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Dynamical masses of a nova-like variable on the edge of the period gap

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 نشر من قبل Pablo Rodriguez-Gil
 تاريخ النشر 2015
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف P. Rodriguez-Gil

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We present the first dynamical determination of the binary parameters of an eclipsing SW Sextantis star in the 3-4 hour orbital period range during a low state. We obtained time-resolved optical spectroscopy and photometry of HS 0220+0603 during its 2004-2005 low brightness state, as revealed in the combined SMARTS, IAC80 and M1 Group long-term optical light curve. The optical spectra taken during primary eclipse reveal a secondary star spectral type of M5.5 $pm$ 0.5 as derived from molecular band-head indices. The spectra also provide the first detection of a DAB white dwarf in a cataclysmic variable. By modelling its optical spectrum we estimate a white dwarf temperature of 30000 $pm$ 5000 K. By combining the results of modelling the white dwarf eclipse from ULTRACAM light curves with those obtained by simultaneously fitting the emission- and absorption-line radial velocity curves and I-band ellipsoidal light curves, we measure the stellar masses to be M$_1 = 0.87 pm 0.09$ M$_odot$ and M$_2 = 0.47 pm 0.05$ M$_odot$ for the white dwarf and the M dwarf, respectively, and an inclination of the orbital plane of $i approx 79^mathrm{o}$. A radius of $0.0103 pm 0.0007$ R$_odot$ is obtained for the white dwarf. The secondary star in HS 0220+0603 is likely too cool and undersized for its mass.

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The morphology and optical spectrum of IPHASXJ210205+471015, a nebula classified as a possible planetary nebula, are however strikingly similar to those of ATCnc, a classical nova shell around a dwarf nova. To investigate its true nature, we have obt ained high-resolution narrow-band [O III] and [N II] images and deep GTC OSIRIS optical spectra. The nebula shows an arc of [N II]-bright knots notably enriched in nitrogen, whilst an [O III]-bright bow-shock is progressing throughout the ISM. Diagnostic line ratios indicate that shocks are associated with the arc and bow-shock. The central star of this nebula has been identified by its photometric variability. Time-resolved photometric and spectroscopic data of this source reveal a period of 4.26 hours, which is attributed to a binary system. The optical spectrum is notably similar to that of RWSex, a cataclysmic variable star (CV) of the UXUMa nova-like (NL) type. Based on these results, we propose that IPHASX J210205+471015 is a classical nova shell observed around a CV-NL system in quiescence.
Context: We present results of an extensive world-wide observing campaign of MN Draconis. Aims: MN Draconis is a poorly known active dwarf nova in the period gap and is one of the only two known cases of period gap SU UMa objects showing the negati ve superhumps. Photometric behaviour of MN Draconis poses a challenge for existing models of the superhump and superoutburst mechanisms. Therefore, thorough investigation of peculiar systems, such as MN Draconis, is crucial for our understanding of evolution of the close binary stars. Methods: To measure fundamental parameters of the system, we collected photometric data in October 2009, June-September 2013 and June-December 2015. Analysis of the light curves, $O-C$ diagrams and power spectra was carried out. Results: During our three observational seasons we detected four superoutburts and several normal outbursts. Based on the two consecutive superoutbursts detected in 2015, the supercycle length was derived P_sc = 74 +/- 0.5 days and it has been increasing with a rate of P_dot = 3.3 x 10^(-3) during last twelve years. Based on the positive and negative superhumps we calculated the period excess epsilon = 5.6% +/- 0.1%, the period deficit epsilon_ = 2.5% +/- 0.6%, and in result, the orbital period P_orb = 0.0994(1) days (143.126 +/- 0.144 min). We updated the basic light curve parameters of MN Draconis. Conclusions: MN Draconis is the first discovered SU UMa system in the period gap with increasing supercycle length.
226 - N. Vogt , A.-N. Chene (1 , 2 2013
Variability on all time scales between seconds and decades is typical for cataclysmic variables (CVs). One of the brightest and best studied CVs is TT Ari, a nova-like variable which belongs to the VY Scl subclass, characterized by occasional low sta tes in their light curves. It is also known as a permanent superhumper at high state, revealing positive (P_S > P_0) as well as negative (P_S < P_0) superhumps, where P_S is the period of the superhump and P_0 the orbital period. TT Ari was observed by the Canadian space telescope MOST for about 230 hours nearly continuously in 2007, with a time resolution of 48 seconds. Here we analyze these data, obtaining a dominant negative superhump signal with a period P_S = 0.1331 days and a mean amplitude of 0.09 mag. Strong flickering with amplitudes up to 0.2 mag and peak-to-peak time scales of 15-20 minutes is superimposed on the periodic variations. We found no indications for significant quasi-periodic oscillations with periods around 15 minutes, reported by other authors. We discuss the known superhump behaviour of TT Ari during the last five decades and conclude that our period value is at the upper limit of all hitherto determined negative superhump periods of TT Ari, before and after the MOST run.
Twenty-one new optical light curves, including five curves obtained in 2009 and sixteen curves detected from the AAVSO International Database spanning from 1977 to 2011, demonstrate 16 new primary minimum light times in the high state. Furthermore, s even newly found low-state transient events from 2006 to 2009 were discovered, consisting of five Gaussian-shaped events and two events with an exponential form with decay timescales of $<$0.005 days; these timescales are one order of magnitude shorter than those of previous X-ray flare events. In the state transition, two special events were detected: a disrupted event with an amplitude of $sim$ 2 mag and a duration of $sim$ 72 minutes and continuing R-band twin events larger than all known R-band flares detected in M-type red dwarfs. All 45 available high-state data points spanning over 35 yr were used to construct an updated O-C diagram of objectname{AM Herculis}, which clearly shows a significant sine-like variation with a period of 12-15 yr and an amplitude of 6-9 minutes. Using the inspected physical parameters of the donor star, the secular variation in the O-C diagram cannot be interpreted by any decided angular momentum loss mechanism, but can satisfy the condition $tau_{dot{rm M}_{2}}simeqtau_{rm KH}>>tau_{dot{rm R}_{rm 2}}$, which is required by numerical calculations of the secular evolution of cataclysmic variables. In order to explain the prominent periodic modulation, three plausible mechanisms - spot motion, the light travel-time effect, and magnetic active cycles - are discussed in detail.
136 - G. Subebekova 2020
We obtained photometric observations of the nova-like cataclysmic variable RW Tri and gathered all available AAVSO and other data from the literature. We determined the system parameters and found their uncertainties using the code developed by us to model the light curves of binary systems. New time-resolved optical spectroscopic observations of RW Tri were also obtained to study the properties of emission features produced by the system. The usual interpretation of the single-peaked emission lines in nova-like systems is related to the bi-conical wind from the accretion discs inner part. However, we found that the Halpha emission profile is comprised of two components with different widths. We argue that the narrow component originates from the irradiated surface of the secondary, while the broader components source is an extended, low-velocity region in the outskirts of the accretion disc, located opposite to the collision point of the accretion stream and the disc. It appears to be a common feature for long-period nova-like systems -- a point we discuss.
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