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The Higgs Mode in Disordered Superconductors Close to a Quantum Phase Transition

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 نشر من قبل Aviad Frydman
 تاريخ النشر 2014
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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The concept of mass-generation via the Higgs mechanism was strongly inspired by earlier works on the Meissner-Ochsenfeld effect in superconductors. In quantum field theory, the excitations of longitudinal components of the Higgs field manifest as massive Higgs bosons. The analogous Higgs mode in superconductors has not yet been observed due to its rapid decay into particle-hole pairs. Following recent theories, however, the Higgs mode should decrease below the pairing gap $2Delta$ and become visible in two-dimensional systems close to the superconductor-insulator transition (SIT). For experimental verification, we measured the complex terahertz transmission and tunneling density of states (DOS) of various thin films of superconducting NbN and InO close to criticality. Comparing both techniques reveals a growing discrepancy between the finite $2Delta$ and the threshold energy for electromagnetic absorption which vanishes critically towards the SIT. We identify the excess absorption below $2Delta$ as a strong evidence of the Higgs mode in two dimensional quantum critical superconductors.

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108 - Ryo Shimano , Naoto Tsuji 2019
When a continuous symmetry of a physical system is spontaneously broken, two types of collective modes typically emerge: the amplitude and phase modes of the order-parameter fluctuation. For superconductors, the amplitude mode is recently referred to as the Higgs mode as it is a condensed-matter analogue of a Higgs boson in particle physics. Higgs mode is a scalar excitation of the order parameter, distinct from charge or spin fluctuations, and thus does not couple to electromagnetic fields linearly. This is why the Higgs mode in superconductors has evaded experimental observations over a half century after the initial theoretical prediction, except for a charge-density-wave coexisting system. With the advance of nonlinear and time-resolved terahertz spectroscopy techniques, however, it has become possible to study the Higgs mode through the nonlinear light-Higgs coupling. In this review, we overview recent progresses on the study of the Higgs mode in superconductors.
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180 - L. Ponta , A. Carbone , M. Gilli 2010
The effect of disorder is investigated in granular superconductive materials with strong and weak links. The transition is controlled by the interplay of the emph{tunneling} $g$ and emph{intragrain} $g_{intr}$ conductances, which depend on the streng th of the intergrain coupling. For $g ll g_{intr}$, the transition involves first the grain boundary, while for $g sim g_{intr}$ the transition occurs into the whole grain. The different intergrain coupling is considered by modelling the superconducting material as a disordered network of Josephson junctions. Numerical simulations show that on increasing the disorder, the resistive transition occurs for lower temperatures and the curve broadens. These features are enhanced in disordered superconductors with strong links. The different behaviour is further checked by estimating the average network resistance for weak and strong links in the framework of the effective medium approximation theory. These results may be relevant to shed light on long standing puzzles as: (i) enhancement of the superconducting transition temperature of many metals in the granular states; (ii) suppression of superconductivity in homogeneously disordered films compared to standard granular systems close to the metal-insulator transition; (iii) enhanced degradation of superconductivity by doping and impurities in strongly linked materials, such as magnesium diboride, compared to weakly-linked superconductors, such as cuprates.
418 - L. Ponta , A. Carbone , M. Gilli 2009
The resistive transition of granular high-T$_c$ superconductors, characterized by either weak (YBCO-like) or strong (MgB$_2$-like) links, occurs through a series of avalanche-type current density rearrangements. These rearrangements correspond to the creation of resistive layers, crossing the whole specimen approximately orthogonal to the current density direction, due to the simultaneous transition of a large number of weak-links or grains. The present work shows that exact solution of the Kirchhoff equations for strongly and weakly linked networks of nonlinear resistors, with Josephson junction characteristics, yield the subsequent formation of resistive layers within the superconductive matrix as temperature increases. Furthermore, the voltage noise observed at the transition is related to the resistive layer formation process. The noise intensity is estimated from the superposition of voltage drop elementary events related to the subsequent resistive layers. At the end of the transition, the layers mix-up, the step amplitude decreases and the resistance curve smoothes. This results in the suppression of noise, as experimentally found. Remarkably, a scaling law for the noise intensity with the network size is argued. It allows to extend the results to networks with arbitrary size and, thus, to real specimens.
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