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Chiral Symmetry of SYM theory in hyperbolic space at finite temperature

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 نشر من قبل Kazuo Ghoroku
 تاريخ النشر 2015
  مجال البحث
والبحث باللغة English

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We study a holographic gauge theory living in the AdS$_4$ space-time at finite temperature. The gravity dual is obtained as a solution of the type IIB superstring theory with two free parameters, which correspond to four dimensional (4D) cosmological constant ($lambda$) and the dark radiation ($C$) respectively. The theory studied here is in confining and chiral symmetry broken phase for $lambda <0$ and small $C$. When $C$ is increased, the transition to the deconfinement phase has been observed at a finite value of $C/|lambda|$. It is shown here that the chiral symmetry is still broken for a finite range of $C/|lambda|$ in the deconfinement phase. In other words, the chiral phase transition occurs at a larger value of $C/|lambda|$ than the one of the deconfinement transition. So there is a parameter range of a new deconfinement phase with broken chiral symmetry. In order to study the properties of this phase, we performed a holographic analysis for the meson mass-spectrum and other quantities in terms of the probe D7 brane. The results of this analysis are compared with a linear sigma model. Furthermore, the entanglement entropy is examined to search for a sign of the chiral phase trantion. Several comments are given for these analyses.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

221 - Si-wen Li 2019
The theta-dependent gauge theories can be studied by using holographic duality through string theory on certain spacetimes. Via this correspondence we consider a stack of $N_{0}$ dynamical D0-branes as D-instantons in the background sourced by $N_{c} $ coincident non-extreme black D4-branes. According to the gauge-gravity duality this D0-D4 brane system corresponds to Yang-Mills theory with a theta angle at finite temperature. We solve the IIA supergravity action by taking account into a sufficiently small backreaction of the D-instantons and obtain an analytical solution for our D0-D4-brane configuration. Then the dual theory in the large $N_{c}$ limit can be holographically investigated with the gravity solution. In the dual field theory, we find the coupling constant exhibits the property of asymptotic freedom as it is expected in QCD. The contribution of the theta-dependence to the free energy gets suppressed at high temperature which is basically consistent with the calculation by using the Yang-Mills instanton. The topological susceptibility in the large $N_{c}$ limit vanishes and this behavior remarkably agrees with the implications from the simulation results at finite temperature. Besides we finally find a geometrical interpretation of the theta-dependence in this holographic system.
168 - Yin-Zhen Xu , Si-Xue Qin , 2021
We study chiral symmetry restoration by analyzing thermal properties of QCDs (pseudo-)Goldstone bosons, especially the pion. The meson properties are obtained from the spectral densities of mesonic imaginary-time correlation functions. To obtain the correlation functions, we solve the Dyson-Schwinger equations and the inhomogeneous Bethe-Salpeter equations in the leading symmetry-preserving rainbow-ladder approximation. In the chiral limit, the pion and its partner sigma degenerate at the critical temperature $T_c$. At $T gtrsim T_c$, it is found that the pion rapidly dissociates, which signals deconfinement phase transition. Beyond the chiral limit, the pion dissociation temperature can be used to define the pseudo-critical temperature of chiral phase crossover, which is consistent with that obtained by the maximum point of the chiral susceptibility. The parallel analysis for kaon and pseudoscalar $sbar{s}$ suggests that heavy mesons may survive above $T_c$.
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