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GOODS-$Herschel$: identification of the individual galaxies responsible for the 80-290$mu$m cosmic infrared background

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 نشر من قبل Roger Leiton
 تاريخ النشر 2015
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We propose a new method of pushing $Herschel$ to its faintest detection limits using universal trends in the redshift evolution of the far infrared over 24$mu$m colours in the well-sampled GOODS-North field. An extension to other fields with less multi-wavelength information is presented. This method is applied here to raise the contribution of individually detected $Herschel$ sources to the cosmic infrared background (CIRB) by a factor 5 close to its peak at 250$mu$m and more than 3 in the 350$mu$m and 500$mu$m bands. We produce realistic mock $Herschel$ images of the deep PACS and SPIRE images of the GOODS-North field from the GOODS-$Herschel$ Key Program and use them to quantify the confusion noise at the position of individual sources, i.e., estimate a local confusion noise. Two methods are used to identify sources with reliable photometric accuracy extracted using 24$mu$m prior positions. The clean index (CI), previously defined but validated here with simulations, which measures the presence of bright 24$mu$m neighbours and the photometric accuracy index (PAI) directly extracted from the mock $Herschel$ images. After correction for completeness, thanks to our mock $Herschel$ images, individually detected sources make up as much as 54% and 60% of the CIRB in the PACS bands down to 1.1 mJy at 100$mu$m and 2.2 mJy at 160$mu$m and 55, 33, and 13% of the CIRB in the SPIRE bands down to 2.5, 5, and 9 mJy at 250$mu$m, 350$mu$m, and 500$mu$m, respectively. The latter depths improve the detection limits of $Herschel$ by factors of 5 at 250$mu$m, and 3 at 350$mu$m and 500$mu$m as compared to the standard confusion limit. Interestingly, the dominant contributors to the CIRB in all $Herschel$ bands appear to be distant siblings of the Milky Way ($z$$sim$0.96 for $lambda$$<$300$mu$m) with a stellar mass of $M_{star}$$sim$9$times$10$^{10}$M$_{odot}$.

