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The Form of Gentrification

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 نشر من قبل Alessandro Venerandi
 تاريخ النشر 2014
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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Many socioeconomic studies have been carried out to explain the phenomenon of gentrification. Although results of these works shed light on the process around this phenomenon, a perspective which focuses on the relationship between city form and gentrification is still missing. With this paper we try to address this gap by studying and comparing, through classic methods of mathematical statistics, morphological features of five London gentrified neighbourhoods. Outcomes confirm that areas which have undergone gentrification display similar and recognizable morphological patterns in terms of urban type and geographical location of main and local roads as well as businesses. These initial results confirm findings from previous research in urban sociology, and highlight the role of urban form in contributing to shape dynamics of non-spatial nature in cities.

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In this work we characterize sudden increases in the land price of certain urban areas, a phenomenon causing gentrification, via an extended Schelling model. An initial price rise forces some of the disadvantaged inhabitants out of the area, creating vacancies which other groups find economically attractive. Intolerance issues forces further displacements, possibly giving rise to an avalanche. We consider how gradual changes in the economic environment affect the urban architecture through such avalanche processes, when agents may enter or leave the city freely. The avalanches are characterized by power-law histograms, as it is usually the case in self-organized critical phenomena.
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