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Kinetic pathways to the magnetic charge crystal in artificial dipolar spin ice

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 نشر من قبل Nicolas Rougemaille
 تاريخ النشر 2014
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We investigate experimentally magnetic frustration effects in thermally active artificial kagome spin ice. Starting from a paramagnetic state, the system is cooled down below the Curie temperature of the constituent material. The resulting magnetic configurations show that our arrays are locally brought into the so-called spin ice 2 phase, predicted by at-equilibrium Monte Carlo simulations and characterized by a magnetic charge crystal embedded in a disordered kagome spin lattice. However, by studying our arrays on a larger scale, we find unambiguous signature of an out-of-equilibrium physics. Comparing our findings with numerical simulations, we interpret the efficiency of our thermalization procedure in terms of kinetic pathways that the system follows upon cooling and which drive the arrays into degenerate low-energy manifolds that are hardly accessible otherwise.

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اقرأ أيضاً

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81 - M. Goryca , X. Zhang , J. Li 2020
Artificial spin ices (ASIs) are interacting arrays of lithographically-defined nanomagnets in which novel frustrated magnetic phases can be intentionally designed. A key emergent description of fundamental excitations in ASIs is that of magnetic mono poles -- mobile quasiparticles that carry an effective magnetic charge. Here we demonstrate that the archetypal square ASI lattice can host, in specific regions of its magnetic phase diagram, high-density plasma-like regimes of mobile magnetic monopoles. By passively listening to spontaneous monopole noise in thermal equilibrium, we reveal their intrinsic dynamics and show that monopole kinetics are minimally correlated (that is, most diffusive) in the plasma phase. These results open the door to on-demand monopole regimes having field-tunable densities and dynamic properties, thereby providing a new paradigm for probing the physics of effective magnetic charges in synthetic matter.
Artificial spin ice systems have seen burgeoning interest due to their intriguing physics and potential applications in reprogrammable memory, logic and magnonics. In-depth comparisons of distinct artificial spin systems are crucial to advancing the field and vital work has been done on characteristic behaviours of artificial spin ices arranged on different geometric lattices. Integration of artificial spin ice with functional magnonics is a relatively recent research direction, with a host of promising early results. As the field progresses, studies examining the effects of lattice geometry on the magnonic response are increasingly significant. While studies have investigated the effects of different lattice tilings such as square and kagome (honeycomb), little comparison exists between systems comprising continuously-connected nanostructures, where spin-waves propagate through the system via exchange interaction, and systems with nanobars disconnected at vertices where spin-waves are transferred via stray dipolar-field. Here, we perform a Brillouin light scattering study of the magnonic response in two kagome artificial spin ices, a continuously-connected system and a disconnected system with vertex gaps. We observe distinctly different high-frequency dynamics and characteristic magnetization reversal regimes between the systems, with key distinctions in system microstate during reversal, internal field profiles and spin-wave mode quantization numbers. These observations are pertinent for the fundamental understanding of artificial spin systems and the design and engineering of such systems for functional magnonic applications.
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