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Volume Ignition via Time-like Detonation in Pellet Fusion

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 نشر من قبل Laszlo P. Csernai
 تاريخ النشر 2015
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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Relativistic fluid dynamics and the theory of relativistic detonation fronts are used to estimate the space-time dynamics of the burning of the D-T fuel in Laser driven pellet fusion experiments. The initial High foot heating of the fuel makes the compressed target transparent to radiation, and then a rapid ignition pulse can penetrate and heat up the whole target to supercritical temperatures in a short time, so that most of the interior of the target ignites almost simultaneously and instabilities will have no time to develop. In these relativistic, radiation dominated processes both the interior, time-like burning front and the surrounding space-like part of the front will be stable against Rayleigh-Taylor instabilities. To achieve this rapid, volume ignition the pulse heating up the target to supercritical temperature should provide the required energy in less than ~ 10 ps.

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Precise delivery of mass to burning plasmas is a problem of growing interest in magnetic fusion. The answers to how much mass is necessary and sufficient can vary depending on parameters such as the type of atoms involved, the type of applications, p lasma conditions, mass injector, and injection timing. Motivated by edge localized mode (ELM) control in H-mode plasmas, disruption mitigation and other applications in magnetic fusion, we report progress and new possibilities in mass delivery based on hollow pellets. Here, a hollow pellet refers to a spherical shell mass structure with a hollow core. Based on an empirical model of pellet ablation, coupled with BOUT++ simulations of ELM triggering threshold, hollow pellets are found to be attractive in comparison with solid spheres for ELM control. By using hollow pellets, it is possible to tailor mass delivery to certain regions of edge plasmas while minimizing core contamination and reducing the total amount of mass needed. We also include experimental progress in mass delivery experiments, in-situ diagnostics and hollow pellet fabrication, and emphasize new experimental possibilities for ELM control based on hollow pellets. A related application is the disruption mitigation scheme using powder encapsulated inside hollow shells. Further experiments will also help to resolve known discrepancies between theoretical predictions and experiments in using mass injection for ELM control and lead to better predictive models for ELM stability and triggering.
125 - T. Kubo , T. Karino , H. Kato 2018
In inertial confinement fusion, the scientific issues include the generation and transport of driver energy, the pellet design, the uniform target implosion physics, the realistic nuclear fusion reactor design, etc. In this paper, we present a pellet injection into a power reactor in heavy ion inertial fusion. We employ a magnetic correction method to reduce the pellet alignment error in heavy ion inertial fusion reactor chamber, including the gravity, the reactor gas drag force and the injection errors. We found that the magnetic correction device proposed in this paper is effective to construct a robust pellet injection system with a sufficiently small pellet alignment error.
To enhance the core heating efficiency in fast ignition laser fusion, the concept of relativistic electron beam guiding by external magnetic fields was evaluated by integrated simulations for FIREX class targets. For the cone-attached shell target ca se, the core heating performance is deteriorated by applying magnetic fields since the core is considerably deformed and the most of the fast electrons are reflected due to the magnetic mirror formed through the implosion. On the other hand, in the case of cone-attached solid ball target, the implosion is more stable under the kilo-tesla-class magnetic field. In addition, feasible magnetic field configuration is formed through the implosion. As the results, the core heating efficiency becomes double by magnetic guiding. The dependence of core heating properties on the heating pulse shot timing was also investigated for the solid ball target.
171 - F. Winterberg 2008
The proposed fast ignition of highly compressed deuterium-tritium (DT) targets by petawatt lasers requires energy of about 100kJ. To lower the power of the laser, it is proposed to accomplish fast ignition with two lasers, one with lower power in the infrared, and a second one with high power in the visible to ultraviolet region. The infrared laser of lower power shall by its radiation pressure drive a large current in a less than solid density plasma placed inside a capillary, while the second high power-shorter wave length-laser shall ignite at one end of the capillary a magnetic field supported thermonuclear detonation wave in a blanket made from solid DT along the outer surface of the capillary. The other end of the capillary, together with its DT blanket, is stuck in the DT target, where following the compression of the target the detonation wave ignites the target.
A novel capsule target design to improve the hot-spot pressure in the high-adiabat implosion for inertial confinement fusion is proposed, where a layer of comparatively high-density material is used as a pusher between the fuel and the ablator. This design is based on our theoretical finding of the stagnation scaling laws, which indicates that the hot spot pressure can be improved by increasing the kinetic energy density $rho_d V_{imp}^2/2$ ($rho_d$ is the shell density when the maximum shell velocity is reached, $V_{imp}$ is the implosion velocity.) of the shell. The proposed design uses the high density pusher to enhance the shell density $rho_d$ so that the hot spot pressure is improved. Radio-hydrodynamic simulations show that the hot spot pressure of the design reaches the requirement for ignition even driven by a very high-adiabat short-duration two-shock pulse. The design is hopeful to simultaneously overcome the two major obstacles to achieving ignition--ablative instability and laser-plasma instability.
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