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Structural, electrical and magnetic properties of nanostructured Mn2Ni1.6Sn0.4 melt spun ribbons

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 نشر من قبل Hari Krishna Singh
 تاريخ النشر 2014
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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Nanocrystalline ribbons of inverse Heusler alloy Mn2Ni1.6Sn0.4 have been synthesised by melt spinning of the arc melted bulk precursor. The single phase ribbons crystallize into a cubic structure and exhibit very fine crystallite size of < 2 nm. Temperature dependent magnetization (M-T) measurements reveal that austenite (A)-martensite (M) phase transition begins at T~248 K and finishes at T~238 K during cooling cycle and these values increase to T~267 K and T~259 K while warming. In cooling cycle, the A-phase shows ferromagnetic (FM) ordering with a Curie temperature T~267 K, while both the FM-antiferromagnetic (AFM) and M-transitions occur at T~242 K. The M-phase undergoes FM transition at T~145 K. These transitions are also confirmed by temperature dependent resistivity measurements. The observed hysteretic behaviour of magnetization and resistivity in the temperature regime spanned by the A-M transition is a manifestation of the first order phase transition. Magnetization and susceptibility data also provide unambiguous evidence in favour of spin glass . The scaling of the glass freezing temperature (Tf) with frequency, extracted from the frequency dependent AC susceptibility measurements, confirms the existence of canonical spin glass at T<145 K. The occurrence of canonical spin glass has been explained in terms of the nanostructuring modified interactions between the FM correlations in the martensitic phase and the coexisting AFM.

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72 - Y. G. Zhao , W. Cai , X. S. Wu 2004
Nanostructured La0.67Ca0.33MnO3 (NS-LCMO) was formed by pulsed-laser deposition on the surface of porous Al2O3. The resistance peak temperature (Tp) of the NS-LCMO increases with increasing average thickness of the films, while their Curie temperatur es (Tc) remain unchanged. The coercive field of the samples increases with decreasing film thickness and its temperature dependence can be well described by Hc(T) = Hc(0)[1-(T/TB)1/2]. A large magnetoresistance and strong memory effect were observed for the NS-LCMO. The results are discussed in terms of the size effect, Coulomb blockade and magnetic tunneling effect. This work also demonstrates a new way to get nanostructured manganites.
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67 - P.Maneesha , E.G Rini , B. Suresh 2021
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