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A New Merging Double Degenerate Binary in the Solar Neighborhood

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 نشر من قبل John H. Debes
 تاريخ النشر 2015
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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Characterizing the local space density of double degenerate binary systems is a complementary approach to broad sky surveys of double degenerates to determine the expected rates of white dwarf binary mergers, in particular those that may evolve into other observable phenomena such as extreme helium stars, Am CVn systems, and supernovae Ia. However, there have been few such systems detected in local space. We report here the discovery that WD 1242$-$105, a nearby bright WD, is a double-line spectroscopic binary consisting of two degenerate DA white dwarfs of similar mass and temperature, despite it previously having been spectroscopically characterized as a single degenerate. Follow-up photometry, spectroscopy, and trigonometric parallax have been obtained in an effort to determine the fundamental parameters of each component of this system. The binary has a mass ratio of 0.7 and a trigonometric parallax of 25.5 mas, placing it at a distance of 39 pc. The systems total mass is 0.95 M$_odot$ and has an orbital period of 2.85 hours, making it the strongest known gravitational wave source ($log h = -20.78$) in the mHz regime. Because of its orbital period and total mass, WD 1242$-$105 is predicted to merge via gravitational radiation on a timescale of 740 Myr, which will most likely not result in a catastrophic explosion.

قيم البحث

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Abridged: We report the discovery of two, new, rare, wide, double-degenerate binaries that each contain a magnetic and a non-magnetic star. The components of SDSSJ092646.88+132134.5 + J092647.00+132138.4 and SDSSJ150746.48+521002.1 + J150746.80+52095 8.0 have angular separations of only 4.6 arcsec (a~650AU) and 5.1 arcsec (a~750AU), respectively. They also appear to share common proper motions. Follow-up optical spectroscopy reveals each system to consist of a DA and a H-rich high-field magnetic white dwarf (HFMWD). Our measurements of the effective temperatures and the surface gravities of the DA components reveal both to have larger masses than are typical of field white dwarfs. By assuming that these degenerates have evolved essentially as single stars, due to their wide orbital separations, we use them to place limits on the total ages of our stellar systems. These argue that in each case the HFMWD is probably associated with an early type progenitor (M_init > 2M_solar). We find that the cooling time of SDSSJ150746.80+520958.0 (DAH) is somewhat lower than might be expected had it followed the evolutionary path of a typical single star. This mild discord is in the same sense as that observed for two of the small number of other HFMWDs for which progenitor mass estimates have been made, REJ0317-853 and EG59. The mass of the other DAH, SDSSJ092646.88+132134.5, appears to be smaller than expected on the basis of single star evolution. If this object was/is a member of a hierarchical triple system it may have experienced greater mass loss during an earlier phase of its life as a result of it having a close companion. The large uncertainties on our estimates of the parameters of the HFMWDs suggest a larger sample of these objects is required to firmly identify any trends in their inferred cooling times and progenitor masses.
The study of the stellar formation history in the solar neighborhood is a powerful technique to recover information about the early stages and evolution of the Milky Way. We present a new method which consists of directly probing the formation histor y from the nearby stellar remnants. We rely on the volume complete sample of white dwarfs within 20 pc, where accurate cooling ages and masses have been determined. The well characterized initial-final mass relation is employed in order to recover the initial masses (1 < M/Msun < 8) and total ages for the local degenerate sample. We correct for moderate biases that are necessary to transform our results to a global stellar formation rate, which can be compared to similar studies based on the properties of main-sequence stars in the solar neighborhood. Our method provides precise formation rates for all ages except in very recent times, and the results suggest an enhanced formation rate for the solar neighborhood in the last 5 Gyr compared to the range 5 < Age (Gyr) < 10. Furthermore, the observed total age of ~10 Gyr for the oldest white dwarfs in the local sample is consistent with the early seminal studies that have determined the age of the Galactic disk from stellar remnants. The main shortcoming of our study is the small size of the local white dwarf sample. However, the presented technique can be applied to larger samples in the future.
