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Using sparse polynomial chaos expansions for the global sensitivity analysis of groundwater lifetime expectancy in a multi-layered hydrogeological model

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 نشر من قبل Bruno Sudret
 تاريخ النشر 2015
  مجال البحث الاحصاء الرياضي
والبحث باللغة English

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The study makes use of polynomial chaos expansions to compute Sobol indices within the frame of a global sensitivity analysis of hydro-dispersive parameters in a simplified vertical cross-section of a segment of the subsurface of the Paris Basin. Applying conservative ranges, the uncertainty in 78 input variables is propagated upon the mean lifetime expectancy of water molecules departing from a specific location within a highly confining layer situated in the middle of the model domain. Lifetime expectancy is a hydrogeological performance measure pertinent to safety analysis with respect to subsurface contaminants, such as radionuclides. The sensitivity analysis indicates that the variability in the mean lifetime expectancy can be sufficiently explained by the uncertainty in the petrofacies, ie the sets of porosity and hydraulic conductivity, of only a few layers of the model. The obtained results provide guidance regarding the uncertainty modeling in future investigations employing detailed numerical models of the subsurface of the Paris Basin. Moreover, the study demonstrates the high efficiency of sparse polynomial chaos expansions in computing Sobol indices for high-dimensional models.

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اقرأ أيضاً

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The global sensitivity analysis of a complex numerical model often calls for the estimation of variance-based importance measures, named Sobol indices. Metamodel-based techniques have been developed in order to replace the cpu time-expensive computer code with an inexpensive mathematical function, which predicts the computer code output. The common metamodel-based sensitivity analysis methods are well-suited for computer codes with scalar outputs. However, in the environmental domain, as in many areas of application, the numerical model outputs are often spatial maps, which may also vary with time. In this paper, we introduce an innovative method to obtain a spatial map of Sobol indices with a minimal number of numerical model computations. It is based upon the functional decomposition of the spatial output onto a wavelet basis and the metamodeling of the wavelet coefficients by the Gaussian process. An analytical example is presented to clarify the various steps of our methodology. This technique is then applied to a real hydrogeological case: for each model input variable, a spatial map of Sobol indices is thus obtained.
150 - O Roustant 2019
The so-called polynomial chaos expansion is widely used in computer experiments. For example, it is a powerful tool to estimate Sobol sensitivity indices. In this paper, we consider generalized chaos expansions built on general tensor Hilbert basis. In this frame, we revisit the computation of the Sobol indices and give general lower bounds for these indices. The case of the eigenfunctions system associated with a Poincar{e} differential operator leads to lower bounds involving the derivatives of the analyzed function and provides an efficient tool for variable screening. These lower bounds are put in action both on toy and real life models demonstrating their accuracy.
Sensitivity analysis (SA) is an important aspect of process automation. It often aims to identify the process inputs that influence the process outputs variance significantly. Existing SA approaches typically consider the input-output relationship as a black-box and conduct extensive random sampling from the actual process or its high-fidelity simulation model to identify the influential inputs. In this paper, an alternate, novel approach is proposed using a sparse polynomial chaos expansion-based model for a class of input-output relationships represented as directed acyclic networks. The model exploits the relationship structure by recursively relating a network node to its direct predecessors to trace the output variance back to the inputs. It, thereby, estimates the Sobol indices, which measure the influence of each input on the output variance, accurately and efficiently. Theoretical analysis establishes the validity of the model as the prediction of the network output converges in probability to the true output under certain regularity conditions. Empirical evaluation on two manufacturing processes shows that the model estimates the Sobol indices accurately with far fewer observations than a state-of-the-art Monte Carlo sampling method.
127 - Zhanlin Liu , Youngjun Choe 2018
Uncertainties exist in both physics-based and data-driven models. Variance-based sensitivity analysis characterizes how the variance of a model output is propagated from the model inputs. The Sobol index is one of the most widely used sensitivity ind ices for models with independent inputs. For models with dependent inputs, different approaches have been explored to obtain sensitivity indices in the literature. Typical approaches are based on procedures of transforming the dependent inputs into independent inputs. However, such transformation requires additional information about the inputs, such as the dependency structure or the conditional probability density functions. In this paper, data-driven sensitivity indices are proposed for models with dependent inputs. We first construct ordered partitions of linearly independent polynomials of the inputs. The modified Gram-Schmidt algorithm is then applied to the ordered partitions to generate orthogonal polynomials with respect to the empirical measure based on observed data of model inputs and outputs. Using the polynomial chaos expansion with the orthogonal polynomials, we obtain the proposed data-driven sensitivity indices. The sensitivity indices provide intuitive interpretations of how the dependent inputs affect the variance of the output without a priori knowledge on the dependence structure of the inputs. Three numerical examples are used to validate the proposed approach.
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