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Electronic correlations in Fe at Earths inner core conditions: effect of doping with Ni

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 نشر من قبل Leonid Pourovskii
 تاريخ النشر 2014
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We have studied the body-centered cubic (bcc), face-centered cubic (fcc) and hexagonal close-packed (hcp) phases of Fe alloyed with 25 at. % of Ni at Earths core conditions using an ab initio local density approximation + dynamical mean-field theory (LDA+DMFT) approach. The alloys have been modeled by ordered crystal structures based on the bcc, fcc, and hcp unit cells with minimum possible cell size allowing for the proper composition. Our calculations demonstrate that the strength of electronic correlations on the Fe 3d shell is highly sensitive to the phase and local environment. In the bcc phase the 3d electrons at the Fe site with Fe only nearest neighbors remain rather strongly correlated even at extreme pressure-temperature conditions, with the local and uniform magnetic susceptibility exhibiting a Curie-Weiss-like temperature evolution and the quasi-particle lifetime {Gamma} featuring a non-Fermi-liquid temperature dependence. In contrast, for the corresponding Fe site in the hcp phase we predict a weakly-correlated Fermi-liquid state with a temperature-independent local susceptibility and a quadratic temperature dependence of {Gamma}. The iron sites with nickel atoms in the local environment exhibit behavior in the range between those two extreme cases, with the strength of correlations gradually increasing along the hcp-fcc-bcc sequence. Further, the inter-site magnetic interactions in the bcc and hcp phases are also strongly affected by the presence of Ni nearest neighbors. The sensitivity to the local environment is related to modifications of the Fe partial density of states due to mixing with Ni 3d-states.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

We employ state-of-the-art ab initio simulations within the dynamical mean-field theory to study three likely phases of iron (hexogonal close-packed, hcp, face centered cubic, fcc, and body centered cubic, bcc) at the Earths core conditions. We demon strate that the correction to the electronic free energy due to correlations can be significant for the relative stability of the phases. The strongest effect is observed in bcc Fe, which shows a non-Fermi liquid behaviour, and where a Curie-Weiss behaviour of the uniform susceptbility hints at a local magnetic moment still existing at 5800 K and 300 GPa. We predict that all three structures have sufficiently high magnetic susceptibility to stabilize the geodynamo.
The transport properties of iron under Earths inner core conditions are essential input for the geophysical modelling but are poorly constrained experimentally. Here we show that the thermal and electrical conductivity of iron at those conditions rem ains high even if the electron-electron-scattering (EES) is properly taken into account. This result is obtained by ab initio simulations taking into account consistently both thermal disorder and electronic correlations. Thermal disorder suppresses the non-Fermi-liquid behavior of the body-centered cubic iron phase, hence, reducing the EES; the total calculated thermal conductivity of this phase is 220 Wm$^{-1}$K$^{-1}$ with the EES reduction not exceeding 20%. The EES and electron-lattice scattering are intertwined resulting in breaking of the Matthiessens rule with increasing EES. In the hexagonal close-packed iron the EES is also not increased by thermal disorder and remains weak. Our main finding thus holds for the both likely iron phases in the inner core.
We discuss the role of dynamical many-electron effects in the physics of iron and iron-rich solid alloys under applied pressure on the basis of recent ab initio studies employing the dynamical mean-field theory (DMFT). Electronic correlations in iron in the moderate pressure range up to 60 GPa are discussed in the first section. DMFT-based methods predict an enhancement of electronic correlations at the pressure-induced transition from body-centered cubic (bcc) alpha-Fe to hexagonal close-packed (hcp) epsilon-Fe. In particular, the electronic effective mass, scattering rate and electron-electron contribution to the electrical resistivity undergo a step-wise increase at the transition point. One also finds a significant many-body correction to the epsilon-Fe equation of state, thus clarifying the origin of discrepancies between previous DFT studies and experiment. An electronic topological transition is predicted to be induced in epsilon-Fe by many-electron effects; its experimental signatures are analyzed. Next section focuses on the geophysically relevant pressure-temperature regime of the Earths inner core (EIC) corresponding to the extreme pressure of 360 GPa combined with temperatures up to 6000 K. The three iron allotropes (bcc, hcp and face-centered-cubic) previously proposed as possible stable phases at such conditions are found to exhibit qualitatively different many-electron effects as evidenced by a strongly non-Fermi-liquid metallic state of bcc-Fe and an almost perfect Fermi liquid in the case of hcp-Fe. A recent active discussion on the electronic state and transport properties of hcp-Fe at the EIC conditions is reviewed in details. We also discuss the impact of a Ni admixture, which is expected to be present in the core matter. We conclude by outlining some limitation of the present DMFT-based framework and perspective directions for further development.
CoSn is a Pauli paramagnet with relatively flat d-bands centered about 100 meV below the Fermi energy Ef. Single crystals of CoSn lightly doped with Fe, In, or Ni are investigated using x-ray and neutron scattering, magnetic susceptibility and magnet ization, ac susceptibility, specific heat and resistivity measurements. Within the rigid band approximation, hole doping with a few percent of Fe or In should move the flat bands closer to Ef, whereas electron doping with Ni should move the flat bands further away from Ef. We provide evidence that this indeed occurs. Fe and In doping drive CoSn toward magnetism, while Ni doping suppresses CoSns already weak magnetic response. The resulting ground state is different for Fe versus In doping. For Fe-doped crystals, Co1-xFexSn, with 0.02 < x < 0.27, the magnetic and specific heat data are consistent with the formation of a spin glass, with a glass transition temperature, Tg, ranging from 1 K for x=0.02 to 10 K for x= 0.27. Powder and single crystal neutron diffraction found no evidence of long-range magnetic order below Tg with x = 0.17. For In-doped crystals, CoSn1-yIny, both the magnetic susceptibility and the Sommerfeld coefficient, gamma, increase substantially relative to pure CoSn, but with no clear indication of a magnetic transition for 0.05 < y < 0.2. CoSn crystals doped with Ni (Co0.93Ni0.07Sn) have a significantly smaller magnetic susceptibility and gamma than pure CoSn, consistent with the flat bands further from Ef.
We discuss the momentum redistribution along nearest and next nearest neighbour bond axes of Fe and Ni, using the Shannon entropy formula. We find that within the combined Density Functional and Dynamical Mean Field Theory weight redistribution takes place towards lower momenta as a function of the local Coulomb parameter U . This effect is more pronounced for Fe than Ni.
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