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Vacuum-UV to IR supercontinuum in hydrogen-filled photonic crystal fiber

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 نشر من قبل Federico Belli
 تاريخ النشر 2015
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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Although supercontinuum sources are readily available for the visible and near infrared, and recently also for the mid-IR, many areas of biology, chemistry and physics would benefit greatly from the availability of compact, stable and spectrally bright deep ultraviolet (DUV) and vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) supercontinuum sources. Such sources have however not yet been developed. Here we report the generation of a bright supercontinuum, spanning more than three octaves from 124 nm to beyond 1200 nm, in hydrogen-filled kagome-style hollow-core photonic crystal fiber (kagome-PCF). Few-{mu}J, 30 fs pump pulses at wavelength 805 nm are launched into the fiber, where they undergo self-compression via the Raman-enhanced Kerr effect. Modeling indicates that before reaching a minimum sub-cycle pulse duration of ~1 fs, much less than one period of molecular vibration (8 fs), nonlinear reshaping of the pulse envelope, accentuated by self-steepening and shock formation, creates an ultrashort feature that causes impulsive excitation of long-lived coherent molecular vibrations. These phase-modulate a strong VUV dispersive wave (at 182 nm or 6.8 eV) on the trailing edge of the pulse, further broadening the spectrum into the VUV. The results also show for the first time that kagome-PCF guides well in the VUV.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

We present the use of linearly down-tapered gas-filled hollow-core photonic crystal fiber in a single-stage, pumped with pulses from a compact infrared laser source, to generate a supercontinuum carrying significant spectral power in the deep ultravi olet (200 - 300 nm). The generated supercontinuum extends from the near infrared down to around 213 nm with up to 0.83 mW/nm in the deep ultraviolet.
Supercontinuum (SC) generation based on ultrashort pulse compression constitutes one of the most promising technologies towards an ultra-wide bandwidth, high-brightness and spatially coherent light sources for applications such as spectroscopy and mi croscopy. Here, multi-octave SC generation in a gas-filled hollow-core antiresonant fiber (HC-ARF) is reported spanning from 200 nm in the deep ultraviolet (DUV) to 4000 nm in the mid-infrared (mid-IR). A measured average output power of 5 mW was obtained by pumping at the center wavelength of the first anti-resonance transmission window (2460 nm) with ~100 fs pulses and an injected pulse energy of ~7-8 {mu}J. The mechanism behind the extreme spectral broadening relies upon intense soliton-plasma nonlinear dynamics which leads to efficient soliton self-compression and phase-matched dispersive wave (DW) emission in the DUV region. The strongest DW is observed at 275 nm having an estimated pulse energy of 1.42 {mu}J, corresponding to 28.4 % of the total output energy. Furthermore, the effect of changing the pump pulse energy and gas pressure on the nonlinear dynamics and their direct impact on SC generation was investigated. The current work paves a new way towards novel investigations of gas-based ultrafast nonlinear optics in the emerging mid-IR spectral regime.
We report the generation of a purely vibrational Raman comb, extending from the vacuum ultraviolet (184 nm) to the visible (478 nm), in hydrogen-filled kagome-style photonic crystal fiber pumped at 266 nm. Stimulated Raman scattering and molecular mo dulation processes are enhanced by higher Raman gain in the ultraviolet. Owing to the pressure-tunable normal dispersion landscape of the fiber-gas system in the ultraviolet, higher-order anti-Stokes bands are generated preferentially in higher-order fiber modes. The results pave the way towards tunable fiber-based sources of deep- and vacuum ultraviolet light for applications in, e.g., spectroscopy and biomedicine.
We report generation of ultrashort UV pulses by soliton self-compression in kagome-style hollow-core photonic crystal fiber filled with ambient air. Pump pulses with energy 2.6 uJ and duration 54 fs at 400 nm were compressed temporally by a factor of 5, to a duration of ~11 fs. The experimental results are supported by numerical simulations, showing that both Raman and Kerr effects play a role in the compression dynamics. The convenience of using ambient air, and the absence of glass windows that would distort the compressed pulses, makes the setup highly attractive as the basis of an efficient table-top UV pulse compressor.
68 - Rinat Tyumenev 2020
Many fields such as bio-spectroscopy and photochemistry often require sources of vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) pulses featuring a narrow linewidth and tunable over a wide frequency range. However, the majority of available VUV light sources do not simulta neously fulfill those two requirements, and few if any are truly compact, cost-effective and easy to use by non-specialists. Here we introduce a novel approach that goes a long way to meeting this challenge. It is based on hydrogen-filled hollow-core photonic crystal fiber pumped simultaneously by two spectrally distant pulses. Stimulated Raman scattering enables the generation of coherence waves of collective molecular motion in the gas, which together with careful dispersion engineering and control over the modal content of the pump light, facilitates cooperation between the two separate Raman combs, resulting in a spectrum that reaches deep into the VUV. Using this system, we demonstrate the generation of a dual Raman comb of narrowband lines extending down to 141 nm using only 100 mW of input power delivered by a commercial solid-state laser. The approach may enable access to tunable VUV light to any laboratory and therefore boost progress in many research areas across multiple disciplines.
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