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Discrete absorption components in the massive LBV Binary MWC 314

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 نشر من قبل A. Lobel
 تاريخ النشر 2014
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف A. Lobel

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We investigate the physical properties of large-scale wind structures around massive hot stars with radiatively-driven winds. We observe Discrete Absorption Components (DACs) in optical He I P Cygni lines of the LBV binary MWC 314 (Porb=60.8 d). The DACs are observed during orbital phases when the primary is in front of the secondary star. They appear at wind velocities between -100 km/s and -600 km/s in the P Cyg profiles of He I lam5875, lam6678, and lam4471, signaling high-temperature expanding wind regions of enhanced density and variable outflow velocity. The DACs can result from wave propagation linked to the orbital motion near the low-velocity wind base. The He I lines indicate DAC formation close to the primarys surface in high-temperature wind regions in front of its orbit, or in dynamical wind regions confined between the binary stars. We observed the DACs with Mercator-HERMES on 5 Sep 2009, 5 May 2012, and 6 May 2014 when the primary is in front of the secondary star. XMM-Newton observations of 6 May 2014 significantly detected MWC 314 in X-rays at an average rate of ~0.015 cts/s.

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اقرأ أيضاً

149 - A. Lobel 2013
We present a spectroscopic analysis of MWC 314, a luminous blue variable (LBV) candidate with an extended bipolar nebula. The detailed spectroscopic variability is investigated to determine if MWC 314 is a massive binary system with a supersonically accelerating wind or a low-mass B[e] star. We compare the spectrum and spectral energy distribution to other LBVs (such as P Cyg) and find very similar physical wind properties, indicating strong kinship. We combined long-term high-resolution optical spectroscopic monitoring and V-band photometric observations to determine the orbital elements and stellar parameters and to investigate the spectral variability with the orbital phases. We developed an advanced model of the large-scale wind-velocity and wind-density structure with 3-D radiative transfer calculations that fit the orbitally modulated P Cyg profile of He I lam5876, showing outflow velocities above 1000 km/s. We find that MWC 314 is a massive semi-detached binary system of ~1.22 AU, observed at an inclination angle of i=72.8 deg. with an orbital period of 60.8 d and e=0.23. The primary star is a low-vsini LBV candidate of m1=39.6 Msun and R1=86.8 Rsun. The detailed radiative transfer fits show that the geometry of wind density is asymmetric around the primary star with increased wind density by a factor of 3.3, which leads the orbit of the primary. The variable orientation causes the orbital modulation that is observed in absorption portions of P Cyg wind lines. Wind accretion in the system produces a circumbinary disc. MWC 314 is in a crucial evolutionary phase of close binary systems, when the massive primary star has its H envelope being stripped and is losing mass to a circumbinary disc. MWC 314 is a key system for studying the evolutionary consequences of these effects.
80 - J.P. Wisniewski 2006
We present the results of long-term spectropolarimetric and spectroscopic monitoring of MWC 314, a candidate Luminous Blue Variable star. We detect the first evidence of H$alpha$ variability in MWC 314, and find no apparent periodicity in this emissi on. The total R-band polarization is observed to vary between 2.21% and 3.00% at a position angle consistently around $sim0^{circ}$, indicating the presence of a time-variable intrinsic polarization component, hence an asymmetrical circumstellar envelope. We find suggestive evidence that MWC 314s intrinsic polarization exhibits a wavelength-independent magnitude varying between 0.09% and 0.58% at a wavelength-independent position angle covering all four quadrants of the Stokes Q-U plane. Electron scattering off of density clumps in MWC 314s wind is considered as the probable mechanism responsible for these variations.
