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Iterative reconstruction of the detector response for medical gamma cameras

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 نشر من قبل Andrey Morozov
 تاريخ النشر 2015
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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Statistical event reconstruction techniques can give better results for gamma cameras than the traditional centroid method. However, implementation of such techniques requires detailed knowledge of the PMT light response functions. Here we describe an iterative technique which allows to obtain the response functions from flood irradiation data without imposing strict requirements on the spatial uniformity of the event distribution. A successful application of the technique for medical gamma cameras is demonstrated using both simulated and experimental data. We show that this technique can be used for monitoring of the photomultiplier gain variations. An implementation of the iterative reconstruction technique capable of operating in real-time is also presented.

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84 - A. Morozov , F. Alves , J. Marcos 2016
Compact gamma cameras with a square-shaped monolithic scintillator crystal and an array of silicon photomultipliers (SiPMs) are actively being developed for applications in areas such as small animal imaging, cancer diagnostics and radiotracer guided surgery. Statistical methods of position reconstruction, which are potentially superior to the traditional centroid method, require accurate knowledge of the spatial response of each photomultiplier. Using both Monte Carlo simulations and experimental data obtained with a camera prototype, we show that the spatial response of all photomultipliers (light response functions) can be parameterized with axially symmetric functions obtained iteratively from flood field irradiation data. The study was performed with a camera prototype equipped with a 30 x 30 x 2 mm3 LYSO crystal and an 8 x 8 array of SiPMs for 140 keV gamma rays. The simulations demonstrate that the images, reconstructed with the maximum likelihood method using the response obtained with the iterative approach, exhibit only minor distortions: the average difference between the reconstructed and the true positions in X and Y directions does not exceed 0.2 mm in the central area of 22 x 22 mm2 and 0.4 mm at the periphery of the camera. A similar level of image distortions is shown experimentally with the camera prototype.
81 - Olga Kochebina 2018
The foreseen CaLIPSO Positron Emission Tomography (PET) scanner is expected to yield simultaneously a fine image resolution, about 1 mm$^3$, and a high contrast. In this paper we present results of simulations for the full CaLIPSO PET scanner with a cube geometry. We quantify by simulations the expected image resolution and Noise Equivalent Count Rates and compare them to the performance of the most efficient clinically used PET scanner, the High-Resolution Research Tomograph by Siemens. We bring up the issues of the image reconstruction for a scanner with high spatial resolution. We also present simulated brain images for [$^{18}$F]-FDG and [$^{11}$C]-PE2I tracer distributions. Results demonstrate the high potential of the CaLIPSO PET scanner for small animal and brain imaging where combination of high spatial resolution and efficiency is essential.
We present the first evaluation of a recently developed silicon-strip detector for photon-counting dual-energy breast tomosynthesis. The detector is well suited for tomosynthesis with high dose efficiency and intrinsic scatter rejection. A method was developed for measuring the spatial resolution of a system based on the detector in terms of the three-dimensional modulation transfer function (MTF). The measurements agreed well with theoretical expectations, and it was seen that depth resolution was won at the cost of a slightly decreased lateral resolution. This may be a justifiable trade-off as clinical images acquired with the system indicate improved conspicuity of breast lesions. The photon-counting detector enables dual-energy subtraction imaging with electronic spectrumsplitting. This improved the detectability of iodine in phantom measurements, and the detector was found to be stable over typical clinical acquisition times. A model of the energy resolution showed that further improvements are within reach by optimization of the detector.
Computer tomography is one of the most promising new methods to image abnormal tissues inside the human body. Tomography is also used to position the patient accurately before radiation therapy. Hadron therapy for treating cancer has become one of th e most advantageous and safe options. In order to fully utilize the advantages of hadron therapy, there is a necessity of performing radiography with hadrons as well. In this paper we present the development of a proton computed tomography system. Our second-generation proton tomography system consists of two upstream and two downstream trackers made up of fibers as active material and a range detector consisting of plastic scintillators. We present details of the detector system, readout electronics, and data acquisition system as well as the commissioning of the entire system. We also present preliminary results from the test beam of the range detector.
79 - Dennis Haag 2021
First investigations regarding dosimetric properties of the hybrid, pixelated, photon-counting Dosepix detector in a pulsed photon field (RQR8) for the personal dose equivalent $Hmathrm{_p(10)}$ are presented. The influence quantities such as pulse d uration and dose rate were varied, and their responses were compared to the legal limits provided in PTB-A 23.2. The variation of pulse duration at a nearly constant dose rate of 3.7$,$Sv/h shows a flat response around 1.0 from 3.6$,$s down to 2$,$ms. A response close to 1.0 is achieved for dose rates from 0.07$,$mSv/h to 35$,$Sv/h for both pixel sizes. Above this dose rate, the large pixels (220$,mathrm{mu}$m edge length) are below the lower limit. The small pixels (55$,mathrm{mu}$m edge length) stay within limits up to 704$,$Sv/h. The count rate linearity is compared to previous results, confirming the saturating count rate for high dose rates.
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