multi-band radio; and (8) optical spectroscopy. We uncover AGN in fully half our faint radio sample, indicating a source density of one AGN arcmin$^{-2}$, with a similar number of radio-undetected AGN identified via X-ray over the same area. Our radio-detected AGN are majority radio-quiet, with radio emission consistent with being powered predominantly by star formation. Nevertheless, we find AGN radio signatures in our sample: $sim12%$ with radio excess indicating radio-loud activity and $sim16%$ of radio-quiet AGN candidates with flat or inverted radio spectra. The latter is a lower limit, pending our upcoming deeper 3 GHz survey. Finally, despite these extensive datasets, this work is likely still missing heavily obscured AGN. We discuss in detail this elusive population and the prospects for completing our AGN census with JWST/MIRI.
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