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Muon g-2 and searches for a new leptophobic sub-GeV dark boson in a missing-energy experiment at CERN

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 نشر من قبل Sergei Gninenko
 تاريخ النشر 2014
  مجال البحث
والبحث باللغة English

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The 3.6 sigma discrepancy between the predicted and measured values of the anomalous magnetic moment of positive muons can be explained by the existence of a new dark boson Z_mu with a mass in the sub-GeV range, which is coupled predominantly to the second and third lepton generations through the L_mu - L_tau current . After a discussion of the present phenomenological bounds on the Z_mu coupling, we show that if the Z_mu exists, it could be observed in the reaction mu+Z to mu+Z+Z_mu of a muon scattering off nuclei by looking for an excess of events with large missing muon beam energy in a detector due to the prompt bremsstrahlung Z_mu decay Z_mu to u u into a couple of neutrinos. We describe the experimental technique and the preliminary study of the feasibility for the proposed search. We show that this specific signal allows for a the search for the Z_mu with a sensitivity in the coupling constant alpha_mu > 10^{-11}, which is 3 orders of magnitude higher than the value required to explain the discrepancy. We point out that the availability of high-energy and -intensity muon beams at CERN SPS provides a unique opportunity to either discover or rule out the Z_mu in the proposed search in the near future. The experiment is based on the missing-energy approach developed for the searches for invisible decays of dark photons and (pseudo)scalar mesons at CERN and is complementary to these experiments.

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152 - Bogdan A. Dobrescu 2015
Color-singlet gauge bosons with renormalizable couplings to quarks but not to leptons must interact with additional fermions (anomalons) required to cancel the gauge anomalies. Analyzing the decays of such leptophobic bosons into anomalons, I show th at they produce final states involving leptons at the LHC. Resonant production of a flavor-universal leptophobic $Z$ boson leads to cascade decays via anomalons, whose signatures include a leptonically decaying $Z$, missing energy and several jets. A $Z$ boson that couples to the right-handed quarks of the first and second generations undergoes cascade decays that violate lepton universality and include signals with two leptons and jets, or with a Higgs boson, a lepton, a $W$ and missing energy.
There is a long standing discrepancy between the Standard Model prediction for the muon g-2 and the value measured by the Brookhaven E821 Experiment. At present the discrepancy stands at about three standard deviations, with a comparable accuracy bet ween experiment and theory. Two new proposals -- at Fermilab and J-PARC -- plan to improve the experimental uncertainty by a factor of 4, and it is expected that there will be a significant reduction in the uncertainty of the Standard Model prediction. I will review the status of the planned experiment at Fermilab, E989, which will analyse 21 times more muons than the BNL experiment and discuss how the systematic uncertainty will be reduced by a factor of 3 such that a precision of 0.14 ppm can be achieved.
We report on a direct search for sub-GeV dark photons (A) which might be produced in the reaction e^- Z to e^- Z A via kinetic mixing with photons by 100 GeV electrons incident on an active target in the NA64 experiment at the CERN SPS. The As would decay invisibly into dark matter particles resulting in events with large missing energy. No evidence for such decays was found with 2.75cdot 10^{9} electrons on target. We set new limits on the gamma-A mixing strength and exclude the invisible A with a mass < 100 MeV as an explanation of the muon g_mu-2 anomaly.
This work demonstrates that two systematic errors, coherent betatron oscillations (CBO) and muon losses can be reduced through application of radio frequency (RF) electric fields, which ultimately increases the sensitivity of the muon $g-2$ experimen ts. As the ensemble of polarized muons goes around a weak focusing storage ring, their spin precesses, and when they decay through the weak interaction, $mu^+ rightarrow e^+ u_e bar{ u_mu}$, the decay positrons are detected by electromagnetic calorimeters. In addition to the expected exponential decay in the positron time spectrum, the weak decay asymmetry causes a modulation in the number of positrons in a selected energy range at the difference frequency between the spin and cyclotron frequencies, $omega_text{a}$. This frequency is directly proportional to the magnetic anomaly $a_mu =(g-2)/2$, where $g$ is the g-factor of the muon, which is slightly greater than 2. The detector acceptance depends on the radial position of the muon decay, so the CBO of the muon bunch following injection into the storage ring modulate the measured muon signal with the frequency $omega_text{CBO}$. In addition, the muon populations at the edge of the beam hit the walls of the vacuum chamber before decaying, which also affects the signal. Thus, reduction of CBO and unwanted muon loss increases the $a_mu$ measurement sensitivity. Numerical and experimental studies with RF electric fields yield more than a magnitude reduction of the CBO, with muon losses comparable to the conventional method.
The study of collision events with missing energy as searches for the dark matter (DM) component of the Universe are an essential part of the extensive program looking for new physics at the LHC. Given the unknown nature of DM, the interpretation of such searches should be made broad and inclusive. This report reviews the usage of simplified models in the interpretation of missing energy searches. We begin with a brief discussion of the utility and limitation of the effective field theory approach to this problem. The bulk of the report is then devoted to several different simplified models and their signatures, including s-channel and t-channel processes. A common feature of simplified models for DM is the presence of additional particles that mediate the interactions between the Standard Model and the particle that makes up DM. We consider these in detail and emphasize the importance of their inclusion as final states in any coherent interpretation. We also review some of the experimental progress in the field, new signatures, and other aspects of the searches themselves. We conclude with comments and recommendations regarding the use of simplified models in Run-II of the LHC.
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