81 - B. Miszalski 2017
Whether planetary nebulae (PNe) are predominantly the product of binary stellar evolution as some population synthesis models (PSM) suggest remains an open question. Around 50 short period binary central stars ($Psim1$ d) are known, but with only fou r with measured orbital periods over 10 d, our knowledge is severely incomplete. Here we report on the first discovery from a systematic SALT HRS survey for long period binary central stars. We find a 142 d orbital period from radial velocities of the central star of NGC~1360, HIP~16566. NGC~1360 appears to be the product of common-envelope (CE) evolution, with nebula features similar to post-CE PNe, albeit with an orbital period considerably longer than expected to be typical of post-CE PSM. The most striking feature is a newly-identified ring of candidate low-ionisation structures (LIS). Previous spatio-kinematic modelling of the nebula gives a nebula inclination of $30pm10$ deg, and assuming the binary nucleus is coplanar with the nebula, multi-wavelength observations best fit a more massive, evolved WD companion. A WD companion in a 142 d orbit is not the focus of many PSM, making NGC~1360 a valuable system with which to improve future PSM work. HIP~16566 is amongst many central stars in which large radial velocity variability was found by low-resolution surveys. The discovery of its binary nature may indicate long period binaries may be more common than PSM models predict.
We present a detailed investigation of SBS1150+599A, a close binary star hosted by the planetary nebula PN G135.9+55.9 (TS01, Stasinska et al, 2009). The nebula, located in the Galactic halo, is the most oxygen-poor one known to date and is the only one known to harbor a double degenerate core. We present XMM-Newton observations of this object, which allowed the detection of the previously invisible component of the binary core, whose existence was inferred so far only from radial velocity and photometric variations. The parameters of the binary system were deduced from a wealth of information via three independent routes using the spectral energy distribution (from the infrared to X-rays), the light and radial velocity curves, and a detailed model atmosphere fitting of the stellar absorption features of the optical/UV component. We find that the cool component must have a mass of 0.54+/-0.2 Msun, an average effective temperature, Teff, of 58000+/-3000 K, a mean radius of 0.43+/-0.3 Rsun, a gravity log g=5.0+/-0.3, and that it nearly fills its Roche lobe. Its surface elemental abundances are found to be: 12 + log He/H = 10.95+/-0.04 dex, 12 + log C/H = 7.20+/-0.3 dex, 12 + log N/H < 6.92 and 12 + log O/H < 6.80, in overall agreement with the chemical composition of the planetary nebula. The hot component has Teff = 160-180 kK, a luminosity of about ~10e4 Lsun and a radius slightly larger than that of a white dwarf. It is probably bloated and heated as a result of intense accretion and nuclear burning on its surface in the past. The total mass of the binary system is very close to Chandrasekhar limit. This makes TS01 one of the best type Ia supernova progenitor candidates. We propose two possible scenarios for the evolution of the system up to its present stage.
LP 876-10 is a nearby active M4 dwarf in Aquarius at a distance of 7.6 pc. The star is a new addition to the 10-pc census, with a parallax measured via the Research Consortium on Nearby Stars (RECONS) astrometric survey on the Small & Moderate Apertu re Research Telescope Systems (SMARTS) 0.9-m telescope. We demonstrate that the astrometry, radial velocity, and photometric data for LP 876-10 are consistent with the star being a third, bound, stellar component to the Fomalhaut multiple system, despite the star lying nearly 6 degrees away from Fomalhaut A in the sky. The 3D separation of LP 876-10 from Fomalhaut is only 0.77+-0.01 pc, and 0.987+-0.006 pc from TW PsA (Fomalhaut B), well within the estimated tidal radius of the Fomalhaut system (1.9 pc). LP 876-10 shares the motion of Fomalhaut within ~1 km/s, and we estimate an interloper probability of ~10^{-5}. Neither our echelle spectroscopy nor astrometry are able to confirm the close companion to LP 876-10 reported in the Washington Double Star Catalog (WSI 138). We argue that the Castor Moving Group to which the Fomalhaut system purportedly belongs, is likely to be a dynamical stream, and hence membership to the group does not provide useful age constraints for group members. LP 876-10 (Fomalhaut C) has now risen from obscurity to become a rare example of a field M dwarf with well-constrained age (440+-40 Myr) and metallicity. Besides harboring a debris disk system and candidate planet, Fomalhaut now has two of the widest known stellar companions.
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