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Tetrahedrally coordinated carbonates in Earths lower mantle

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 نشر من قبل Ding Pan
 تاريخ النشر 2015
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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Carbonates are the main species that bring carbon deep into our planet through subduction. They are an important rock-forming mineral group, fundamentally distinct from silicates in Earths crust in that carbon binds to three oxygen atoms, while silicon is bonded to four oxygens. Here, we present experimental evidence that under the sufficiently high pressures and high temperatures existing in the lower mantle, ferromagnesian carbonates transform to a phase with tetrahedrally coordinated carbons. Above 80 GPa, in situ synchrotron infrared experiments show the unequivocal spectroscopic signature of the high-pressure phase of (Mg,Fe)CO$_3$. Using ab-initio calculations, we assign the new IR signature to C-O bands associated with tetrahedrally coordinated carbon with asymmetric C-O bonds. Tetrahedrally coordinated carbonates are expected to exhibit substantially different reactivity than low pressure three-fold coordinated carbonates, as well as different chemical properties in the liquid state. Hence this may have significant implications on carbon reservoirs and fluxes and the global geodynamic carbon cycle.

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The stability, structure and properties of carbonate minerals at lower mantle conditions has significant impact on our understanding of the global carbon cycle and the composition of the interior of the Earth. In recent years, there has been signific ant interest in the behavior of carbonates at lower mantle conditions, specifically in their carbon hybridization, which has relevance for the storage of carbon within the deep mantle. Using high-pressure synchrotron X-ray diffraction in a diamond anvil cell coupled with direct laser heating of CaCO$_{3}$ using a CO$_{2}$ laser, we identify a crystalline phase of the material above 40 GPa $-$ corresponding to a lower mantle depth of around 1,000 km $-$ which has first been predicted by textit{ab initio} structure predictions. The observed $sp^{2}$ carbon hybridized species at 40 GPa is monoclinic with $P2_{1}/c$ symmetry and is stable up to 50 GPa, above which it transforms into a structure which cannot be indexed by existing known phases. A combination of textit{ab initio} random structure search (AIRSS) and quasi-harmonic approximation (QHA) calculations are used to re-explore the relative phase stabilities of the rich phase diagram of CaCO$_{3}$. Nudged elastic band (NEB) calculations are used to investigate the reaction mechanisms between relevant crystal phases of CaCO$_{3}$ and we postulate that the mineral is capable of undergoing $sp^{2}$-$sp^{3}$ hybridization change purely in the $P2_{1}/c$ structure $-$ forgoing the accepted post-aragonite $Pmmn$ structure.
The temperature anomalies in the Earths mantle associated with thermal convection1 can be inferred from seismic tomography, provided that the elastic properties of mantle minerals are known as a function of temperature at mantle pressures. At present , however, such information is difficult to obtain directly through laboratory experiments. We have therefore taken advantage of recent advances in computer technology, and have performed finite-temperature ab initio molecular dynamics simulations of the elastic properties of MgSiO3 perovskite, the major mineral of the lower mantle, at relevant thermodynamic conditions. When combined with the results from tomographic images of the mantle, our results indicate that the lower mantle is either significantly anelastic or compositionally heterogeneous on large scales. We found the temperature contrast between the coldest and hottest regions of the mantle, at a given depth, to be about 800K at 1000 km, 1500K at 2000 km, and possibly over 2000K at the core-mantle boundary.
280 - N. Hollmann , Z. Hu , Hua Wu 2010
CaBaFe4O7 is a mixed-valent transition metal oxide having both Fe2+ and Fe3+ ions in tetrahedral coordination. Here we characterize its magnetic properties by magnetization measurements and investigate its local electronic structure using soft x-ray absorption spectroscopy at the Fe L2,3 edges, in combination with multiplet cluster and spin-resolved band structure calculations. We found that the Fe2+ ion in the unusual tetrahedral coordination is Jahn-Teller active with the high-spin e^2 (up) t2^3 (up) e^1 (down) configuration having a x^2-y^2-like electron for the minority spin. We deduce that there is an appreciable orbital moment of about L_z=0.36 caused by multiplet interactions, thereby explaining the observed magnetic anisotropy. CaBaFe4O7, a member of the 114 oxide family, offers new opportunities to explore charge, orbital and spin physics in transition metal oxides.
Calcium silicate perovskite (CaSiO$_3$) is one of the major mineral components of the lower mantle, but has been the subject of relatively little work compared to the more abundant Mg-based materials. One of the major problems related to CaSiO$_3$ th at is still the subject of research is its crystal structure under lower mantle conditions - a cubic Pm$bar{3}$m structure is accepted in general, but some have suggested that lower-symmetry structures may be relevant. In this paper, we use a fully first-principles vibrational self-consistent field method to perform high accuracy anharmonic vibrational calculations on several candidate structures at a variety of points along the geotherm near the base of the lower mantle to investigate the stability of the cubic structure and related distorted structures. Our results show that the cubic structure is the most stable throughout the lower mantle, and that this result is robust against the effects of thermal expansion.
Ferropericlase, (Mg,Fe)O is one of the most abundant minerals of the Earths lower mantle. The high-spin (HS) to low-spin (LS) transition in the Fe2+ ions can dramatically alter the physical and chemical properties of (Mg,Fe)O in the deep mantle, ther eby changing our understanding of the Earths deep interior. To establish a fundamental understanding of the ground electronic state of iron, the electronic and magnetic states of Fe2+ in (Mg0.75,Fe0.25)O have been investigated by transmission (TMS) and synchrotron (NFS) Mossbauer spectroscopy at high pressures and low temperatures (down to 5 K). The results show that the ground electronic state of Fe2+ at the critical pressure Pc of the spin transition and close to T=0 is determined by a quantum critical point Pq (T = 0, Pc) where the energy difference between the HS and LS states (an energy gap for the spin fluctuation) is zero. The deviation from T=0 leads to the thermal excitation for the HS or LS state, suggesting a strong influence on the magnetic and hence the physical properties of the material. Combining these with theoretical calculations, the results indicate that the existence of the quantum critical point at zero temperature affects not only the low-temperature physical properties, but also the strong temperature/pressure-dependent properties at conditions relevant to the middle layer of the lower mantle.
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