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Gross-Neveu model with Borici-Creutz fermion

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 نشر من قبل Dipankar Chakrabarti
 تاريخ النشر 2014
  مجال البحث
والبحث باللغة English

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We investigate the chiral phase structure of the Gross-Neveu model on a 2-D lattice using the Borici-Creutz fermion action. We present a strong coupling analysis of the Gross-Neveu model and perform a hybrid Monte Carlo simulation of the model with Borici-Creutz fermions. Both analytic and lattice results show a second order chiral phase transition.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

Minimally doubled fermion proposed by Creutz and Borici is a promising chiral fermion formulation on lattice. In this work, we present excited state mass spectroscopy for the meson bound states in Gross-Neveu model using Borici-Creutz fermion. We als o evaluate the effective fermion mass as a function of coupling constant which shows a chiral phase transition at strong coupling. The lowest lying meson in 2-dimensional QED is also obtained using Borici-Creutz fermion.
Mixed action lattice QCD with Borici-Creutz valence quarks on staggered sea is investigated. The counter terms in Borici-Creutz action are fixed nonperturbatively to restore the broken parity and time symmetries. On symmetry restoration, the usual si gnatures of partial quenching / unitarity violation like negative scalar correlator are observed. The size of unitarity violation due to different discretization of valence and sea quark is determined by measuring $Delta_{rm mix}$ and is found to be comparable with other mixed action studies.
Minimally doubled fermion proposed by Creutz and Borici is a promising chiral fermion formulation on lattice. In this work, we present excited state mass spectroscopy for the meson bound states in Gross-Neveu model using Borici-Creutz fermion. We als o evaluate the effective fermion mass as a function of coupling constant which shows a chiral phase transition at strong coupling. The lowest lying meson in 2-dimensional QED is also obtained using Borici-Creutz fermion.
We study the two-dimensional lattice Gross--Neveu model with Wilson twisted mass fermions in order to explore the phase structure in this setup. In particular, we investigate the behaviour of the phase transitions found earlier with standard Wilson f ermions as a function of the twisted mass parameter $mu$. We find that qualitatively the dependence of the phase transitions on $mu$ is very similar to the case of lattice QCD.
We construct a Hamiltonian lattice regularisation of the $N$-flavour Gross-Neveu model that manifestly respects the full $mathsf{O}(2N)$ symmetry, preventing the appearance of any unwanted marginal perturbations to the quantum field theory. In the co ntext of this lattice model, the dynamical mass generation is intimately related to the Coleman-Mermin-Wagner and Lieb-Schultz-Mattis theorem. In particular, the model can be interpreted as lying at the first order phase transition line between a trivial and symmetry-protected topological (SPT) phase, which explains the degeneracy of the elementary kink excitations. We show that our Hamiltonian model can be solved analytically in the large $N$ limit, producing the correct expression for the mass gap. Furthermore, we perform extensive numerical matrix product state simulations for $N=2$, thereby recovering the emergent Lorentz symmetry and the proper non-perturbative mass gap scaling in the continuum limit. Finally, our simulations also reveal how the continuum limit manifests itself in the entanglement spectrum. As expected from conformal field theory we find two conformal towers, one tower spanned by the linear representations of $mathsf{O}(4)$, corresponding to the trivial phase, and the other by the projective (i.e. spinor) representations, corresponding to the SPT phase.
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