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Secure Multipath Routing Scheme using Key Pre-Distribution in Wireless Sensor Networks

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 نشر من قبل Kamal Kumar
 تاريخ النشر 2014
  مجال البحث الهندسة المعلوماتية
والبحث باللغة English

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Multipath routing in WSN has been a long wish in security scenario where nodes on next-hop may be targeted to compromise. Many proposals of Multipath routing has been proposed in ADHOC Networks but under constrained from keying environment most seems ignorant. In WSN where crucial data is reported by nodes in deployment area to their securely located Sink, route security has to be guaranteed. Under dynamic load and selective attacks, availability of multiple secure paths is a boon and increases the attacker efforts by many folds. We propose to build a subset of neighbors as our front towards destination node. We also identified forwarders for query by base station. The front is optimally calculated to maintain the security credential and avail multiple paths. According to our knowledge ours is first secure multipath routing protocol for WSN. We established effectiveness of our proposal with mathematical analysis

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اقرأ أيضاً

216 - Moufida Maimour 2008
In wireless sensor networks, bandwidth is one of precious resources to multimedia applications. To get more bandwidth, multipath routing is one appropriate solution provided that inter-path interferences are minimized. In this paper, we address the p roblem of interfering paths in the context of wireless multimedia sensor networks and consider both intra-session as well as inter-session interferences. Our main objective is to provide necessary bandwidth to multimedia applications through non-interfering paths while increasing the network lifetime. To do so, we adopt an incremental approach where for a given session, only one path is built at once. Additional paths are built when required, typically in case of congestion or bandwidth shortage. Interference awareness and energy saving are achieved by switching a subset of sensor nodes in a {em passive state} in which they do not take part in the routing process. Despite the routing overhead introduced by the incremental approach we adopt, our simulations show that this can be compensated by the overall achieved throughput and the amount of consumed energy per correctly received packet especially for relatively long sessions such as multimedia ones. This is mainly due to the fact that a small number of non-interfering paths allows for better performances than a large number of interfering ones.
279 - Moufida Maimour 2008
Wireless sensor networks hold a great potential in the deployment of several applications of a paramount importance in our daily life. Video sensors are able to improve a number of these applications where new approaches adapted to both wireless sens or networks and video transport specific characteristics are required. The aim of this work is to provide the necessary bandwidth and to alleviate the congestion problem to video streaming. In this paper, we investigate various load repartition strategies for congestion control mechanism on top of a multipath routing feature. Simulations are performed in order to get insight into the performances of our proposals.
156 - Vishnu B , Abhishek Sinha 2021
This paper considers the problem of secure packet routing at the maximum achievable rate in a Quantum key distribution (QKD) network. Assume that a QKD protocol generates symmetric private keys for secure communication over each link in a multi-hop n etwork. The quantum key generation process, which is affected by noise, is assumed to be modeled by a stochastic counting process. Packets are first encrypted with the available quantum keys for each hop and then transmitted on a point-to-point basis over the communication links. A fundamental problem that arises in this setting is to design a secure and capacity-achieving routing policy that accounts for the time-varying availability of the quantum keys for encryption and finite link capacities for transmission. In this paper, by combining the QKD protocol with the Universal Max Weight (UMW) routing policy, we design a new secure throughput-optimal routing policy, called Tandem Queue Decomposition (TQD). TQD solves the problem of secure routing efficiently for a wide class of traffic, including unicast, broadcast, and multicast. One of our main contributions in this paper is to show that the problem can be reduced to the usual generalized network flow problem on a transformed network without the key availability constraints. Simulation results show that the proposed policy incurs a substantially smaller delay as compared to the state-of-the-art routing and key management policies. The proof of throughput-optimality of the proposed policy makes use of the Lyapunov stability theory along with a careful treatment of the key-storage dynamics.
One of the limitations of wireless sensor nodes is their inherent limited energy resource. Besides maximizing the lifetime of the sensor node, it is preferable to distribute the energy dissipated throughout the wireless sensor network in order to min imize maintenance and maximize overall system performance. Any communication protocol that involves synchronization of peer nodes incurs some overhead for setting up the communication. We introduce a new algorithm, e3D (energy-efficient Distributed Dynamic Diffusion routing algorithm), and compare it to two other algorithms, namely directed, and random clustering communication. We take into account the setup costs and analyze the energy-efficiency and the useful lifetime of the system. In order to better understand the characteristics of each algorithm and how well e3D really performs, we also compare e3D with its optimum counterpart and an optimum clustering algorithm. The benefit of introducing these ideal algorithms is to show the upper bound on performance at the cost of an astronomical prohibitive synchronization costs. We compare the algorithms in terms of system lifetime, power dissipation distribution, cost of synchronization, and simplicity of the algorithm. Our simulation results show that e3D performs comparable to its optimal counterpart while having significantly less overhead.
103 - Ioan Raicu 2004
One of the limitations of wireless sensor nodes is their inherent limited energy resource. Besides maximizing the lifetime of the sensor node, it is preferable to distribute the energy dissipated throughout the wireless sensor network in order to min imize maintenance and maximize overall system performance. We investigate a new routing algorithm that uses diffusion in order to achieve relatively even power dissipation throughout a wireless sensor network by making good local decisions. We leverage from concepts of peer-to-peer networks in which the system acts completely decentralized and all nodes in the network are equal peers. Our algorithm utilizes the node load, power levels, and spatial information in order to make the optimal routing decision. According to our preliminary experimental results, our proposed algorithm performs well according to its goals.
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