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Topological Josephson ${phi}_0$-junctions

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 نشر من قبل Fabrizio Dolcini Dr.
 تاريخ النشر 2015
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We study the effect of a magnetic field on the current-phase relation of a topological Josephson junction formed by connecting two superconductors through the helical edge states of a quantum spin-Hall insulator. We predict that the Zeeman effect along the spin quantization axis of the helical edges results in an anomalous Josephson relation that allows for a supercurrent to flow in the absence of superconducting phase bias. We relate the associated field-tunable phase shift $phi_0$ in the Josephson relation of such a $phi_0$-junction to the existence of a so-called helical superconductivity, which may result from the interplay of the Zeeman effect and spin-orbit coupling. We analyze the dependence of the magneto-supercurrent on the junction length and discuss its observability in suitably designed hybrid structures subject to an in-plane magnetic field.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

We study the spin transport through a 1D quantum Ising-XY-Ising spin link that emulates a topological superconducting-normal-superconducting structure via Jordan-Wigner (JW) transformation. We calculate, both analytically and numerically, the spectru m of spin Andreev bound states and the resulting $mathbb{Z}_2$ fractional spin Josephson effect (JE) pertaining to the emerging Majorana JW fermions. Deep in the topological regime, we identify an effective time-reversal symmetry that leads to $mathbb{Z}_4$ fractional spin JE in the $textit{presence}$ of interactions within the junction. Moreover, we uncover a hidden inversion time-reversal symmetry that protects the $mathbb{Z}_4$ periodicity in chains with an odd number of spins, even in the $textit{absence}$ of interactions. We also analyze the entanglement between pairs of spins by evaluating the concurrence in the presence of spin current and highlight the effects of the JW Majorana states. We propose to use a microwave cavity setup for detecting the aforementioned JEs by dispersive readout methods and show that, surprisingly, the $mathbb{Z}_2$ periodicity is immune to $textit{any}$ local magnetic perturbations. Our results are relevant for a plethora of spin systems, such as trapped ions, photonic lattices, electron spins in quantum dots, or magnetic impurities on surfaces.
Topological superconductivity holds promise for fault-tolerant quantum computing. While planar Josephson junctions are attractive candidates to realize this exotic state, direct phase-measurements as the fingerprint of the topological transition are missing. By embedding two gate-tunable Al/InAs Josephson junctions in a loop geometry, we measure a $pi$-jump in the junction phase with increasing in-plane magnetic field, ${bf B}_|$. This jump is accompanied by a minimum of the critical current, indicating a closing and reopening of the superconducting gap, strongly anisotropic in ${bf B}_|$. Our theory confirms that these signatures of a topological transition are compatible with the emergence of Majorana states.
We study two microscopic models of topological insulators in contact with an $s$-wave superconductor. In the first model the superconductor and the topological insulator are tunnel coupled via a layer of scalar and of randomly oriented spin impuritie s. Here, we require that spin-flip tunneling dominates over spin-conserving one. In the second model the tunnel coupling is realized by an array of single-level quantum dots with randomly oriented spins. It is shown that the tunnel region forms a $pi$-junction where the effective order parameter changes sign. Interestingly, due to the random spin orientation the effective descriptions of both models exhibit time-reversal symmetry. We then discuss how the proposed $pi$-junctions support topological superconductivity without magnetic fields and can be used to generate and manipulate Kramers pairs of Majorana fermions by gates.
The interplay of superconductivity, magnetic fields, and spin-orbit interaction lies at the heart of topological superconductivity. Remarkably, the recent experimental discovery of $varphi_{0}$ Josephson junctions by Szombati et al., Nat. Phys. 12, 5 68 (2016), characterized by a finite phase offset in the supercurrent, require the same ingredients as topological superconductors, which suggests a profound connection between these two distinct phenomena. Here, we theoretically show that a quantum dot $varphi_{0}$ Josephson junction can serve as a new qualitative indicator for topological superconductivity: Microscopically, we find that the phase shift in a junction of $s-$wave superconductors is due to the spin-orbit induced mixing of singly occupied states on the qantum dot, while for a topological superconductor junction it is due to singlet-triplet mixing. Because of this important difference, when the spin-orbit vector of the quantum dot and the external Zeeman field are orthogonal, the $s$-wave superconductors form a $pi$ Josephson junction while the topological superconductors have a finite offset $varphi_{0}$ by which topological superconductivity can be distinguished from conventional superconductivity. Our prediction can be immediately tested in nanowire systems currently used for Majorana fermion experiments and thus offers a new and realistic approach for detecting topological bound states.
We study the emergent band topology of subgap Andreev bound states in the three-terminal Josephson junctions. We scrutinize the symmetry constraints of the scattering matrix in the normal region connecting superconducting leads that enable the topolo gical nodal points in the spectrum of Andreev states. When the scattering matrix possesses time-reversal symmetry, the gap closing occurs at special stationary points that are topologically trivial as they carry vanishing Berry fluxes. In contrast, for the time-reversal broken case we find topological monopoles of the Berry curvature and corresponding phase transition between states with different Chern numbers. The latter is controlled by the structure of the scattering matrix that can be tuned by a magnetic flux piercing through the junction area in a three-terminal geometry. The topological regime of the system can be identified by nonlocal conductance quantization that we compute explicitly for a particular parametrization of the scattering matrix in the case where each reservoir is connected by a single channel.
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