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Neutrino oscillations and electron-capture storage-ring experiments

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 نشر من قبل Walter Potzel
 تاريخ النشر 2014
  مجال البحث
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف Walter Potzel

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Oscillations in the electron-capture (EC) decay rate observed in storage-ring experiments are reconsidered in connection with the neutrino mass difference. Taking into account that - according to Relativity Theory - time is slowed down in the reference frame of the orbiting charged particles as compared to the neutral particles (neutrinos) moving on a rectilinear path after the EC decay, we derive a value of $Delta m^{2}_{21}=(0.768pm0.012)cdot10^{-4} eV^{2}$ for the neutrino mass-squared difference which fully agrees with that observed in other neutrino-oscillation experiments. To further check the connection between EC-decay oscillations and $Delta m^{2}_{21}$ we suggest experiments with different orbital speeds, i.e., different values of the Lorentz factor.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

112 - Adam Para 2000
Neutrino oscillations provide an unique opportunity to probe physics beyond the Standard Model. Fermilab is constructing two new neutrino beams to provide a decicive test of two of the recent positive indications for neutrino oscillations: MiniBOONE experiment will settle the LSND controversy, MINOS will provide detailed studies of the region indicated by the SuperK results.
111 - H. Burkhardt 2008
In a recent paper, oscillations observed in the electron capture probability were attributed to the mixing of neutrino mass eigenstates. This paper is shown to be in error in two respects.
We consider theories in which the generation of neutrino masses is associated with the breaking of an approximate global lepton number symmetry. In such a scenario the spectrum of light states includes the Majoron, the pseudo-Nambu Goldstone boson as sociated with the breaking of the global symmetry. For a broad range of parameters, the Majoron decays to neutrinos at late times, after the cosmic neutrinos have decoupled from the thermal bath, resulting in a secondary contribution to the cosmic neutrino background. We determine the current bounds on this scenario, and explore the possibility of directly detecting this secondary cosmic neutrino background in experiments based on neutrino capture on nuclei. For Majoron masses in the eV range or below, the neutrino flux from these decays can be comparable to that from the primary cosmic neutrino background, making it a promising target for direct detection experiments. The neutrinos from Majoron decay are redshifted by the cosmic expansion, and exhibit a characteristic energy spectrum that depends on both the Majoron mass and its lifetime. For Majoron lifetimes of order the age of the universe or larger, there is also a monochromatic contribution to the neutrino flux from Majoron decays in the Milky Way that can be comparable to the diffuse extragalactic flux. We find that for Majoron masses in the eV range, direct detection experiments based on neutrino capture on tritium, such as PTOLEMY, will be sensitive to this scenario with 100 gram-years of data. In the event of a signal, the galactic and extragalactic components can be distinguished on the basis of their distinct energy distributions, and also by using directional information obtained by polarizing the target nuclei.
Application of electron cooling at ion energies above a few GeV has been limited due to reduction of electron cooling efficiency with energy and difficulty in producing and accelerating a high-current high-quality electron beam. A high-current storag e-ring electron cooler offers a solution to both of these problems by maintaining high cooling beam quality through naturally-occurring synchrotron radiation damping of the electron beam. However, the range of ion energies where storage-ring electron cooling can be used has been limited by low electron beam damping rates at low ion energies and high equilibrium electron energy spread at high ion energies. This paper reports a development of a storage ring based cooler consisting of two sections with significantly different energies: the cooling and damping sections. The electron energy and other parameters in the cooling section are adjusted for optimum cooling of a stored ion beam. The beam parameters in the damping section are adjusted for optimum damping of the electron beam. The necessary energy difference is provided by an energy recovering SRF structure. A prototype linear optics of such storage-ring cooler and initial tracking simulations are presented and some potential issues such as coherent synchrotron radiation and beam break up are discussed.
This paper reports the first simultaneous measurement of the horizontal and vertical components of the polarization vector in a storage ring under the influence of a radio frequency (rf) solenoid. The experiments were performed at the Cooler Synchrot ron COSY in Julich using a vector polarized, bunched $0.97,textrm{GeV/c}$ deuteron beam. Using the new spin feedback system, we set the initial phase difference between the solenoid field and the precession of the polarization vector to a predefined value. The feedback system was then switched off, allowing the phase difference to change over time, and the solenoid was switched on to rotate the polarization vector. We observed an oscillation of the vertical polarization component and the phase difference. The oscillations can be described using an analytical model. The results of this experiment also apply to other rf devices with horizontal magnetic fields, such as Wien filters. The precise manipulation of particle spins in storage rings is a prerequisite for measuring the electric dipole moment (EDM) of charged particles.
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