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Determinantal inequalities for block triangular matrices

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 نشر من قبل Minghua Lin
 تاريخ النشر 2014
  مجال البحث
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف Minghua Lin

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Let $T=begin{bmatrix} X &Y 0 & Zend{bmatrix}$ be an $n$-square matrix, where $X, Z$ are $r$-square and $(n-r)$-square, respectively. Among other determinantal inequalities, it is proved $det(I_n+T^*T)ge det(I_r+X^*X)cdot det(I_{n-r}+Z^*Z)$ with equality holds if and only if $Y=0$.

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Denote by $P_n$ the set of $ntimes n$ positive definite matrices. Let $D = D_1oplus dots oplus D_k$, where $D_1in P_{n_1}, dots, D_k in P_{n_k}$ with $n_1+cdots + n_k=n$. Partition $Cin P_n$ according to $(n_1, dots, n_k)$ so that $Diag C = C_1oplus dots oplus C_k$. We prove the following weak log majorization result: begin{equation*} lambda (C^{-1}_1D_1oplus cdots oplus C^{-1}_kD_k)prec_{w ,log} lambda(C^{-1}D), end{equation*} where $lambda(A)$ denotes the vector of eigenvalues of $Ain Cnn$. The inequality does not hold if one replaces the vectors of eigenvalues by the vectors of singular values, i.e., begin{equation*} s(C^{-1}_1D_1oplus cdots oplus C^{-1}_kD_k)prec_{w ,log} s(C^{-1}D) end{equation*} is not true. As an application, we provide a generalization of a determinantal inequality of Matic cite[Theorem 1.1]{M}. In addition, we obtain a weak majorization result which is complementary to a determinantal inequality of Choi cite[Theorem 2]{C} and give a weak log majorization open question.
124 - Chaojun Yang , Fuzhen Zhang 2019
Following the recent work of Jiang and Lin (Linear Algebra Appl. 585 (2020) 45--49), we present more results (bounds) on Harnack type inequalities for matrices in terms of majorization (i.e., in partial products) of eigenvalues and singular values. W e discuss and compare the bounds derived through different ways. Jiang and Lins results imply Tungs version of Harnacks inequality (Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 15 (1964) 375--381); our results %with simpler proofs are stronger and more general than Jiang and Lins. We also show some majorization inequalities concerning Cayley transforms. Some open problems on spectral norm and eigenvalues are proposed.
148 - Bo-Yan Xi , Fuzhen Zhang 2019
The product of a Hermitian matrix and a positive semidefinite matrix has only real eigenvalues. We present bounds for sums of eigenvalues of such a product.
Entrywise powers of matrices have been well-studied in the literature, and have recently received renewed attention in the regularization of high-dimensional correlation matrices. In this paper, we study powers of positive semidefinite block matrices $(H_{st})_{s,t=1}^n$ with complex entries. We first characterize the powers $alphainmathbb{R}$ such that the blockwise power map $(H_{st}) mapsto (H_{st}^alpha)$ preserves Loewner positivity. The characterization is obtained by exploiting connections with the theory of matrix monotone functions developed by Loewner. Second, we revisit previous work by Choudhury [Proc. AMS 108] who had provided a lower bound on $alpha$ for preserving positivity when the blocks $H_{st}$ pairwise commute. We completely settle this problem by characterizing the full set of powers preserving positivity in this setting. Our characterizations generalize previous work by FitzGerald-Horn, Bhatia-Elsner, and Hiai from scalars to arbitrary block size, and in particular, generalize the Schur Product Theorem. Finally, a natural and unifying framework for studying the case of diagonalizable blocks consists of replacing real powers by general characters of the complex plane. We thus classify such characters, and generalize our results to this more general setting. In the course of our work, given $betainmathbb{Z}$, we provide lower and upper bounds for the threshold power $alpha >0$ above which the complex characters $re^{itheta}mapsto r^alpha e^{ibetatheta}$ preserve positivity when applied entrywise to positive semidefinite matrices. In particular, we completely resolve the $n=3$ case of a question raised in 2001 by Xingzhi Zhan. As an application, we extend previous work by de Pillis [Duke Math. J. 36] by classifying the characters $K$ of the complex plane for which the map $(H_{st})_{s,t=1}^n mapsto (K({rm tr}(H_{st})))_{s,t=1}^n$ preserves positivity.
365 - B. P. Duggal 2008
A Banach space operator $Tin B({cal X})$ is polaroid if points $lambdainisosigmasigma(T)$ are poles of the resolvent of $T$. Let $sigma_a(T)$, $sigma_w(T)$, $sigma_{aw}(T)$, $sigma_{SF_+}(T)$ and $sigma_{SF_-}(T)$ denote, respectively, the approximat e point, the Weyl, the Weyl essential approximate, the upper semi--Fredholm and lower semi--Fredholm spectrum of $T$. For $A$, $B$ and $Cin B({cal X})$, let $M_C$ denote the operator matrix $(A & C 0 & B)$. If $A$ is polaroid on $pi_0(M_C)={lambdainisosigma(M_C) 0<dim(M_C-lambda)^{-1}(0)<infty}$, $M_0$ satisfies Weyls theorem, and $A$ and $B$ satisfy either of the hypotheses (i) $A$ has SVEP at points $lambdainsigma_w(M_0)setminussigma_{SF_+}(A)$ and $B$ has SVEP at points $muinsigma_w(M_0)setminussigma_{SF_-}(B)$, or, (ii) both $A$ and $A^*$ have SVEP at points $lambdainsigma_w(M_0)setminussigma_{SF_+}(A)$, or, (iii) $A^*$ has SVEP at points $lambdainsigma_w(M_0)setminussigma_{SF_+}(A)$ and $B^*$ has SVEP at points $muinsigma_w(M_0)setminussigma_{SF_-}(B)$, then $sigma(M_C)setminussigma_w(M_C)=pi_0(M_C)$. Here the hypothesis that $lambdainpi_0(M_C)$ are poles of the resolvent of $A$ can not be replaced by the hypothesis $lambdainpi_0(A)$ are poles of the resolvent of $A$. For an operator $Tin B(X)$, let $pi_0^a(T)={lambda:lambdainisosigma_a(T), 0<dim(T-lambda)^{-1}(0)<infty}$. We prove that if $A^*$ and $B^*$ have SVEP, $A$ is polaroid on $pi_0^a(M)$ and $B$ is polaroid on $pi_0^a(B)$, then $sigma_a(M)setminussigma_{aw}(M)=pi_0^a(M)$.
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