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اقرأ أيضاً

The cosmic infrared background (CIB) provides a fundamental observational constraint on the star-formation history of galaxies over cosmic history. We estimate the contribution to the CIB from catalogued galaxies in the COSMOS field by using a novel map fitting technique on the textit{Herschel} SPIRE maps. Prior galaxy positions are obtained using detections over a large range in wavelengths in the $K_{rm s}$--3,GHz range. Our method simultaneously fits the galaxies, the system foreground, and the leakage of flux from galaxies located in masked areas and corrects for an over-fitting effect not previously accounted for in stacking methods. We explore the contribution to the CIB as a function of galaxy survey wavelength and depth. We find high contributions to the CIB with the deep $r$ ($m_{rm AB} le 26.5$), $K_{rm s}$ ($m_{rm AB} le 24.0$) and 3.6,$mu$m ($m_{rm AB} le 25.5$) catalogues. We combine these three deep catalogues and find a total CIB contributions of 10.5 $pm$ 1.6, 6.7 $pm$ 1.5 and 3.1 $pm$ 0.7,nWm$^{-2}$sr$^{-1}$ at 250, 350 and 500,$mu$m, respectively. Our CIB estimates are consistent with recent phenomenological models, prior based SPIRE number counts and with (though more precise than) the diffuse total measured by FIRAS. Our results raise the interesting prospect that the CIB contribution at $lambda le 500,mu$m from known galaxies has converged. Future large-area surveys like those with the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope are therefore likely to resolve a substantial fraction of the population responsible for the CIB at 250,$mu$m $leq lambda leq$ 500,$mu$m.
175 - D.Elbaz , M.Dickinson , H.S.Hwang 2011
We present the deepest far-IR observations obtained with Herschel and examine the 3-500um SEDs of galaxies at 0<z<2.5, supplemented by a local reference sample from IRAS, ISO, Spitzer and AKARI data. We find that the ratio of total IR luminosity to r est-frame 8um luminosity, IR8 (=Lir/L8), follows a Gaussian distribution centered on IR8=4 and defines an IR main sequence (MS). A minority population (<20 %) of outliers producing a tail skewed toward higher values of IR8 consist of starbursts (SB) with compact projected star formation densities. IR8 can be used to separate galaxies with normal and extended modes of star formation from compact SBs with high-IR8, high projected IR surface brightness (>3x10^10 Lsun kpc^-2) and a high specific SFR (i.e., SBs). The rest-frame, UV-2700A size of these distant SBs is typically half that of MS galaxies, supporting the correlation between star formation density and SB activity that is measured for the local sample. Locally, (U)LIRGs are systematically in the SB mode, whereas most distant (U)LIRGs form stars in the normal MS mode. This confusion between two modes of star formation is the cause of the so-called mid-IR excess population of galaxies found at z>1.5 by previous studies. MS galaxies have strong PAH emission line features, a broad far-IR bump resulting from a combination of dust temperatures (Tdust~15-50 K), and an effective Tdust~31 K, as derived from the peak wavelength of their IR SED. Galaxies in the SB regime instead exhibit weak PAH EW and a sharper far-IR bump with an effective Tdust~40 K. Finally, we present evidence that the mid-to-far IR emission of X-ray AGNs is predominantly produced by star formation and that candidate dusty AGNs with a power-law emission in the mid-IR systematically occur in compact, dusty SBs. After correcting for the effect of SBs on IR8, we identify new candidates for extremely obscured AGNs.
Local infrared (IR) luminosity functions (LFs) are necessary benchmarks for high-redshift IR galaxy evolution studies. Any accurate IR LF evolution studies require accordingly accurate local IR LFs. We present infrared galaxy LFs at redshifts redshif ts of $z leq 0.3$ from AKARI space telescope, which performed an all-sky survey in six IR bands (9, 18, 65, 90, 140 and 160 micron) with 10 times better sensitivity than its precursor IRAS. Availability of 160 micron filter is critically important in accurately measuring total IR luminosity of galaxies, covering across the peak of the dust emission. By combining data from Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE), Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) Data Release 13 (DR13), 6-degree Field Galaxy Survey (6dFGS) and the 2MASS Redshift Survey (2MRS), we created a sample of 15,638 local IR galaxies with spectroscopic redshifts, factor of 7 larger compared to previously studied AKARI -SDSS sample. After carefully correcting for volume effects in both IR and optical, the obtained IR LFs agree well with previous studies, but comes with much smaller errors. Measured local IR luminosity density is $Omega_{IR}=$ 1.19$pm$0.05 $times 10^{8}$ L$_{odot}$ Mpc$^{-3}$. The contributions from luminous infrared galaxies and ultra luminous infrared galaxies to IR are very small, 9.3 per cent and 0.9 per cent, respectively. There exists no future all sky survey in far-infrared wavelengths in the foreseeable future. The IR LFs obtained in this work will therefore remain an important benchmark for high-redshift studies for decades.
143 - A. Enia , M. Negrello , M. Gurwell 2018
We perform lens modelling and source reconstruction of Submillimeter Array (SMA) data for a sample of 12 strongly lensed galaxies selected at 500$mu$m in the Herschel Astrophysical Terahertz Large Area Survey H-ATLAS. A previous analysis of the same dataset used a single S`ersic profile to model the light distribution of each background galaxy. Here we model the source brightness distribution with an adaptive pixel scale scheme, extended to work in the Fourier visibility space of interferometry. We also present new SMA observations for seven other candidate lensed galaxies from the H-ATLAS sample. Our derived lens model parameters are in general consistent with previous findings. However, our estimated magnification factors, ranging from 3 to 10, are lower. The discrepancies are observed in particular where the reconstructed source hints at the presence of multiple knots of emission. We define an effective radius of the reconstructed sources based on the area in the source plane where emission is detected above 5$sigma$. We also fit the reconstructed source surface brightness with an elliptical Gaussian model. We derive a median value $r_{eff},sim 1.77,$kpc and a median Gaussian full width at half maximum $sim1.47,$kpc. After correction for magnification, our sources have intrinsic star formation rates SFR$,sim900-3500,M_{odot}yr^{-1}$, resulting in a median star formation rate surface density $Sigma_{SFR}sim132,M_{odot}$ yr$^{-1}$ kpc$^{-2}$ (or $sim 218,M_{odot}$ yr$^{-1}$ kpc$^{-2}$ for the Gaussian fit). This is consistent with what observed for other star forming galaxies at similar redshifts, and is significantly below the Eddington limit for a radiation pressure regulated starburst.
We investigate the multiplicity of extragalactic sources detected by the Herschel Space Observatory in the COSMOS field. Using 3.6- and 24-$mu$m catalogues, in conjunction with 250-$mu$m data from Herschel, we seek to determine if a significant fract ion of Herschel sources are composed of multiple components emitting at 250 $mu$m. We use the XID+ code, using Bayesian inference methods to produce probability distributions of the possible contributions to the observed 250-$mu$m flux for each potential component. The fraction of Herschel flux assigned to the brightest component is highest for sources with total 250-$mu$m fluxes < 45 mJy; however, the flux in the brightest component is still highest in the brightest Herschel sources. The faintest 250-$mu$m sources (30-45 mJy) have the majority of their flux assigned to a single bright component; the second brightest component is typically significantly weaker, and contains the remainder of the 250-$mu$m source flux. At the highest 250-$mu$m fluxes (45-110 mJy), the brightest and second brightest components are assigned roughly equal fluxes, and together are insufficient to reach 100 per cent of the 250-$mu$m source flux. This indicates that additional components are required, beyond the brightest two components, to reproduce the observed flux. 95 per cent of the sources in our sample have a second component that contains more than 10 per cent of the total source flux. Particularly for the brightest Herschel sources, assigning the total flux to a single source may overestimate the flux contributed by around 150 per cent.
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