Binaries with hot massive components are strong X-ray sources. Besides the intrinsic X-ray emission of individual binary members originating in their winds, X-ray emission stems from the accretion on the compact companion or from wind collision. Sinc e hot star winds are driven by the light absorption in the lines of heavier elements, wind acceleration is sensitive to the ionization state. Therefore, the over-ionization induced by external X-ray source strongly influences the winds of individual components. We studied the effect of external X-ray irradiation on hot star winds. We used our kinetic equilibrium (NLTE) wind models to estimate the influence of external X-ray ionization for different X-ray luminosities and source distances. The models are calculated for parameters typical of O stars. The influence of X-rays is given by the X-ray luminosity, by the optical depth between a given point and the X-ray source, and by a distance to the X-ray source. Therefore, the results can be interpreted in the diagrams of X-ray luminosity vs.~the optical depth parameter. X-rays are negligible in binaries with low X-ray luminosities or at large distances from the X-ray source. The influence of X-rays is stronger for higher X-ray luminosities and in closer proximity of the X-ray source. There is a forbidden area with high X-ray luminosities and low optical depth parameters, where the X-ray ionization leads to wind inhibition. There is excellent agreement between the positions of observed stars in these diagrams and our predictions. All wind-powered high-mass X-ray binary (HMXB) primaries lie outside the forbidden area. Many of them lie close to the border of the forbidden area, indicating that their X-ray luminosities are self-regulated. We discuss the implications of our work for other binary types.
69 - S. Rosu , G. Rauw , K. E. Conroy 2020
The eccentric massive binary HD152248 (also known as V1007 Sco), which hosts two O7.5 III-II(f) stars, is the most emblematic eclipsing O-star binary in the very young and rich open cluster NGC6231. Its properties render the system an interesting tar get for studying tidally induced apsidal motion. Measuring the rate of apsidal motion in such a binary system gives insight into the internal structure and evolutionary state of the stars composing it. A large set of optical spectra was used to reconstruct the spectra of the individual binary components and establish their radial velocities using a disentangling code. Radial velocities measured over seven decades were used to establish the rate of apsidal motion. We furthermore analysed the reconstructed spectra with the CMFGEN model atmosphere code to determine stellar and wind properties of the system. Optical photometry was analysed with the Nightfall binary star code. A complete photometric and radial velocity model was constructed in PHOEBE 2 to determine robust uncertainties. We find a rate of apsidal motion of $(1.843^{+0.064}_{-0.083})deg$ yr$^{-1}$. The photometric data indicate an orbital inclination of $(67.6^{+0.2}_{-0.1})deg$ and Roche-lobe filling factors of both stars of about 0.86. Absolute masses of $29.5^{+0.5}_{-0.4}$M$_odot$ and mean stellar radii of $15.07^{+0.08}_{-0.12}$R$_odot$ are derived for both stars. We infer an observational value for the internal structure constant of both stars of $0.0010pm0.0001$. Our in-depth analysis of the massive binary HD152248 and the redetermination of its fundamental parameters can serve as a basis for the construction of stellar evolution models to determine theoretical rates of apsidal motion to be compared with the observational one. In addition, the system hosts two twin stars, which offers a unique opportunity to obtain direct insight into the internal structure of the stars.
96 - G. Rauw , S. Rosu , A. Noels 2016
Massive binary systems are important laboratories in which to probe the properties of massive stars and stellar physics in general. In this context, we analysed optical spectroscopy and photometry of the eccentric short-period early-type binary HD 15 2218 in the young open cluster NGC 6231. We reconstructed the spectra of the individual stars using a separating code. The individual spectra were then compared with synthetic spectra obtained with the CMFGEN model atmosphere code. We furthermore analysed the light curve of the binary and used it to constrain the orbital inclination and to derive absolute masses of 19.8 +/- 1.5 and 15.0 +/- 1.1 solar masses. Combining radial velocity measurements from over 60 years, we show that the system displays apsidal motion at a rate of (2.04^{+.23}_{-.24}) degree/year. Solving the Clairaut-Radau equation, we used stellar evolution models, obtained with the CLES code, to compute the internal structure constants and to evaluate the theoretically predicted rate of apsidal motion as a function of stellar age and primary mass. In this way, we determine an age of 5.8 +/- 0.6 Myr for HD 152218, which is towards the higher end of, but compatible with, the range of ages of the massive star population of NGC 6231 as determined from isochrone fitting.
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