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Predictions of tertiary stuctures of $alpha$-helical membrane proteins by replica-exchange method with consideration of helix deformations

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 نشر من قبل Yuko Okamoto
 تاريخ النشر 2014
  مجال البحث علم الأحياء فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف Ryo Urano -

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We propose an improved prediction method of the tertiary structures of $alpha$-helical membrane proteins based on the replica-exchange method by taking into account helix deformations. Our method allows wide applications because transmembrane helices of native membrane proteins are often distorted. In order to test the effectiveness of the present method, we applied it to the structure predictions of glycophorin A and phospholamban. The results were in accord with experiments.

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90 - Sheng Wang , Zhen Li , Yizhou Yu 2017
Computational elucidation of membrane protein (MP) structures is challenging partially due to lack of sufficient solved structures for homology modeling. Here we describe a high-throughput deep transfer learning method that first predicts MP contacts by learning from non-membrane proteins (non-MPs) and then predicting three-dimensional structure models using the predicted contacts as distance restraints. Tested on 510 non-redundant MPs, our method has contact prediction accuracy at least 0.18 better than existing methods, predicts correct folds for 218 MPs (TMscore at least 0.6), and generates three-dimensional models with RMSD less than 4 Angstrom and 5 Angstrom for 57 and 108 MPs, respectively. A rigorous blind test in the continuous automated model evaluation (CAMEO) project shows that our method predicted high-resolution three-dimensional models for two recent test MPs of 210 residues with RMSD close to 2 Angstrom. We estimated that our method could predict correct folds for between 1,345 and 1,871 reviewed human multi-pass MPs including a few hundred new folds, which shall facilitate the discovery of drugs targeting at membrane proteins.
186 - Yoshitake Sakae 2015
We combined the genetic crossover, which is one of the operations of genetic algorithm, and replica-exchange method in parallel molecular dynamics simulations. The genetic crossover and replica-exchange method can search the global conformational spa ce by exchanging the corresponding parts between a pair of conformations of a protein. In this study, we applied this method to an $alpha$-helical protein, Trp-cage mini protein, which has 20 amino-acid residues. The conformations obtained from the simulations are in good agreement with the experimental results.
266 - Zhen Li , Sheng Wang , Yizhou Yu 2017
Computational prediction of membrane protein (MP) structures is very challenging partially due to lack of sufficient solved structures for homology modeling. Recently direct evolutionary coupling analysis (DCA) sheds some light on protein contact pre diction and accordingly, contact-assisted folding, but DCA is effective only on some very large-sized families since it uses information only in a single protein family. This paper presents a deep transfer learning method that can significantly improve MP contact prediction by learning contact patterns and complex sequence-contact relationship from thousands of non-membrane proteins (non-MPs). Tested on 510 non-redundant MPs, our deep model (learned from only non-MPs) has top L/10 long-range contact prediction accuracy 0.69, better than our deep model trained by only MPs (0.63) and much better than a representative DCA method CCMpred (0.47) and the CASP11 winner MetaPSICOV (0.55). The accuracy of our deep model can be further improved to 0.72 when trained by a mix of non-MPs and MPs. When only contacts in transmembrane regions are evaluated, our method has top L/10 long-range accuracy 0.62, 0.57, and 0.53 when trained by a mix of non-MPs and MPs, by non-MPs only, and by MPs only, respectively, still much better than MetaPSICOV (0.45) and CCMpred (0.40). All these results suggest that sequence-structure relationship learned by our deep model from non-MPs generalizes well to MP contact prediction. Improved contact prediction also leads to better contact-assisted folding. Using only top predicted contacts as restraints, our deep learning method can fold 160 and 200 of 510 MPs with TMscore>0.6 when trained by non-MPs only and by a mix of non-MPs and MPs, respectively, while CCMpred and MetaPSICOV can do so for only 56 and 77 MPs, respectively. Our contact-assisted folding also greatly outperforms homology modeling.
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