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Manipulating quantum channels in weak topological insulator nanoarchitectures

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 نشر من قبل Yukinori Yoshimura
 تاريخ النشر 2014
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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In $strong$ topological insulators protected surface states are always manifest, while in $weak$ topological insulators (WTI) the corresponding metallic surface states are either manifest or hidden, depending on the orientation of the surface. One can design a nanostep on the surface of WTI such that a protected helical channel appears along it. In a more generic WTI nanostructure, multiple sets of such quasi-1D channels emerge and are coupled to each other. We study the response of the electronic spectrum associated with such quasi-1D surface modes against a magnetic flux piercing the system in the presence of disorder, and find a non-trivial, connected spectral flow as a clear signature indicating the immunity of the surface modes to disorder. We propose that the WTI nanoarchitecture is a promising platform for realizing topologically protected nanocircuits immune to disorder.

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Thin films of topological insulators (TI) usually exhibit multiple parallel conduction channels for the transport of electrical current. Beside the topologically protected surface states (TSS), parallel channels may exist, namely the interior of the not-ideally insulating TI film, the interface layer to the substrate, and the substrate itself. To be able to take advantage of the auspicious transport properties of the TSS, the influence of the parasitic parallel channels on the total current transport has to be minimized. Because the conductivity of the interior (bulk) of the thin TI film is difficult to access by measurements, we propose here an approach for calculating the mobile charge carrier concentration in the TI film. To this end, we calculate the near-surface band bending using parameters obtained experimentally from surface-sensitive measurements, namely (gate-dependent) four-point resistance measurements and angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy (ARPES). While in most cases another parameter in the calculations, i.e. the concentration of unintentional dopants inside the thin TI film, is unknown, it turns out that in the thin-film limit the band bending is largely independent of the dopant concentration in the film. Thus, a well-founded estimate of the total mobile charge carrier concentration and the conductivity of the interior of the thin TI film proves possible. Since the interface and substrate conductivities can be measured by a four-probe conductance measurement prior to the deposition of the TI film, the total contribution of all parasitic channels, and therefore also the contribution of the vitally important TSS, can be determined reliably.
The quantum Hall effect is studied in the topological insulator BiSbTeSe$_2$. By employing top- and back-gate electric fields at high magnetic field, the Landau levels of the Dirac cones in the top and bottom topological surface states can be tuned i ndependently. When one surface is tuned to the electron-doped side of the Dirac cone and the other surface to the hole-doped side, the quantum Hall edge channels are counter-propagating. The opposite edge mode direction, combined with the opposite helicities of top and bottom surfaces, allows for scattering between these counter-propagating edge modes. The total Hall conductance is integer valued only when the scattering is strong. For weaker interaction, a non-integer quantum Hall effect is expected and measured.
We have studied the magnetotransport properties of the metallic, p-type Sb2Te2Se which is a topological insulator. Magnetoresistance shows Shubnikov de Haas oscillations in fields above B=15 T. The maxima/minima positions of oscillations measured at different tilt angles with respect to the B direction align with the normal component of field Bcosine, implying the existence of a 2D Fermi surface in Sb2Te2Se. The value of the Berry phase determined from a Landau level fan diagram is very close to 0.5, further suggesting that the oscillations result from topological surface states. From Lifshitz-Kosevich analyses, the position of the Fermi level is found to be EF =250 meV, above the Dirac point. This value of EF is almost 3 times as large as that in our previous study on the Bi2Se2:1Te0:9 topological insulator; however, it still touches the tip of the bulk valence band. This explains the metallic behavior and hole-like bulk charge carriers in the Sb2Te2Se compound.
Topological insulators (TIs) are characterized by an insulating bulk and symmetry protected bound state on their boundaries. A strong topological insulator is characterized by robust conducting states on emph{all} boundaries protected by certain inte rnal symmetries. A weak topological insulator (WTI) however, requires lattice translation symmetry, making it more sensitive to disorder. However, this sensitivity gives rise to interesting characteristics such as anisotropic edge modes, quantized charge polarization, and bound states appearing at dislocation defects. Despite hosting interesting features, the sensitivity of WTIs to disorder poses an experimental confirmation challenge. Here we realize a 2D magneto-mechanical metamaterial and demonstrate experimentally the unique features of a WTI. Specifically, we show that the 2D WTI is anisotropic and hosts edge modes only on certain edges, as well as hosting a bound state at a dislocation defect. We construct the 2D WTI from stacked 1D SSH chains for which we show experimentally the different gapped phases of the 1D model.
84 - A. Pertsova , C.M. Canali , 2016
We present a microscopic theory of the chiral one-dimensional electron gas system localized on the sidewalls of magnetically-doped Bi$_2$Se$_3$-family topological insulator nanoribbons in the quantum anomalous Hall effect (QAHE) regime. Our theory is based on a simple continuum model of sidewall states whose parameters are extracted from detailed ribbon and film geometry tight-binding model calculations. In contrast to the familiar case of the quantum Hall effect in semiconductor quantum wells, the number of microscopic chiral channels depends simply and systematically on the ribbon thickness and on the position of the Fermi level within the surface state gap. We use our theory to interpret recent transport experiments that exhibit non-zero longitudinal resistance in samples with accurately quantized Hall conductances.
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