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Search for Majoron-emitting modes of double-beta decay of $^{136}$Xe with EXO-200

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 نشر من قبل Igor Ostrovskiy
 تاريخ النشر 2014
  مجال البحث
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EXO-200 is a single phase liquid xenon detector designed to search for neutrinoless double-beta decay of $^{136}$Xe. Here we report on a search for various Majoron-emitting modes based on 100 kg$cdot$yr exposure of $^{136}$Xe. A lower limit of $T^{^{136}Xe}_{1/2} >1.2 cdot 10^{24}$ yr at 90% C.L. on the half-life of the spectral index = 1 Majoron decay was obtained, corresponding to a constraint on the Majoron-neutrino coupling constant of $|< g^{M}_{ee} >|<$ (0.8-1.7)$cdot$10$^{-5}$.

قيم البحث

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A search for Majoron-emitting modes of the neutrinoless double-beta decay of $^{136}$Xe is performed with the full EXO-200 dataset. This dataset consists of a total $^{136}$Xe exposure of 234.1 kg$cdot$yr, and includes data with detector upgrades tha t have improved the energy threshold relative to previous searches. A lower limit of T$_{1/2}^{rm{^{136}Xe}}>$4.3$cdot$10$^{24}$ yr at 90% C.L. on the half-life of the spectral index $n=1$ Majoron decay was obtained, a factor of 3.6 more stringent than the previous limit from EXO-200, corresponding to a constraint on the Majoron-neutrino coupling constant of $|langle g_{ee}^{M}rangle|$$<(0.4$-$0.9)cdot10^{-5}$. The lower threshold and the additional data taken resulted in a factor 8.4 improvement for the $n=7$ mode compared to the previous EXO search. This search provides the most stringent limits to-date on the Majoron-emitting decays of $^{136}$Xe with spectral indices $n=1,2,3,$ and 7.
We report on a search for neutrinoless double-beta decay of $^{136}$Xe with EXO-200. No signal is observed for an exposure of 32.5 kg-yr, with a background of ~1.5 x 10^{-3} /(kg yr keV) in the $pm 1sigma$ region of interest. This sets a lower limit on the half-life of the neutrinoless double-beta decay $T_{1/2}^{0 ubetabeta}$($^{136}$Xe) > 1.6 x 10$^{25}$ yr (90% CL), corresponding to effective Majorana masses of less than 140-380 meV, depending on the matrix element calculation.
We report the observation of two-neutrino double-beta decay in Xe-136 with T_1/2 = 2.11 +- 0.04 (stat.) +- 0.21 (sys.) x 10^21 yr. This second order process, predicted by the Standard Model, has been observed for several nuclei but not for Xe-136. Th e observed decay rate provides new input to matrix element calculations and to the search for the more interesting neutrino-less double-beta decay, the most sensitive probe for the existence of Majorana particles and the measurement of the neutrino mass scale.
Searches for double beta decay of $^{134}$Xe were performed with EXO-200, a single-phase liquid xenon detector designed to search for neutrinoless double beta decay of $^{136}$Xe. Using an exposure of $29.6text{ kg}!cdot!text{yr}$, the lower limits o f $text{T}_{1/2}^{2 ubeta!beta}>8.7cdot10^{20}text{ yr}$ and $text{T}_{1/2}^{0 ubeta!beta}>1.1cdot10^{23}text{ yr}$ at 90% confidence level were derived, with corresponding half-life sensitivities of $1.2cdot10^{21}text{ yr}$ and $1.9cdot10^{23}text{ yr}$. These limits exceed those in the literature for $^{134}$Xe, improving by factors of nearly $10^{5}$ and 2 for the two antineutrino and neutrinoless modes, respectively.
We report the Neutrino-less Double Beta Decay (NLDBD) search results from PandaX-II dual-phase liquid xenon time projection chamber. The total live time used in this analysis is 403.1 days from June 2016 to August 2018. With NLDBD-optimized event sel ection criteria, we obtain a fiducial mass of 219 kg of natural xenon. The accumulated xenon exposure is 242 kg$cdot$yr, or equivalently 22.2 kg$cdot$yr of $^{136}$Xe exposure. At the region around $^{136}$Xe decay Q-value of 2458 keV, the energy resolution of PandaX-II is 4.2%. We find no evidence of NLDBD in PandaX-II and establish a lower limit for decay half-life of 2.4 $ times 10^{23} $ yr at the 90% confidence level, which corresponds to an effective Majorana neutrino mass $m_{beta beta} < (1.3 - 3.5)$ eV. This is the first NLDBD result reported from a dual-phase xenon experiment.
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